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Progressive media trying to normalize pedophilia
(10-01-2015, 01:30 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Don't you support feminism?  If so, they believe that instead of teaching women how not to get raped, we should instead teach men on not raping women.

I know you can't comprehend this, but that statement of theirs.... basically attacks all heterosexual men for being rapist.

So, advocating people be responsible for their own actions is attacking them? I don't feel attacked when people expect me to act like a human and have control of myself and not think that the site of a scantily clad lady in a vulnerable situation is so irresistible that I will lose that control. Maybe it's just me, but I prefer to be thought of as someone that isn't a servant to their base urges.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(10-01-2015, 01:30 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Don't you support feminism?  If so, they believe that instead of teaching women how not to get raped, we should instead teach men on not raping women.

I know you can't comprehend this, but that statement of theirs.... basically attacks all heterosexual men for being rapist.

Explain what feminism means.
(09-30-2015, 09:34 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Erections don't rape people, people rape people.

If you take away their Viagra then only the criminals will have Viagra.
(10-01-2015, 12:14 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Punish people for their thoughts?  How very progressive of you.

What damage is cause by an erection?

Is every man that admires a good looking woman a rapist?

Did I say punish them? No.

Did I say keep awareness high in your neighborhood that this guy is around..... Yes.

Admiring a good looking adult woman and admiring a 7 year old girl aren't quite the same.
(10-01-2015, 12:09 PM)fredtoast Wrote: If he claimed that he just chose to be a pedophile would that make it okay because he is using the same language you do to "justify" being heterosexual?

Well I believe it's all a choice at some level. But that's not relevant here. The pro gay people should be the most upset because the pedo's are trying to co-op the gays messaging to acceptance. I find it difficult that any gay wants to be associated in any way with pedos.
(10-01-2015, 09:02 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Well I believe it's all a choice at some level.  But that's not relevant here.   The pro gay people should be the most upset because the pedo's are trying to co-op the gays messaging to acceptance.    I find it difficult that any gay wants to be associated in any way with pedos.

Only the conservatives are associating homosexuals with pedophiles. Maybe they're just ignoring you?
(10-01-2015, 09:02 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Well I believe it's all a choice at some level.  But that's not relevant here.   The pro gay people should be the most upset because the pedo's are trying to co-op the gays messaging to acceptance.    I find it difficult that any gay wants to be associated in any way with pedos.

I don't understand what you are trying to say here.

I don't care if being homosexual is a choice or not.  I still accept them either way.

And, to be honest, I don't know why anyone would chose to be sexually attracted to children.  What do they have to gain by that?  They are basically condemning themselves to a lifetime of sexual frustration.
(10-02-2015, 01:26 AM)fredtoast Wrote: I don't understand what you are trying to say here.

I don't care if being homosexual is a choice or not.  I still accept them either way.

And, to be honest, I don't know why anyone would chose to be sexually attracted to children.  What do they have to gain by that?  They are basically condemning themselves to a lifetime of sexual frustration.

The main point I made as soon as I saw this thread was that people like Lucie think it's abhorrent that a non-offending pedophile be shown to the general public (for fear that it lulls people into a sense of normality or non-fear about the whole thing), but then uses his and our society's ignorance of pedophilia to justify their feelings that they are hopeless offenders.  It, like mass shootings being a detailed problem people would rather just throw their hands and say "terrible people, can't fix it, why try?" and call it a day.

People attempting to study, treat, or even be open about pedophilia are labeled as promoting the rape of children.  It's no surprise there isn't much interest in doing anything but waiting until they (and non pedophiles who just want to diddle teens) offend and say "LOOK!!! THEY ALL RAPE!  THEY"RE SO RAPEY!!"

So it goes.

(this is where someone says that I deserve to have a bunch of pedophiles rape my children if I like them so much)
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
This man's courage has been inspiring to me. So I am just going to come out and tell you all something.......

I get sexually aroused when I post on a Bengals message board.

Ahhhhh. I feel so free. Hopefully my courage about this will inspire others to come forward.....

all over their computer screens.
(10-02-2015, 01:54 AM)fredtoast Wrote: This man's courage has been inspiring to me.  So I am just going to come out and tell you all something.......

I get sexually aroused when I post on a Bengals message board.

Ahhhhh.  I feel so free.  Hopefully my courage about this will inspire others to come forward.....

all over their computer screens.
there isn't anything to say about this problem in america or anywhere else on the globe as "can you imagine if this is happening in america, wtf is going on in 3rd world countries?" it's a simple solution and george carlin had it right about 20 years ago.
watch at least for the entertainment value, most of you probably remember this sketch.
(10-01-2015, 08:24 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: So, advocating people be responsible for their own actions is attacking them? I don't feel attacked when people expect me to act like a human and have control of myself and not think that the site of a scantily clad lady in a vulnerable situation is so irresistible that I will lose that control. Maybe it's just me, but I prefer to be thought of as someone that isn't a servant to their base urges.

lol... The irony in this is overwhelming.

