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Israel Bans Omar/Tlaib
Well, this is awkward. (BOLD mine)

Quote:Trump: Jews who vote Democrat show 'lack of knowledge or great disloyalty'
President Trump said Tuesday that Jewish people who vote for Democrats are either ignorant or disloyal as he railed against two congresswomen who have been critical of the U.S.-Israel alliance.

"I think Jewish people that vote for a Democrat — I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty," Trump told reporters during an Oval Office meeting with the president of Romania.

Trump and the GOP have sought to win over Jewish voters from the Democratic Party by criticizing statements by Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), the first two Muslim women elected to Congress. Both have criticized Israel's government.

Trump last week urged Israel to block Tlaib and Omar from visiting the country, saying in a tweet that allowing the visit would show "great weakness." An hour after Trump's tweet, Israel denied the congresswomen entry. 

But in stating that Jewish people who voted for Democrats were disloyal, Trump appeared to step into the same verbal quagmire about Jewish loyalty to the Israeli state that had drawn criticism to Omar earlier this year. 

Omar took heat for remarks that suggested to some that Jewish Americans were more loyal to Israel than the United States.  

Trump's comments came as he accused Tlaib and Omar of hating Israel and the Jewish people, and he complained that 
Democrats should also be criticizing them.

"The concept of even talking about this ... of cutting off aid to Israel because of two people that hate Israel and hate Jewish people, I can't believe we’re even having this conversation," Trump said in the Oval Office.

"Where has the Democratic Party gone?" he continued. "Where have they gone ... where they're defending these two people over the state of Israel?"

Jewish groups and Democratic lawmakers swiftly condemned the president's Tuesday remarks. 

“At a time when anti-Semitic incidents have increased — due to the president's emboldening of white nationalism — Trump is repeating an anti-Semitic trope. If this is about Israel, then Trump is repeating a dual loyalty claim, which is a form of anti-Semitism. If this is about Jews being ‘loyal’ to him, then Trump needs a reality check,” said Halie Soifer, executive director of the Jewish Democratic Council of America.

Trump has made unwavering support of Israel one of the pillars of his foreign policy, including moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and officially recognizing Israel's claim over the disputed Golan Heights territory. 
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The Republican Jewish Coalition defended his Tuesday comments, saying "it shows a great deal of disloyalty to oneself to defend a party" that defends anti-Semites.

Tlaib and Omar have supported the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement targeting Israel over its treatment of Palestinians, and have been accused of using anti-Semitic tropes. 

Omar drew criticism when she suggested lawmakers support Israel because of money from lobbyists and was rebuked again when she claimed those who back the country harbor “dual loyalty.”

Tlaib, who is Palestinian American, drew backlash from conservatives earlier this year for comments about the Holocaust when she said it gave her a "calming feeling" to think of persecuted Jews finding safe haven in Israel.

The two congresswomen held a joint press conference on Monday denouncing Israel's decision to bar their entry. Tlaib teared up as she recounted her family's experiences as Palestinians in the Middle East, while Omar suggested that Congress reconsider the annual U.S. aid allocated to Israel after the international incident.

Trump said Tuesday that he was not involved in the decision to bar Tlaib and Omar entry, but that he supported Israel's decision and that it would have been "very bad" to have let the congresswomen in. He went on to chastise Tlaib for getting emotional a day earlier, saying he'd seen her be "vicious" while protesting one of his campaign events in 2016.

Trump has hammered Tlaib and Omar with criticism in recent months, seeking to portray them as extreme and cast them as the face of the Democratic Party.

But Trump has stoked accusations of anti-Semitism with his own rhetoric as well.

The president angered Jewish groups and others in 2017 when he said there were “very fine people on both sides” of a deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va., where marchers carried Nazi banners and chanted anti-Semitic slogans.

Jewish groups called on Trump to more forcefully condemn white nationalism last year after a gunman opened fire in a Pittsburgh synagogue, killing 11 people.

In 2016, Trump tweeted an image of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton with the phrase “Most Corrupt Candidate Ever” inside a Star of David on top of piles of cash. 

