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The Mueller Report thread
(06-14-2019, 08:53 PM)Dill Wrote: Chris Cuomo equated Hillary's request for campaign research with the Trump campaign's efforts to work with Russia?

Nope. By pure chance, I saw that bit, and Cuomo argued it wasn't the same. I figured that was Baker's point. So I'm not sure if you two are even on different sides of the argument? He said what Hillary did was not illegal, while what Trump did/would do clearly is.
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(06-14-2019, 03:51 PM)BakertheBeast Wrote: Are you saying Chris Cumo is wrong? Hillary not responding was after the fact of what I posted. I'm just repleting what I seen on TV last night. Is that allowed here?

Sorry Baker, I may have misread you.

I took this statement--

"Getting help from a foreign government for FREE is considered receiving something of value which could compromise the potential candidate (illegal)--

as descriptive of Hillary's research opposition, which, free or not, could not be classified as "help from a foreign government."

My mistake.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-14-2019, 09:13 PM)hollodero Wrote: Nope. By pure chance, I saw that bit, and Cuomo argued it wasn't the same. I figured that was Baker's point. So I'm not sure if you two are even on different sides of the argument? He said what Hillary did was not illegal, while what Trump did/would do clearly is.

Thanks for clarifying that. ThumbsUp
(06-17-2019, 11:58 AM)Dill Wrote: Sorry Baker, I may have misread you.

I took this statement--

"Getting help from a foreign government for FREE is considered receiving something of value which could compromise the potential candidate (illegal)--

as descriptive of Hillary's research opposition, which, free or not, could not be classified as "help from a foreign government."

My mistake.
NP, Dill. I probably didn't repeat what Cuomo said as clearly as I should have. ThumbsUp
I posted this in the memes thread but I think it needs to go here too.

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Guess we can leave this little nugget here too.

Has it ever happened that the Head of the DOJ interfered for one criminal like this?

Quote:Paul Manafort Seemed Headed to Rikers. Then the Justice Department Intervened.

The decision came after Attorney General William Barr’s top deputy sent a letter to state prosecutors. Mr. Manafort will now be held in a federal lockup while he faces state charges.

Paul J. Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman who is serving a federal prison sentence, had been expected to be transferred to the notorious Rikers Island jail complex this month to await trial on a separate state case.

But last week, Manhattan prosecutors were surprised to receive a letter from the second-highest law enforcement official in the country inquiring about Mr. Manafort’s case. The letter, from Jeffrey A. Rosen, 
Attorney General William P. Barr’s new top deputy, indicated that he was monitoring where Mr. Manafort would be held in New York.

And then, on Monday, federal prison officials weighed in, telling the Manhattan district attorney’s office that Mr. Manafort, 70, would not be going to Rikers.

Instead, he will await his trial at a federal lockup in Manhattan or at the Pennsylvania federal prison where he is serving a seven-and-a-half-year sentence for wide-ranging financial schemes, according to people with knowledge of the matter.

A senior Justice Department official said that the department believed Mr. Manafort’s treatment was appropriate, but several former and current prosecutors said the decision was highly unusual. Most federal inmates facing state charges are held on Rikers Island.

The intervention of Mr. Rosen was just the latest twist in the case of Mr. Manafort, whose campaign work for Mr. Trump and political consulting in Ukraine put him in the cross hairs of a two-year investigation into Russian influence in the 2016 election.

He was convicted last year of financial fraud in two separate federal cases that came out of the investigation, which was led by the former special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III.

While that might have been the end of his criminal problems, in March, he was indicted on 16 New York state felonies, including mortgage fraud and falsifying records to obtain millions of dollars in loans. The indictment, which was based on some of the same actions in one of the federal cases, was brought by the office of the 
Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., in an effort to ensure Mr. Manafort would still face prison time if Mr. Trump pardoned him for his federal crimes.

Mr. Manafort is set to be arraigned next week in State Supreme Court in Manhattan.

He had been expected to be held on Rikers Island, which has long been plagued by violence and mismanagement, prompting efforts to close it. Officials there had said Mr. Manafort likely would have been held in protective custody for his own safety, isolated from the general population and under heavy guard.

Federal prison officials told Manhattan prosecutors on Monday that Mr. Manafort had been transferred to the Metropolitan Correctional Center, a federal detention center in Lower Manhattan, in anticipation of his arraignment, according to a person with knowledge of the matter.