Do you know the term victim blaming?

I don't think I have accused you of raping anyone.  Or even thinking about raping someone.

Rapist know that rape is wrong, yet they still do it.  Telling a woman to not walk around at 2:00am, scantily clad as you put it, and being vulnerable, is advocating that, gasp, people be responsible for their own actions.  Wonder what feminism calls it?

To assume that EVERY man is a rapist and that we should be TAUGHT not to rape is insulting and yes it is an attack.
(10-01-2015, 08:43 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Explain what feminism means.

You can google it.  Which will tell you something along the lines that it is to promote equality among the sexes.

Like we need more female CEOs, and leaders and laws to protect women.

Yet, women shouldn't be expected to work in jobs like mining, drilling, waste management and any other job that is extremely laborious and dangerous.

However the truth is the promotion of feminine values on society and to erase masculinity, since masculinity is toxic.

Think about this one for a moment, if you think women are oppressed.

Ray Rice can't get a job after punching his fiance, now wife.  Adrian Peterson is playing even though he whipped the hide off of his young child.  Seems like our society values protecting women over children.  Which is par for the course, since we need to protect women from even being responsible for their own actions by allowing them the ability to get an abortion if they so choose.
(10-02-2015, 01:26 AM)fredtoast Wrote: I don't understand what you are trying to say here.

I don't care if being homosexual is a choice or not.  I still accept them either way.

And, to be honest, I don't know why anyone would chose to be sexually attracted to children.  What do they have to gain by that?  They are basically condemning themselves to a lifetime of sexual frustration.


I just think its nonsense for any publication who expects to be taken serious to promote this guys antics. Then I find it odd that he is trying to use the same language to make His sick fantasies seem normal. He is the one trying to align pedophilia and homosexuality by using the same messaging. That's nonsense as well. Gays have been working for acceptance for years. I feel this attempt to align the two hurts them.

Salon should have used better judgement. Unless it doesn't care if it's taken serious .
(10-02-2015, 02:26 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: You can google it.  Which will tell you something along the lines that it is to promote equality among the sexes.

Like we need more female CEOs, and leaders and laws to protect women.

Yet, women shouldn't be expected to work in jobs like mining, drilling, waste management and any other job that is extremely laborious and dangerous.

However the truth is the promotion of feminine values on society and to erase masculinity, since masculinity is toxic.

Think about this one for a moment, if you think women are oppressed.

Ray Rice can't get a job after punching his fiance, now wife.  Adrian Peterson is playing even though he whipped the hide off of his young child.  Seems like our society values protecting women over children.  Which is par for the course, since we need to protect women from even being responsible for their own actions by allowing them the ability to get an abortion if they so choose.

So you are opposed to equality between the sexes?

Who issued you the AK in Afghanistan?  The Taliban?
(10-02-2015, 02:16 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: lol... The irony in this is overwhelming.

Do you know the term victim blaming?

I don't think I have accused you of raping anyone.  Or even thinking about raping someone.

Rapist know that rape is wrong, yet they still do it.  Telling a woman to not walk around at 2:00am, scantily clad as you put it, and being vulnerable, is advocating that, gasp, people be responsible for their own actions.  Wonder what feminism calls it?

To assume that EVERY man is a rapist and that we should be TAUGHT not to rape is insulting and yes it is an attack.

The problem with your logic is that you are trying to make the woman responsible for the actions of the rapist. You are dehumanizing men with your logic. Most feminists I know have no problem with teaching women to be safe, but when comments like yours are made it is trying to make the woman responsible for the actions of the assailant. That is why they call it victim blaming, because that is exactly what you are doing. I know I have evolved past a point where my base urges don't rule my decision making, so no matter what position a woman is in or what clothing she may be wearing, I am responsible for my own actions.
(10-02-2015, 04:14 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: So you are opposed to equality between the sexes?

Who issued you the AK in Afghanistan?  The Taliban?

No, I am not opposed to equality.

I just know that there are privileges that come with being a woman, just like there are privileges for being a man.  It is called biological differences that say a man is more suited for such and such task, while a woman is more suited for these other task.

For instance.  Pay scale-

Every job I have worked, women and men get paid the same rate.  However, men are more likely to take on jobs with extra risk, longer hours and tend to be more demanding.  Women can apply and we do see some go into the same companies. 

Security would be the best example of this.  There are overseas security jobs (where I got my AK), that pay over 100k a year.  They are open to women and some recruiters will heavily recruit women due to a need of female guards (to search female locals).  However more men take these job offers than women.  Why? Because women either want MORE money for doing the same thing as men or they don't want to sacrifice the comforts of being able to come home after every shift.  So they take a different security job that only pays $10/hr. 

Now, the flip side to this, is modeling.  Male models don't get paid nearly the same as their female counterparts do.  The top male model will not make the same as even the mid tier female models in that industry.  Unlike the security job above, it doesn't matter if you go overseas or not.  A male in the modeling industry will just not make the same as a female model will.