Multiple exit polls from the 2016 presidential election showed that more than 70 percent of Jewish Americans voted for Clinton.

As a side note does anyone think DJT really knows what "vicious" means?  And why does he only use it to describe women who disagree with him?

Anyway he just couldn't stay quiet and let Omar take any heat because he has to make it about him...and he promptly put his foot right in his tiny little mouth.

He's a loser.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-19-2019, 06:52 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Just because you want to draw an equivalency doesn't mean your equivalency should be accepted or even acknowledged as remotely the same.  Of course, you argument would have slightly more credibility if the chants of "Death to Israel" and pictures of mushroom clouds wasn't expressed at every Al Quds day.  Heck, I even think such chants are made in the Iranian parliament.  I seem to recall threats being made to "wipe Israel off the map".

So no, I completely reject the premise that mocking the Holocaust is even remotely on par with drawing a picture of a guy or is acceptable to draw what you, mistakenly, believe to be a parallel between the two. 

I am not an editor of Hamshahri.

Can you specify where I draw an equivalency between "mocking the Holocaust" and "drawing a picture of a guy"?
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Figured this could go here:

At least she was forthright enough to post: *almost died
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(10-24-2019, 08:43 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Figured this could go here:

At least she was forthright enough to post: *almost died

Good to see that they actually corrected it. 
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(10-25-2019, 08:35 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Good to see that they actually corrected it. 

Meh, you can applaud the forthrightness if you want, but not sure it's Trump's fault as she suggested. Also do we have an evidence that the child *almost died?
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(10-25-2019, 11:43 AM)bfine32 Wrote: Meh, you can applaud the forthrightness if you want, but not sure it's Trump's fault as she suggested. Also do we have an evidence that the child *almost died?

I don't know and I don't really care. I just want to comment that it's good to see people correct errors. 
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(10-25-2019, 12:43 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I don't know and I don't really care. I just want to comment that it's good to see people correct errors. 

I wish we'd see more of it.

Or more people pointing out when they are NOT corrected.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-25-2019, 12:43 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I don't know and I don't really care. I just want to comment that it's good to see people correct errors. 

of course that's the point she didn't correct her error, she just changed dies to *almost died. No mention of the issue was state regulations and the parent failing to register. Personally I don't like made up BS no matter who the source is.
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(10-25-2019, 02:37 PM)bfine32 Wrote:  No mention of the issue was state regulations and the parent failing to register. Personally I don't like made up BS no matter who the source is.

You are the one "making up BS" when you claim there was "no mention of the parent failing to register".  This is a direct quote from the article

“I’ve been on this emotional roller coaster,” Ms. Johnson, 34, said of Elijah’s loss of coverage, an error that happened apparently because she didn’t respond quickly enough to a letter asking for new proof of income. “It’s been a very scary month.”

If you actually read it you will also find stuff like this.

In 2010, the Affordable Care Act made it easier for states to check whether families qualified for Medicaid without requiring them to fill out paperwork, a strategy proven to increase coverage rates. The A.C.A. also made it harder for states to expel poor families for paperwork errors.  The changes helped the uninsured rate among children reach its  in 2016, with fewer than 5 percent without coverage.

Trump administration officials have not explicitly tried to limit children’s Medicaid coverage. But Ms. Verma has repeatedly encouraged state officials to safeguard “program integrity,” by doing more vigorous checks of enrollees’ eligibility. More recently, her office reviewed the reductions and concluded that problems with state computer systems may be a factor in some places.

History has shown that when states require more paperwork from Medicaid beneficiaries, more eligible people fall through the cracks Medicaid beneficiaries tend to move often; to have unstable hours and incomes; and to have literacy challenges that can make it hard to submit detailed renewal packages or verify their incomes frequently. 
(10-25-2019, 03:21 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You are the one "making up BS" when you claim there was "no mention of the parent failing to register".  This is a direct quote from the article

“I’ve been on this emotional roller coaster,” Ms. Johnson, 34, said of Elijah’s loss of coverage, an error that happened apparently because she didn’t respond quickly enough to a letter asking for new proof of income. “It’s been a very scary month.”

