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Matt Drudge Issues Major Challenge to Obama and Hillary: ‘I Dare You!’

Quote:Matt Drudge issued a dare to President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton Tuesday, during a rare radio interview with Alex Jones.

Drudge was responding to Jones asserting that a civil war may ensue if politicians attempt to confiscate guns.

“Well, because they are all armed themselves. Where they all have that security around them themselves. They don’t have to worry about [security],” said Drudge, who refused to be on camera.

“I challenge Hillary, take away your Secret Service. Take it away now! Take away your Secret Service! Dismiss them. Have no security around you. Have no guns around you, Hillary. I dare you! I dare you,” the Internet-news mogul said. “Obama, same thing. Drop your guns Obama. Take your Secret Service away, Obama. Take it all away. Leave the White House unguarded, Obama. Let everyone know there are no guns on the White House grounds Obama!”

“I challenge Hillary, take away your Secret Service. Take it away now!”
“You know what would happen within 30 seconds? Both of those people would no longer be on planet Earth,” Drudge added. “So they are asking us to drop our guns, to drop our security measures or — or what?”

Drudge said he didn’t see how gun control proposals are “being taken seriously, except for the sick voter.”

“You can’t underestimate the sickness of the American people right now. They are really sick. And that’s to me — I am more angry at the sick Americans than I am Obama or Hillary. I am really angry at the sick Americans.”

Drudge rarely grants interviews or comments in such a manner on current events. In fact, it’s not rare to see his Twitter page blank as he normally deletes his tweets shortly after posting them.

Earlier this year, however, Drudge went on a Twitter tirade against Republican leadership after the GOP-led Senate approved enhanced trade negotiating authority for President Barack Obama.

Because being a prominent political person is the exact same as being the average Joe walking down the street when it comes to potential threats. Right?
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-07-2015, 01:58 PM)GMDino Wrote:

Because being a prominent political person is the exact same as being the average Joe walking down the street when it comes to potential threats.  Right?

Do we have a nifty Everytown chart for number of average Joe's killed vs Politicians assassinated? 

Me thinks it would look like the shooting vs terror one. 
(10-07-2015, 01:58 PM)GMDino Wrote:

Because being a prominent political person is the exact same as being the average Joe walking down the street when it comes to potential threats.  Right?

Still amazed I made it 42 yrs with out owning a gun. Cool
(10-07-2015, 01:58 PM)GMDino Wrote:

Because being a prominent political person is the exact same as being the average Joe walking down the street when it comes to potential threats.  Right?

True, but why does their security need to be armed? Guns are only designed to kill, right? Well, why does Obama's or Hillary's SS need to kill anyone? If someone threatens the president, then he can just run away, right?

[Image: giphy.gif]
(10-07-2015, 09:18 PM)PhilHos Wrote: True, but why does their security need to be armed? Guns are only designed to kill, right? Well, why does Obama's or Hillary's SS need to kill anyone? If someone threatens the president, then he can just run away, right?


Why does anyone need a gun?  Guns don't kill people. Mellow
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-07-2015, 10:33 PM)GMDino Wrote: Why does anyone need a gun?  Guns don't kill people. Mellow

Apparently the point Drudge is making was lost on you.
(10-07-2015, 11:56 PM)JustWinBaby Wrote: Apparently the point Drudge is making was lost on you.

Drudge thinks you and I need guns because we need to protect ourselves...I'm guessing from other people with guns.

So he's making the very relevant point that since Hillary has bodyguards with guns she is a hypocrite because she feels the need to protect herself.

Except no one, no one, no one has ever said you can't have a gun.  Ever.

Not Hillary, not the President, not even Jim Brady.


But Drudge, who wouldn't show his face on the video but has it plastered all over the internet, thinks he's a very smart man because he got a tip once that the President got a BJ.

Did I get that right? Smirk
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-08-2015, 12:00 AM)GMDino Wrote: Drudge thinks you and I need guns because we need to protect ourselves...I'm guessing from other people with guns.

So he's making the very relevant point that since Hillary has bodyguards with guns she is a hypocrite because she feels the need to protect herself.

Except no one, no one, no one has ever said you can't have a gun.  Ever.

Not Hillary, not the President, not even Jim Brady.


But Drudge, who wouldn't show his face on the video but has it plastered all over the internet, thinks he's a very smart man because he got a tip once that the President got a BJ.

