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Who else was conflicted during this game?
(12-08-2019, 10:45 PM)bengalfan74 Wrote: I wouldn't really say I'm conflicted. Indifference describes me better, so no I don't really mind we lost. I've come to expect it.

Keeping the 1OA pick is just gravy.

This has been bugging me for a while but what does 1OA actually stand for - 1st overall? The A seems superfluous.

(12-08-2019, 10:48 PM)THE PISTONS Wrote: Honestly, drafting Burrow is the only thing that gives us a punchers chance to turn this around.

We're 6-8 new starters away from being good.

QB and then A LOT of other upgrades.

I'm less sanguine about next year's prospects but when I see a pessimist like yourself saying they may only need 6 players when they should be selecting at 1, 33 and 65 in the draft that should be three new starters - add in last year's 11th overall and that's four already and if they trade Dalton they could maybe pick up an extra starter (either player for player or for a draft pick) and then even a pessimist like yourself reckons we could be competitive with one further player and I'm forced to question whether I need to raise my expectations for next year.
(12-08-2019, 11:25 PM)whodeyfan1 Wrote: I want them to maintain the #1 pick. If they have to lose a game to Cleveland in garbage time of the season then that's what I want to happen.

This pretty much sums it up for me as well. Folks, we are 1-12 why would we want to win now & screw up the only good thing that could come of this dismal season. 
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(12-09-2019, 10:01 AM)bengaloo Wrote: Drafting Herbert with the 3rd pick would make me puke in my mouth lol. We have too many other holes. He is a solid QB, but no intangibles and isnt a vocal leader and we need one. After sissy Palmer and mild mannered Dalton I want someone who has a little fire. Burrows does seem to fit that bill. He wins me over more every game he plays. If we cant get Burrows or Young, we need to look at other positions imo.

Burrow. No s.
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(12-08-2019, 11:20 PM)BengalRed Wrote: My feelings exactly. If someone is indifferent to the outcome then they aren't a fan IMHO.

wait..I though the only real fans were those who have bengal themed man caves and several very expensive bengals gear jackets and such.. I own none of those (although I did once find a bengals wrist watch and gave it to my grandson) so woe is me. I'm not a real fan. I refuse to make Mike Brown even a dime richer.
In the immortal words of my old man, "Wait'll you get to be my age!"

Chicago sounds rough to the maker of verse, but the one comfort we have is Cincinnati sounds worse. ~Oliver Wendal Holmes Sr.

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(12-08-2019, 08:40 PM)BengalRed Wrote: As a day one Bengal fan I found myself pulling for a victory while hoping they would lose to keep the #1 pick in the draft and hopefully get Burrow. Bottom line I'm okay with the lose because it keeps us in the lead for #1. But it's painful to see them play so poorly. One would think after all these years (decades) one would get used to the bad losses but one never does.

Bottom line,Zac Taylor is not tough enough on these players, and if his brand new offense is so good,how come we never win with it? It cannot be that hard to learn it and they still lose every game.This is a very bad team and needs a ton of players, and a better coach.He is simply way in over his head and he is not tough enough on these guys.What a HUGE mess. :paul: :paul: :paul: :paul: :paul:
Seems like there is always a lot of "you're not a real fan if..." stuff thrown around. Folks, at this point in this season if you are watching this team, reading about the team, or discussing them on a message board, you are a fan, case closed.
(12-09-2019, 10:25 AM)TJHoushmandzadeh Wrote: This has been bugging me for a while but what does 1OA actually stand for - 1st overall? The A seems superfluous.

I'm less sanguine about next year's prospects but when I see a pessimist like yourself saying they may only need 6 players when they should be selecting at 1, 33 and 65 in the draft that should be three new starters - add in last year's 11th overall and that's four already and if they trade Dalton they could maybe pick up an extra starter (either player for player or for a draft pick) and then even a pessimist like yourself reckons we could be competitive with one further player and I'm forced to question whether I need to raise my expectations for next year.

How many quality starters did we get from this past draft?

Theoretically, picking at 1, 33, and 65 should be atleast 2 upgrades. But, I doubt that it is here.

Then, yeah sign 2 offensive lineman and a LB.

That's the path. Some teams would take that path. I just don't know that the Bengals would.
(12-08-2019, 08:40 PM)BengalRed Wrote: As a day one Bengal fan I found myself pulling for a victory while hoping they would lose to keep the #1 pick in the draft and hopefully get Burrow. Bottom line I'm okay with the lose because it keeps us in the lead for #1. But it's painful to see them play so poorly. One would think after all these years (decades) one would get used to the bad losses but one never does.

get the consensus #1 player in the draft...  and its not a QB
(12-08-2019, 09:01 PM)Synric Wrote: You lost me at Jalen Hurts.