If you actually read it you will also find stuff like this.

In 2010, the Affordable Care Act made it easier for states to check whether families qualified for Medicaid without requiring them to fill out paperwork, a strategy proven to increase coverage rates. The A.C.A. also made it harder for states to expel poor families for paperwork errors.  The changes helped the uninsured rate among children reach its  in 2016, with fewer than 5 percent without coverage.

Trump administration officials have not explicitly tried to limit children’s Medicaid coverage. But Ms. Verma has repeatedly encouraged state officials to safeguard “program integrity,” by doing more vigorous checks of enrollees’ eligibility. More recently, her office reviewed the reductions and concluded that problems with state computer systems may be a factor in some places.

History has shown that when states require more paperwork from Medicaid beneficiaries, more eligible people fall through the cracks Medicaid beneficiaries tend to move often; to have unstable hours and incomes; and to have literacy challenges that can make it hard to submit detailed renewal packages or verify their incomes frequently. 

I did read the article, but of course I was referring to Omar's tweet and her "correction" of it.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

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(10-25-2019, 03:21 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You are the one "making up BS" when you claim there was "no mention of the parent failing to register".  This is a direct quote from the article

“I’ve been on this emotional roller coaster,” Ms. Johnson, 34, said of Elijah’s loss of coverage, an error that happened apparently because she didn’t respond quickly enough to a letter asking for new proof of income. “It’s been a very scary month.”

If you actually read it you will also find stuff like this.

In 2010, the Affordable Care Act made it easier for states to check whether families qualified for Medicaid without requiring them to fill out paperwork, a strategy proven to increase coverage rates. The A.C.A. also made it harder for states to expel poor families for paperwork errors.  The changes helped the uninsured rate among children reach its  in 2016, with fewer than 5 percent without coverage.

Trump administration officials have not explicitly tried to limit children’s Medicaid coverage. But Ms. Verma has repeatedly encouraged state officials to safeguard “program integrity,” by doing more vigorous checks of enrollees’ eligibility. More recently, her office reviewed the reductions and concluded that problems with state computer systems may be a factor in some places.

History has shown that when states require more paperwork from Medicaid beneficiaries, more eligible people fall through the cracks Medicaid beneficiaries tend to move often; to have unstable hours and incomes; and to have literacy challenges that can make it hard to submit detailed renewal packages or verify their incomes frequently. 

I don't wanna ruin my "reputation" around here but I think bfine meant Talib didn't mention the state and tried to pin the event on Trump.  Not that the article itself didn't.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-25-2019, 02:37 PM)bfine32 Wrote: of course that's the point she didn't correct her error, she just changed dies to *almost died. No mention of the issue was state regulations and the parent failing to register. Personally I don't like made up BS no matter who the source is.

I’m encouraged to see the change of heart.
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(10-25-2019, 03:27 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I did read the article, but of course I was referring to Omar's tweet and her "correction" of it.

And I was referring to this.  .  .  

(10-25-2019, 02:37 PM)bfine32 Wrote:  No mention of the issue was state regulations and the parent failing to register. 

When I posted this.  .  .  

(10-25-2019, 03:21 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You are the one "making up BS" when you claim there was "no mention of the parent failing to register".  This is a direct quote from the article

“I’ve been on this emotional roller coaster,” Ms. Johnson, 34, said of Elijah’s loss of coverage, an error that happened apparently because she didn’t respond quickly enough to a letter asking for new proof of income. “It’s been a very scary month.”
(10-25-2019, 03:29 PM)GMDino Wrote: I don't wanna ruin my "reputation" around here but I think bfine meant Talib didn't mention the state and tried to pin the event on Trump.  Not that the article itself didn't.

The State action was in response to suggestions made by the Trump administration.

"Ms. Verma has repeatedly encouraged state officials to safeguard “program integrity,” by doing more vigorous checks of enrollees’ eligibility."

The more hoops, hurdles, and additional paperwork they put between the applicants and the benefits the more people fall off the rolls.

