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Nearly 30 dead as multiple mass shootings hit across the US
No, it just showed him echoing talking points of Holocaust deniers that he supports and has on his show.

But that was a good excuse, and exactly why I'm choosing not to play along.

You guys know how Tucker is I'm pretty sure of it. I don't understand why folks would even hang their hat on defending someone like him after all he's said (unless they agree with him, which they secretly do we knew that).

Excuse him if you want, but don't treat us clear minded folks like we somehow are confused by his words and intent. it's not like he dog whistles and leaves anything to interpret. He's pretty clear.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(08-08-2019, 03:44 PM)jj22 Wrote: No, it just showed him echoing talking points of Holocaust deniers that he supports and has on his show.

Were the points that he was echoing that of the Holocaust never having happened?
[Image: giphy.gif]
(08-08-2019, 03:44 PM)jj22 Wrote: You guys know how Tucker is I'm pretty sure of it. I don't understand why folks would even hang their hat on defending someone like him after all he's said  (unless they agree with him, which they secretly do we knew that).

We know how you are too.  Pointing out you made an inaccurate statement about someone is not defending them, it's pointing out your error.  As GM already said, there's plenty to attack Carlson on that isn't in dispute.
If you guys want to ignore him slapping knees sharing and repeating talking points with holocaust deniers on his show while making anti Jew speeches on the side then really so be it. That's you. I don't like Holocaust deniers, those who promote and support Holocaust deniers or those who give anti-Semitic speeches. Try to shame me if you wan for feeling that way, but I never will.

On a side note I am so happy you guys are holding GM up on such a high pedestal. Hopefully you continue to respect and agree with his statements from here on out. You'd be better for it. I consider his rise to prominence in this thread a win for the resistance.

I tip my hat to you GM.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(08-08-2019, 04:26 PM)jj22 Wrote: If you guys want to ignore him slapping knees sharing and repeating  talking points with holocaust deniers on his show while making anti Jew speeches on the side then really so be it. That's you. I don't like Holocaust deniers, those who promote and support Holocaust deniers or those who give anti-Semitic speeches. Try to shame me if you wan for feeling that way, but I never will.

Not ignoring anything. You were asked to prove Tucker Carlson was a holocaust denier. You have yet to do so. 
[Image: giphy.gif]
Again if him sharing and repeating the talking points and arguments of Holocaust deniers on his show wasn't enough, then there's not much more I can do besides provide more links and hear more excuses which I already knew would come. So I said what I said and you won't find me defending or excusing that.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(08-08-2019, 04:48 PM)jj22 Wrote: Again if him sharing and repeating the talking points and arguments of Holocaust deniers on his show wasn't enough

Were one of the talking points and/or arguments that he 'shared and repeated' were that the Holocaust never happened?

That's all you have to do. Show me one time where he states that the Holocaust never happened. 

The only one making excuses is you.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Media Matters offers some help.

Don't know if anyone has posted this yet, but here is a timeline of Carlson's race-themed comments.  Too long for me to look through all of them.

Here is a sample to pique interest, if that is needed.  One theme throughout the timeline is that people who identify racism in the US, especially white racism, are the REAL racists. Lots of script flipping, reverse racism, etc.

April 9, 2019: Carlson claimed that “we’re being invaded” at the southern border and “this is how countries collapse.”

April 9, 2019:
Carlson said acknowledging the voter suppression epidemic is “a terror tactic” used “to whip up racial hysteria.” He said the idea that there is voter suppression in America is “the opposite of the truth.”

April 10, 2019: Carlson said calling out white nationalism is a racist attack on white people and “exactly how you destroy a country.” He said that calling out white nationalists is “attacking people for their race.”

April 23, 2019: Carlson went out of his way to endorse an obscure proposal by the far-right government of Hungary. While hosting Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto on his show, Carlson praised Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s proposal to exempt women with four or more children from paying income tax for life and give them other benefits to assist in child rearing as an example of a country taking “pro-family policies seriously” and called it “a great idea” to address Hungary’s “low birth rate” without “immigration and importing new people.”

April 30, 2019: He claimed The View inspires white nationalist terrorists. After a guest brought up the rise in white nationalist terrorism under Trump, Carlson asked if he had “to attack white people” and said of conversations on the TV show The View, “You don’t think that radicalizes people?”