He could be held there while he awaits trial, or he could return to the federal prison in Loretto, Penn., where he is serving his sentence, and be brought to New York for pretrial hearings, according to the people with knowledge of the matter.

The former Justice Department officials and current state prosecutors, who regularly handled the transfer of federal inmates to state custody, said they were surprised that the second-highest official in the Justice 

Department would take an interest in the case. The decision is usually made by the warden at the prison where the inmate is being held.

Justice Department officials were unable to say who made the decision in Mr. Manafort’s case; the Bureau of Prisons, which is part of the Justice Department, did not respond to a request for comment.

Todd Blanche, a lawyer for Mr. Manafort, acknowledged that the involvement of the deputy attorney general and the decision not to hold his client on Rikers was atypical. But he said the case itself was also unusual: Mr. Manafort, he argued, should not be facing state charges for behavior that was the subject of two federal convictions.

“You’ll find no example of someone like Mr. Manafort being prosecuted by the feds and then by the district attorney for exactly the same conduct,” Mr. Blanche said.

A spokesman for Mr. Vance’s office declined to comment.

The question of Mr. Manafort’s detention was one of the first high-profile matters to be undertaken by Mr. Rosen, who was confirmed as the deputy attorney general on May 16, one day before Mr. Manafort’s attorney asked the Bureau of Prisons to keep his client out of Rikers.

In the weeks after his client was charged, Mr. Blanche objected to Mr. Manafort being held at Rikers. In a May 17 letter, he asked the warden at the federal prison in Pennsylvania not to approve New York’s request that Mr. Manafort be transferred to state custody, citing his age and health issues.

In the letter, a copy of which was reviewed by The New York Times, Mr. Blanche also criticized the charges against his client, arguing that they were “a blatant violation” of New York’s double jeopardy laws and calling the case “politics at its worst.” The district attorney’s office has said it is confident the charges will stand.

Mr. Blanche also said in his letter that the New York prosecutors were “insisting that Mr. Manafort remain on Rikers Island, likely in solitary confinement, pending trial.”

While Mr. Blanche’s letter indicated that copies were sent to Mr. Vance by email and registered mail, other correspondence and people with knowledge of the matter indicated Mr. Vance’s office did not receive the letter.

Instead, Mr. Rosen wrote to Mr. Vance last week, asking whether his office was going to respond.

A senior Justice Department official said that the Bureau of Prisons had been keeping the Justice Department apprised of Mr. Manafort’s situation, given the high-profile nature of his case. Mr. Rosen sought Mr. Vance’s response largely because of these briefings, the official said.

Mr. Vance replied on Friday, dismissing what he called Mr. Blanche’s “gratuitous claims” that the prosecution was politically motivated and violated double jeopardy protections. He said those arguments were irrelevant to a routine discussion about where Mr. Manafort would be held.

In his letter, Mr. Vance said New York prosecutors took no position on whether Mr. Manafort should be held at Rikers, but that keeping him in Pennsylvania did not appear to be a legitimate option under the law and was not consistent with how other inmates had been treated.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Something? Nothing?

Quote:AG Bill Barr killed 7 Robert Mueller investigations — 10 days after he submitted his report

Attorney General Bill Barr killed seven different investigations started by special counsel Robert Mueller just ten days after he submitted his report.

CNN’s Katelyn Polantz had filed a request to unseal documents related to the special counsel’s investigation and on Monday the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia agreed.

Chief Judge Beryl A Howell ordered the release of multiple documents, including Attachment B, which listed information on applications for court orders requested by Mueller.

The 65-page document shows seven cases that were closed on April Fools Day — only ten days after Mueller submitted his report.

The document reveals the orders involved the companies AT&T, Twitter and Facebook.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Too much covering up for someone who claims to be innocent.
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Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(06-25-2019, 09:46 AM)GMDino Wrote: Something? Nothing?

At the very least, you'd think he'd have to justify those actions.
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(06-25-2019, 09:46 AM)GMDino Wrote: Something? Nothing?

Good bye Cohen.  Hello Barr! ThumbsUp

Looks like the witch hunt is over.

Should have fired Sessions two years ago!