"History has shown that when states require more paperwork from Medicaid beneficiaries, more eligible people fall through the cracks Medicaid beneficiaries tend to move often; to have unstable hours and incomes; and to have literacy challenges that can make it hard to submit detailed renewal packages or verify their incomes frequently." 
(10-25-2019, 06:39 PM)fredtoast Wrote:  

And I was referring to this.  .  .  

When I posted this.  .  .  

Everyone knows what you were referring to. That's why folks understand you were wrong in your little rant. Hell you most likely know you were wrong.  Unless you can show me where Omar tweeted state policies and the mothers failure to register caused this child to *almost die
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(10-25-2019, 07:15 PM)bfine32 Wrote:   Unless you can show me where Omar tweeted state policies and the mothers failure to register caused this child to *almost die

The article was part of her tweet.  She was the one who posted the link to it.

And the article says that the Trump administrations policy of promoting more paperwork and hurdles IS part of the reason children are losing coverage.  People are trying to blame "state" policies and ignore that those policies are the result of policies promoted by the Trump administration.
(10-26-2019, 11:26 AM)fredtoast Wrote: The article was part of her tweet.  She was the one who posted the link to it.

And the article says that the Trump administrations policy of promoting more paperwork and hurdles IS part of the reason children are losing coverage.  People are trying to blame "state" policies and ignore that those policies are the result of policies promoted by the Trump administration.

Okey Dokey, I'll just add you to Pat in thinking Omar's tweet was correct. 

For those willing to look at it subjectively here's the only time Trump is mentioned in the article in the tweet

Quote:Trump administration officials have not explicitly tried to limit children’s Medicaid coverage. But Ms. Verma has repeatedly encouraged state officials to safeguard “program integrity,” by doing more vigorous checks of enrollees’ eligibility. More recently, her office reviewed the reductions and concluded that problems with state computer systems may be a factor in some places.

This child didn't have coverage because the mother failed to follow state regulations. But I understand why you'd stand behind a tweet that states Trump kills (*almost kills) baby,
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(10-26-2019, 01:43 PM)bfine32 Wrote: For those willing to look at it subjectively here's the only time Trump is mentioned in the article in the tweet

Exactly, but you have to put that comment in context.  The article also says this:

"History has shown that when states require more paperwork from Medicaid beneficiaries, more eligible people fall through the cracks Medicaid beneficiaries tend to move often; to have unstable hours and incomes; and to have literacy challenges that can make it hard to submit detailed renewal packages or verify their incomes frequently." 

It is the same deal with voter ID laws.  Everyone knows, and republican politicians have even admitted, that their purpose is to suppress the vote of the poor and disadvantaged.  But you always refuse to acknowledge that is true also.

The more hoops and hurdles Trump gets states to put between applicants and benefits the more children will lose insurance.
(10-26-2019, 02:31 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Exactly, but you have to put that comment in context.  The article also says this:

"History has shown that when states require more paperwork from Medicaid beneficiaries, more eligible people fall through the cracks Medicaid beneficiaries tend to move often; to have unstable hours and incomes; and to have literacy challenges that can make it hard to submit detailed renewal packages or verify their incomes frequently." 

It is the same deal with voter ID laws.  Everyone knows, and republican politicians have even admitted, that their purpose is to suppress the vote of the poor and disadvantaged.  But you always refuse to acknowledge that is true also.

The more hoops and hurdles Trump gets states to put between applicants and benefits the more children will lose insurance.

I surrender....the article clearly shows the lapse of insurance was because of state laws and this mother's failure to follow state requirements. It further explains how some states are more strict than others, hell even the piece you quoted says state laws; no mention of federal requirements.

Throw in the fact that when you first accused me of spouting BS in this thread you were quick to point out how state requirements were the point of the article. When I tried to clear up your confusion and let you know (what everyone else already knew) that my issue was with the tweet and not the article, you tried to establish Plan B and show how the article points to Federal requirements, There is no debating that "logic" and history has shown continuing down this path is fruitless. 
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