This has been said before and will need to be repeated over the course of the draft process....Jalen Hurts is not Lamar Jackson.

Who ever said Jalen hurts is Lamar Jackson lol hurts has a good arm he’s a smart decisions maker accurate he just needs to keep his eyes down field more often than he decides to run.
(12-09-2019, 02:16 PM)XenoMorph Wrote: get the consensus #1 player in the draft...  and its not a QB

Umm...Young is absolutely NOT the consensus #1. Neither guy are at this point. They’re extremely close right now.
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I wasn't conflicted at all. I would have been angry had they won.
If you see something suspicious, say something suspicious.

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(12-09-2019, 02:10 PM)THE PISTONS Wrote: How many quality starters did we get from this past draft?

Theoretically, picking at 1, 33, and 65 should be atleast 2 upgrades. But, I doubt that it is here.

Then, yeah sign 2 offensive lineman and a LB.

That's the path. Some teams would take that path. I just don't know that the Bengals would.

I'm hoping by next year it'll be at least two, albeit Williams has yet to play a snap and Pratt remains work in progress.

They missed in the second round but that's where I think picking 33rd instead of 42nd makes such a difference. They tried to trade up for an O-lineman last year but Jawaan Taylor 35th and Cody Ford 38th were all gone by 42 (and Dalton Risner at 41). They'd have been there at 33 and that would then have been a very different looking draft.

The tiers in the NFL aren't even - and vary from draft to draft - but there's maybe around 4-5 top tier players in a draft, then maybe another 30 something players with first round grades. If you're picking 1st and 33rd you're probably going to be getting two players with "first round" grades as opposed to when you're picking 11th and 42nd when you get just one.

The Bengals' last 5 picks from 33 to 40 have been Bernard (37), Dalton (35), Maulauga (38), Steinbach (33), Chad (36) - not everyone will be to your taste but that's been a hugely productive range to pick from. When they've been picking later in that round they've hit some home runs (Whitworth 55, Dunlap 54, Boyd 55) but as many busts (Fisher 53, Hunt 53, Still 53).

I think they'll probably get 3 starters from next year's draft but they probably won't all be immediate starters.
(12-09-2019, 08:41 AM)SHRacerX Wrote: With you 100%.  It is weird to root for them to lose.  Can't ever remember doing it before.  But, I still feel the best thing that can happen to the team is that #1 overall pick.

I am also rooting HARD for the Giants tonight.  Similarly weird. 

Thanks  ThumbsUp
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I was conflicted, but after watching Burrow carve up one of the best defenses in the NCAA again, and then watching Andy miss wide open WRs and show once again why we have always fallen short with him, I'm no longer conflicted. Im ready to lose every game.
Well, if Zac is actually trying to win these games this just goes to show you he is terrible... yet again.

His decisions lost the game along with lack of player execution.
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(12-08-2019, 09:21 PM)BengalRed Wrote: Thanks for the input but if you look at some of the really good pocket passers in the NFL, Brady, Brees, and now Tannehill you can't dispute their results. It looks like Burrow can fulfill that with also being mobile enough to be effective. Chase Young would only be a limited force. 

Burrow has a noodle arm,and always will have.Might be fine on college level,But would never make it in the NFL.
(12-09-2019, 09:00 PM)ezekiel23 Wrote: Burrow has a noodle arm,and always will have.Might be fine on college level,But would never make it in the NFL.

Some of you OSU homers are truly ridiculous lol

Joe Burrow absolutely does NOT have a noodle arm. I doubt you’ve ever even watched the kid play.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

(12-08-2019, 08:40 PM)BengalRed Wrote: As a day one Bengal fan I found myself pulling for a victory while hoping they would lose to keep the #1 pick in the draft and hopefully get Burrow. Bottom line I'm okay with the lose because it keeps us in the lead for #1. But it's painful to see them play so poorly. One would think after all these years (decades) one would get used to the bad losses but one never does.

I was conflicted during watching another Battle For Ohio by two losing teams.   Should I fall asleep on my right side or left side during this sleeping pill of a game. 
1968 Bengal Fan
Even though I can't stand Baker Mayfield and crew, I didn't want a win. We need to lose out and take Chase Young or Burrow.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-09-2019, 09:34 PM)Nicomo Cosca Wrote: Some of you OSU homers are truly ridiculous lol

Joe Burrow absolutely does NOT have a noodle arm. I doubt you’ve ever even watched the kid play.

Just wait til Burrow destroys Ohio State in the Championship.  Nobody can beat LSU. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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