May 3, 2019: Carlson said banning Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos, and other extremists from Facebook amounts to “fascism.”

May 17, 2019: Carlson claimed Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is “a symbol of America’s failed immigration system” and “hates this country.”

May 20, 2019: Carlson used Affirmative action to claim it’s harder to be white in America than a minority. He claimed that children are being taught that “skin color is the key question about people” and that “some children’s color makes them tainted” because “they have white privilege and must be punished for that.”
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Back to the shooting and its victims and survivors.

DJT's Unity Tour was as awful as he is apparently.

Quote:‘You’ll Be A Movie Star’ — Several Question President’s ‘Patronizing’ Compliments To Hero In El Paso Shooting

As more information is getting released about President Donald Trump’s visit to two American cities where mass shootings occurred over the past weekend — beyond the official video that the chief executive’s staff edited and shared on social media — more and more individuals on social media are striking a critical tone about the president’s behavior and statements.
[Image: trump-oakley.jpg]
Trump lauded an individual, U.S. Army specialist Glendon Oakley, during his visit to El Paso on Wednesday. Oakley is being lauded as a hero for his fast thinking during the shooting, where he saw a group of children nearby, grabbing “as many as possible” to get them to safety. “I just did what I would want another person to do for my children,” Oakley explained later on, per reporting from CBS News.

Trump met with Oakley and other first responders to give his thanks and appreciation. He pointed out Oakley’s heroics, though the president never mentioned him by name.

“And, by the way, here is a great hero. This man — the job he did. You all know who it is. Everybody — the whole world knows who you are now, right?” Trump said, directing his words to Oakley.

“Yes sir,” he responded, per reporting from Yahoo! News.

Trump went on. “So you’ll be a movie star, the way you look. That’ll be — hey, that’ll be next. Who knows, right?”

Several on social media who were aware of the president’s comments called them puzzling, condescending, and patronizing.

Quote:[Image: fQrin-BI_normal.jpg]
[/url]Daniel Dale


 · Aug 8, 2019

Here's the official transcript of Trump's first comments on his "amazing day" of hospital visits in Dayton and El Paso.
[Image: EBa7tH3XkAA_WU1?format=jpg&name=360x360][Image: EBa7tH2WkAI3Dsm?format=jpg&name=360x360]

Quote:[Image: 6zpyXM4__normal.jpg]

And I'm sorry but does anyone else think his comments to the Army private in El Paso are patronizing? I mean saying "you'll be a movie star the way you look..." is just a weird thing to say to someone.

1:50 AM - Aug 8, 2019
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Quote:[Image: 5y_bmjzG_normal.jpg]
M E S@markesauve

You shouldn’t point people out if you don’t know their names. Trump obviously does not know the names of hero PFC Oakley or El Paso Police Chief, Greg Allen. Thinking more about taking swipes at his opponents. (Sorry for poor sound). #ElPasoStrong #WeAreElPaso #ElPasoShooting

[Image: XCRruP3ANy1FLShk?format=jpg&name=small]

8:52 PM - Aug 7, 2019
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Quote:[Image: KuBae6ce_normal.jpg]
Andy H@voicestalktome

 · 23h

Replying to @madameshawshank and 4 others
WTF... Who goes to a hospital to visit people who have survived a racist domestic terrorism incident where dozens died and turns it into a campaign video. Has he no sense of decency? Sorry... typed that last sentence without proofreading it. It should begin ‘He has’ not ‘Has he’.

Quote:[Image: SA_JwGIx_normal.jpg]
joan kunze@madameshawshank

Glendon Oakley is his name. He is courageous. A hero. Trump didn’t say the name while cameras were recording.
[Image: EBcve03VAAAtNTl?format=jpg&name=small]

8:53 AM - Aug 8, 2019
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Quote:[Image: 6bOjVhWx_normal.jpg]
Mystery Solvent@MysterySolvent

Here is a pic of National Hero Glendon Oakley. Trump forgot his name and never said it on tv. I’m sorry the pic isn’t the best. Glendon needs to know, America knows his name, and appreciates his courage in the face of an active shooter with an Assault Weapon! [Image: 2764.png]
[Image: EBZzmp5W4AEBm_2?format=jpg&name=small]

7:13 PM - Aug 7, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy

Criticisms over Trump’s behavior during his trips to Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, this week were not limited to his comments with Oakley, either.