Now for the investigations into Obama and his FISA warrants, Hillary and Uranium One--and one more chance to get at the bottom of Benghazi!
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Wonder if he'll answer questions?

Quote:The House Judiciary and House Intelligence committees have subpoenaed former special counsel Robert Mueller for his testimony before Congress, according to a press release issued Tuesday evening.
Interested in Russia Investigation?

"Pursuant to subpoenas issued by the House Judiciary and House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence tonight, Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III has agreed to testify before both committees on July 17 in open session," according to the release.

Mueller is expected to sit before both committees in two separate open hearings on July 17, according to congressional aides, with the possibility that some testimony will occur in closed session.

Mueller broke a nearly two-year silence when he made a brief public statement at the Department of Justice in late May.

(MORE: Robert Mueller breaks silence, does not want to testify, says charging Trump 'not an option')

During his comments, Mueller said he had no further plans to speak publicly on matters that were addressed in his over 400-page report.

"The report is my testimony," Mueller said.

(MORE: The Russia probe: A timeline from Moscow to Mueller)

Attorney General William Barr released a redacted version of the Mueller report on April 2018. The report found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, but declined to make a prosecutorial decision on whether the president obstructed justice during the course of the 22-month-long investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

The release of the redacted report elicited near-immediate calls from Democrats, who called for a release of the unredacted documents. Members of the House Judiciary and House Intelligence committees have called for the full report to be shared with Congress.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(06-25-2019, 10:47 PM)GMDino Wrote: Wonder if he'll answer questions?

This is supposed to be an open hearing so it should be televised. Remind me to DVR it. Mueller is a private citizen now so Trump can't stop him from talking with his executive privilege bullcrap.
What will Trumps response be?
witch hunt. lol
DJT is completely unhinged this morning on FOX.

From considering suing google, to claiming Twitter is censoring him to talking about putting a tariff on goods from Vietnam (Which is says is worse than China)'s an old man calling his local radio talk show to complain about the squirrels in his yard.




That's just SOME of it!  LMAO!  
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(06-26-2019, 10:11 AM)GMDino Wrote: DJT is completely unhinged this morning on FOX.

From considering suing google, to claiming Twitter is censoring him to talking about putting a tariff on goods from Vietnam (Which is says is worse than China)'s an old man calling his local radio talk show to complain about the squirrels in his yard.

That old man doesn't have a carrier force in the Gulf right now.

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(06-26-2019, 05:37 AM)BakertheBeast Wrote: This is supposed to be an open hearing so it should be televised. Remind me to DVR it. Mueller is a private citizen now so Trump can't stop him from talking with his executive privilege bullcrap.
What will Trumps response be?
witch hunt. lol

"No one ever heard of this guy, and then I made him!"  LOL
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(06-26-2019, 12:06 PM)Dill Wrote: "No one ever heard of this guy, and then I made him!"  LOL

Jerome Powell's mom followed it up with a call to dispute both points.
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(06-26-2019, 12:04 PM)Dill Wrote: That old man doesn't have a carrier force in the Gulf right now.

[Image: 73403552.jpg]

Dill I knew he was unstable.  Likely to do anything to make himself look good (at least to make him THINK he looks good).  But I'm with you and leaning toward dangerously unstable at this point.

People are attacking his MANHOOD and saying he looks WEAK.

that can't bring good things from a narcissist with a power fetish. 
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(06-26-2019, 12:20 PM)GMDino Wrote: Dill I knew he was unstable.  Likely to do anything to make himself look good (at least to make him THINK he looks good).  But I'm with you and leaning toward dangerously unstable at this point.

People are attacking his MANHOOD and saying he looks WEAK.

that can't bring good things from a narcissist with a power fetish. 

Hold on Dino.

Once Trump trashed the Iran Deal, Iran left us with no choice! LMAO
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Honestly, after almost 3 years the only person he won't attack is Putin.

That should tell us all we need to know.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(06-26-2019, 12:10 PM)Benton Wrote: Jerome Powell's mom followed it up with a call to dispute both points.

He supposedly hires all the best people.


Trump supporters, how can yall keep defending this? Yall think this is strength and leadership? Something is seriously wrong with a big chunk of Americans.

and yall try to shame us by claiming if we don't like this behavior in a POTUS (or heck even a friend) we have some made up syndrome.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22

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