There is nothing wrong with that either. 

Now your joke about me being in the Taliban was lame the first time.  It didn't get any better the second time.  You should know that the AK is a Russian weapon and is used by many non US military agencies around the world.  So if you need to blend into your environment an AK is better to have than an AR-15 since you don't want the Taliban to make you as a US citizen.
(10-02-2015, 07:43 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: The problem with your logic is that you are trying to make the woman responsible for the actions of the rapist. You are dehumanizing men with your logic. Most feminists I know have no problem with teaching women to be safe, but when comments like yours are made it is trying to make the woman responsible for the actions of the assailant. That is why they call it victim blaming, because that is exactly what you are doing. I know I have evolved past a point where my base urges don't rule my decision making, so no matter what position a woman is in or what clothing she may be wearing, I am responsible for my own actions.

There is no problem with my logic, only the way you are comprehending it. 

No where did I say the woman is responsible for the actions of the rapist.  All I said was that rapist exist and they know raping is wrong, but still do it and that a woman shouldn't think that she is not responsible for her actions and think that her actions didn't help the rapist.  Not only that but you are also assuming the girl is telling the truth.  Being skeptical about whether a rape took place is not victim blaming.  It is making the accuser prove the event took place and following through with the presumption of innocence.

Look up Emma Suikowicz AKA Mattress girl.  She claims she was raped.  Yet no evidence supported her claim.  In fact the evidence showed that she made it all up since the guy didn't reciprocate her feelings for him.

I remember suggesting to a College University, that we should have a "how not to be a victim" campaign.  Give you a guess on how that was taken, by not only the women's studies groups but also by the campus staff and faculty and victim advocate groups.

So your 1 feminist friend that has no problem with teaching women to be safe would be the anomaly toward the ideology as a whole.
(10-02-2015, 10:22 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: There is no problem with my logic, only the way you are comprehending it. 

No where did I say the woman is responsible for the actions of the rapist.  All I said was that rapist exist and they know raping is wrong, but still do it and that a woman shouldn't think that she is not responsible for her actions and think that her actions didn't help the rapist.  Not only that but you are also assuming the girl is telling the truth.  Being skeptical about whether a rape took place is not victim blaming.  It is making the accuser prove the event took place and following through with the presumption of innocence.

Look up Emma Suikowicz AKA Mattress girl.  She claims she was raped.  Yet no evidence supported her claim.  In fact the evidence showed that she made it all up since the guy didn't reciprocate her feelings for him.

I remember suggesting to a College University, that we should have a "how not to be a victim" campaign.  Give you a guess on how that was taken, by not only the women's studies groups but also by the campus staff and faculty and victim advocate groups.

So your 1 feminist friend that has no problem with teaching women to be safe would be the anomaly toward the ideology as a whole.

The difference between a false accusation situation and blaming a woman for "putting herself in that situation" makes some of your statements here a false equivalency.

As to your comment that no one is saying that a woman is responsible for the actions of the rapist, you are. By saying that they should be responsible for their own actions as you are, you are putting responsibility on the victim, whether you choose to see it or not. My guess is that if your anecdotal evidence actually occurred, their concerns were likely with the way you presented the information because there is a way to do so where you aren't seemingly shifting that responsibility. Given your responses in this thread, that was not likely your approach.

But yeah, my liberal arts women's college attending wife, all of her friends from school and that school itself, and the feminist groups on the campus I work at including the Title IX task force, of which I am a part of, are all anomalies.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(10-02-2015, 10:09 AM)Sovereign Nation Wrote: Now your joke about me being in the Taliban was lame the first time.  It didn't get any better the second time.  You should know that the AK is a Russian weapon and is used by many non US military agencies around the world.  So if you need to blend into your environment an AK is better to have than an AR-15 since you don't want the Taliban to make you as a US citizen.

And your lies are more transparent than the last.
(10-02-2015, 10:32 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: The difference between a false accusation situation and blaming a woman for "putting herself in that situation" makes some of your statements here a false equivalency.

As to your comment that no one is saying that a woman is responsible for the actions of the rapist, you are. By saying that they should be responsible for their own actions as you are, you are putting responsibility on the victim, whether you choose to see it or not. My guess is that if your anecdotal evidence actually occurred, their concerns were likely with the way you presented the information because there is a way to do so where you aren't seemingly shifting that responsibility. Given your responses in this thread, that was not likely your approach.

But yeah, my liberal arts women's college attending wife, all of her friends from school and that school itself, and the feminist groups on the campus I work at including the Title IX task force, of which I am a part of, are all anomalies.

As I said earlier, there was a lot of irony in your statement.  You are just unable to grasp it.  Not surprisingly though.  You have a liberal arts college wife.

You think it is OK, to attack men and claim they are all rapist.  Yet to suggest that a woman be able to take care of herself and "not be that girl"  (look that one up), and all of a sudden "You're a victim blamer!"

What doublespeak you do, my liberal friend.

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