Did I get that right? Smirk

Well let's see. Author John Lott claims Obama stated he thinks people shouldn't be able to own guns. There's his fast and furious scandal intended to create assault rifle violence at the border and sway public opinion, and democrats have been caught on tape saying that gun confiscation is the ultimate goal of gun control.

And lets be honest, why wouldn't it be the goal? Shootings will never stop. The left just needs to be honest about what they want.
(10-08-2015, 12:00 AM)GMDino Wrote: Except no one, no one, no one has ever said you can't have a gun.  Ever.

You cant be that naïve.
I had to get up extra early today anyway so lets take the time to do this one by one, shall we?

(10-08-2015, 02:12 AM)Naranja Tigre Wrote: Well let's see. Author John Lott claims Obama stated he thinks people shouldn't be able to own guns. There's his fast and furious scandal intended to create assault rifle violence at the border and sway public opinion, and democrats have been caught on tape saying that gun confiscation is the ultimate goal of gun control.

And lets be honest, why wouldn't it be the goal? Shootings will never stop. The left just needs to be honest about what they want.

John Lott tells a story of a conversation had while Obama was a professor. So its his word only. And Lott is, according to the Fox News website:

Quote:Dr. John R. Lott, Jr.
John R. Lott, Jr. is a columnist for He is an economist and was formerly chief economist at the United States Sentencing Commission. Lott is also a leading expert on guns...

So strike one.

Fast and Furious was to try (poorly) to track if guns were coming illegally back into the US. While a failed attempt (and not the first by a Presidential administration) it was hardly designed to make people suddenly fear guns in American's hands.

Strike 2.

Lastly you own paranoia is not fact. Just because you think someone is after yer gunz doesn't mean its true. Nor do "tapes". We've seen recently how tapes can be manipulated. Right?

Strike 3.

(10-08-2015, 03:00 AM)Blutarsky Wrote: Ever?
You cant be that naïve.

Going backwards:

Your third link actually did have one citation! Congratulations! Sadly it didn't work. And "getting guns of the street" does not sound the same as confiscating any and all guns.

Strike 1.

Your second link (the one with the open mic recording)? Even though the words are on the screen the "author" of the article leaves out one line said "They want guns out of the hands of the bad guys...but they don't want any regulations". Whoever is talking (even the article doesn't know) is referring to someone else wanting to sound tough...but not actually do anything. And then perhaps it takes a shot at them for acting tough and having their "little guns".

Strike 2.

And of course the top two links are to the same story.

Strike 3.

And a weak pop out to the pitcher.

End of game.

No one is coming fer yer gunz. No one. Ever.

Will there be a nutcase who suggests we shouldn't have guns? Sure. But it will not happen. Ever.

I would buy a gun and stand beside you to fight such a movement!

But stop pretending "they" are out to get you. People who talk like that when they are clearly being delusional should not have guns. Smirk
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-08-2015, 07:08 AM)GMDino Wrote: I had to get up extra early today anyway so lets take the time to do this one by one, shall we?

John Lott tells a story of a conversation had while Obama was a professor.  So its his word only.  And Lott is, according to the Fox News website:

So strike one.

Fast and Furious was to try (poorly) to track if guns were coming illegally back into the US.  While a failed attempt (and not the first by a Presidential administration) it was hardly designed to make people suddenly fear guns in American's hands.

Strike 2.

Lastly you own paranoia is not fact.  Just because you think someone is after yer gunz doesn't mean its true.  Nor do "tapes".  We've seen recently how tapes can be manipulated.  Right?

Strike 3.

Going backwards:

Your third link actually did have one citation!  Congratulations!  Sadly it didn't work.  And "getting guns of the street" does not sound the same as confiscating any and all guns.

Strike 1.

Your second link (the one with the open mic recording)?  Even though the words are on the screen the "author" of the article leaves out one line said "They want guns out of the hands of the bad guys...but they don't want any regulations".  Whoever is talking (even the article doesn't know) is referring to someone else wanting to sound tough...but not actually do anything.  And then perhaps it takes a shot at them for acting tough and having their "little guns".

Strike 2.

And of course the top two links are to the same story.

Strike 3.

And a weak pop out to the pitcher.

End of game.

No one is coming fer yer gunz.  No one.  Ever.  

Will there be a nutcase who suggests we shouldn't have guns?  Sure.  But it will not happen.  Ever.

I would buy a gun and stand beside you to fight such a movement!

But stop pretending "they" are out to get you.  People who talk like that when they are clearly being delusional should not have guns.  Smirk
I have a very hard time believing that you would fight alongside "gunz" owners but I'll take your word for it. 