After his visit to a hospital in El Paso, Texas, a hospital worker who spoke with CNN about the president’s interactions said Trump had “an absence of empathy” during his time there.

Trump has also been criticized by individuals outside of the hospital setting for photographing with workers, law enforcement, and others while smiling and giving a thumbs-up signal, [url=] previously reported, inappropriate gestures, many say, in the wake of two mass shooting disasters.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-09-2019, 10:07 AM)GMDino Wrote: Back to the shooting and its victims and survivors.

DJT's Unity Tour was as awful as he is apparently.

The 8 victims still in the hospital declined to meet with him. He made sure to brag about his crowd sizes while there compared to those of "crazy" Beto. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Him smiling and giving the thumbs up while taking a pic with a baby who lost both parents was tone death. As was the whole campaign tour he took.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(08-09-2019, 11:00 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: The 8 victims still in the hospital declined to meet with him. He made sure to brag about his crowd sizes while there compared to those of "crazy" Beto. 

To paraphrase something I read once:  Trump is exactly what the right loves to hate: He is always the victim, he always accuses others of things he does himself.

(08-09-2019, 11:07 AM)jj22 Wrote: Him smiling and giving the thumbs up while taking a pic with a baby who lost both parents was tone death. As was the whole campaign tour he took.

"tone deaf".

But I agree.  He doesn't understand the difference between a photo-op with Kid Rock and Ted Nugent vs with victim of a mass shooting.  I truly believe if they stood him next to a tombstone he'd pose the same way.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
I think it is odd the government monitors the sale of Sudafed, but not guns.
(08-09-2019, 02:34 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I think it is odd the government monitors the sale of Sudafed, but not guns.

The government does monitor the sale of guns.
(08-09-2019, 02:45 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: The government does monitor the sale of guns.

Police departments can't even track the sales of their own service weapons to civilians, but CVS can tell you the name and address of who bought Sudafed, where they bought it, the amount, the date, and even the time of day in a searchable electronic data base and they maintain those records for two years for each individual sale.

I guess I should have wrote I find it odd the government maintains a database of Sudafed buyers, but not gun buyers.
(08-09-2019, 03:18 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Police departments can't even track the sales of their own service weapons to civilians, but CVS can tell you the name and address of who bought Sudafed, where they bought it, the amount, the date, and even the time of day in a searchable electronic data base and they maintain those records for two years for each individual sale.

I guess I should have wrote I find it odd the government maintains a database of Sudafed buyers, but not gun buyers.

Police departments sell old service weapons to civilians in your area with no NICS check?
(08-09-2019, 03:51 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Police departments sell old service weapons to civilians in your area with no NICS check?

I don't know. I don't know if those sales are exempt from background checks like other private sales that don't involve a licensed dealer. I do know concealed carry permit holders are exempt from background checks where I live and there is no requirement to verify their identification documents or if there still eligible for a concealed carry permit.

Point being CVS can tell who purchased Sudafed with a few key strokes because they are required to keep a database. And if the ATF needs to trace a gun for law enforcement they have to search through rows of shipping containers each storing thousands of boxes containing an untold number of sales documents to original owners only by hand.

Which means they're coming for our Sudafed!
(08-09-2019, 10:13 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: I don't know. I don't know if those sales are exempt from background checks like other private sales that don't involve a licensed dealer. I do know concealed carry permit holders are exempt from background checks where I live and there is no requirement to verify their identification documents or if there still eligible for a concealed carry permit.

Point being CVS can tell who purchased Sudafed with a few key strokes because they are required to keep a database. And if the ATF needs to trace a gun for law enforcement they have to search through rows of shipping containers each storing thousands of boxes containing an untold number of sales documents to original owners only by hand.

Which means they're coming for our Sudafed!

If they've got a concealed carry, theyve gotten the background check.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
To be clear:  It was reported that now media was to bet there because it was not a photo-op.

The POTUS confirms it WAS a photo-op just that he wanted to control which cameras got pictures.


And he STILL came out of it looking awful.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Also I'm guessing the moment of unity is over?

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

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