Fact is, the far left wants to consficate. Always has, always will. As the far left continues to gain power in america, so will gun control. Whether it's direct legislation or back door gun control in the form of raising the price of bullets, the end goal is the same. 
(10-08-2015, 12:12 PM)Naranja Tigre Wrote: I have a very hard time believing that you would fight alongside "gunz" owners but I'll take your word for it. 

Fact is, the far left wants to consficate. Always has, always will. As the far left continues to gain power in america, so will gun control. Whether it's direct legislation or back door gun control in the form of raising the price of bullets, the end goal is the same. 

Didn't the price of ammunition increase simply because of supply/demand? I mean, if I recall correctly, there was a big fear mongering scare about it leading up to the 2008 election that wasn't really based in reality and ever since then ammunition has been ridiculously expensive and hard to come by.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(10-08-2015, 12:17 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: Didn't the price of ammunition increase simply because of supply/demand? I mean, if I recall correctly, there was a big fear mongering scare about it leading up to the 2008 election that wasn't really based in reality and ever since then ammunition has been ridiculously expensive and hard to come by.

Part of that is The government purchasing ammunition at an increased rate. 
A gun is not just for protecting yourself from someone else with a gun.

It's for protecting yourself from someone with a knife, or cudgel, or someone who's just plain bigger than you.

That's why I never understood women who are for gun control.
(10-08-2015, 12:12 PM)Naranja Tigre Wrote: I have a very hard time believing that you would fight alongside "gunz" owners but I'll take your word for it. 

Fact is, the far left wants to consficate. Always has, always will. As the far left continues to gain power in america, so will gun control. Whether it's direct legislation or back door gun control in the form of raising the price of bullets, the end goal is the same. 

I have always been a staunch supporter of the right to bear arms.  That will not waver.

what kind of regulations we can impose to try and limit the amount of gun violence is where I differ.

I could argue that the far right would have shoot outs in the streets if they continue to gain power.  People walking around with their penis  guns out just to show they CAN while the rest of the sane people have to figure out if its a person standing up for their rights or a nut who wants to shoot up a place because he got fired, or a girl wouldn't go out with him, or he's having a bad day.

The answer, as usual, is somewhere in the middle of all the rhetoric on both sides.  But the sane people can't get anything done because of all the yelling.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-08-2015, 12:33 PM)GMDino Wrote: I have always been a staunch supporter of the right to bear arms.  That will not waver.

what kind of regulations we can impose to try and limit the amount of gun violence is where I differ.

I could argue that the far right would have shoot outs in the streets if they continue to gain power.  People walking around with their penis  guns out just to show they CAN while the rest of the sane people have to figure out if its a person standing up for their rights or a nut who wants to shoot up a place because he got fired, or a girl wouldn't go out with him, or he's having a bad day.

The answer, as usual, is somewhere in the middle of all the rhetoric on both sides.  But the sane people can't get anything done because of all the yelling.

Given that the vast majority of these shootings are occurring in gun free zones, there wouldn't be shoot outs if the NRA had their way. 

If gun owners were as crazy as you think every shooting range or gun show would be a bloodbath 
(10-08-2015, 12:43 PM)Naranja Tigre Wrote: Given that the vast majority of these shootings are occurring in gun free zones, there wouldn't be shoot outs if the NRA had their way. 

If gun owners were as crazy as you think every shooting range or gun show would be a bloodbath 

The one in Oregon was not in a gun free zone. That's just one.

I don't think all or most or the majority are crazy.  I'd just like to look at ways to LIMIT the crazies with guns.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-08-2015, 12:29 PM)Naranja Tigre Wrote: A gun is not just for protecting yourself from someone else with a gun.

It's for protecting yourself from someone with a knife, or cudgel, or someone who's  just plain bigger than you.

That's why I never understood women who are for gun control.

I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to understand why a mother that lost a child in on of the many school shootings would be "for gun control".
(10-08-2015, 12:56 PM)GMDino Wrote: The one in Oregon was not in a gun free zone. That's just one.

I don't think all or most or the majority are crazy.  I'd just like to look at ways to LIMIT the crazies with guns.

UCC has a gun free policy. 

They're required by law to allow c&c but it's a gray area. 

try again. 
(10-08-2015, 01:40 PM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to understand why a mother that lost a child in on of the many school shootings would be "for gun control".

They are greatly outnumbered by women who've been raped and could have shot their attacker 

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