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Impeachment Hearings
(12-07-2019, 12:01 AM)bfine32 Wrote: As I said

Nah, I'm really not attacking her. It's still a legitimate question that Pat posed, well worthy of consideration. One I'd answer with "well, it's her child, that changes things" regarding Melania. Also one I'd answer with "well, it's their party" for all non-mothers of Barron that willingly join all the partisan-driven distraction game.

And yes, those that are so deeply outraged by that have to put up to this reaction being compared to their reaction to Trump, who is actually vile, vicious and personal in his attacks on a daily basis. This still is not whataboutism. Melania is just probably not the best example to choose here, I give you that much. I'd rather choose you as an example.

A witness testified, made an error in judgement when envoking Barron's name for a wordplay in an obviously non-derogatory and non-personal manner, acknowledged her error and apologized for it. What a scandal.
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(12-07-2019, 12:01 AM)bfine32 Wrote: As I said

Awww, thanks.
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Where Newt could use any of his experience to discuss impeachment he chooses to go with this:

Quote:Gingrich Says It’s Mean to Impeach Trump Before Christmas (Gingrich Impeached Clinton 6 Days Before Xmas)

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich called out House Democrats for trying to impeach President Donald Trump “on the eve of Christmas” during an interview with Fox News, Friday.

“The whole thing is a joke,” declared Gingrich. “It is, frankly, very, very close to what Clarence Thomas once described as a modern-day lynch mob. The Democrats have no interest in the facts.”

“I think that Jonathan Turley, the professor who voted against Trump, but who nonetheless came back and testified the other day that of all the two impeachments that have occurred… Clinton and Johnson back in the 1860s, this is the weakest of the three,” Gingrich continued. “He said it is an embarrassment to the country, it lowers the prestige of the House, and that it’s the House which is abusing power. Now, Turley is a Democrat, but as an expert, I think he actually outlined exactly what we’re up against.”

“And really, on the eve of Christmas it is really sad to see the dishonesty and the partisanship that the House Democrats are displaying,” he concluded.

Though Gingrich was mocked online for claiming it was the “eve of Christmas,” former President Bill Clinton actually was impeached by the House on Dec. 19 1998, just days before Christmas.

As The New York Times reported the day after, on December 20 1998, “William Jefferson Clinton was impeached on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice today by a divided House of Representatives, which recommended virtually along party lines that the Senate remove the nation’s 42d President from office.”

Quote:[Image: t_T3o82V_normal.jpg]
[/url]Lis Power@LisPower1

A) Stop comparing things to lynch mobsB) Stop pretending anything that happens in Dec. is an attack on Christmas

Gingrich on impeachment: "It is frankly very, very close to what Clarence Thomas once described as a modern day lynch mob .. on the eve of Christmas it's really sad"

[Image: vHtFJhR5WjqdVK3b?format=jpg&name=small]

9:18 AM - Dec 6, 2019
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Of course for Newt to discuss impeaching Clinton he has to acknowledge was a huge hypocrite he was for pretending to lead the "Party of Family Values" at the time too so maybe this is all he has. Smirk
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

Quote:A national security aide to Vice President Mike Pence submitted additional classified evidence to House impeachment investigators about a phone call between Pence and Ukraine's president, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff revealed Friday.

In a letter to Pence, Schiff (D-Calif.) asked the vice president to declassify supplemental testimony from the aide, Jennifer Williams, about Pence’s Sept. 18 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, arguing that there is no “legitimate basis” to keep it secret.

His aide recalled additional information regarding the phone call after she gave her testimony
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(12-05-2019, 10:19 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Is this that much frowned upon "whataboutisim"? 

If Pat is simply trying to divert attention from the professor's comment, or simply to say "they do it too," then yes, mention of Melania or Trump would be whataboutism.

However, if his goal is to assess the sincerity of GOP OUTRAGE at the mention of Barron, and to prevent THEM from using the comment to divert public attention from Trump high crimes, then it is not. That can only be done by comparison, by a look at precedents which reveal the massive inconsistency in their ethical stance, followed by redirect back to the legal issues.
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(12-06-2019, 10:02 AM)GMDino Wrote: [Image: melania_trump_dont_care_jacket_embed.jpg]

According to Melania's recent biographer (Kate Bennet: Free, Melania), that comment on the jacket is actually aimed at Ivanka.  Ivanka took public credit for softening Trump's immigration stance at the time. That pissed off Melania.
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(12-06-2019, 11:41 AM)GMDino Wrote: LMAO!

One person made a play on words that was not disparaging one bit to the boy and you have spent over 24 hours beating your breast and gnashing your teeth over this because (in your opinion) people aren't as outraged as you because of their"disdain" for Trump...but you don't want children being used as a prop for political purposes.

A room full of script writers (probably) couldn't come up with a less believable character.

Oh please, she intentionally used Barron's name in such a way that it was an insult. If you refuse to see it that way, then you have no conscience. Besides, in what world does Barron have anything to do with the impeachment inquiry? Answer: None, so what's the point in bringing up his name at all? Now anything else she had to say about the inquiry will be ignored.
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(12-07-2019, 10:07 AM)GMDino Wrote: Where Newt could use any of his experience to discuss impeachment he chooses to go with this:

Of course for Newt to discuss impeaching Clinton he has to acknowledge was a huge hypocrite he was for pretending to lead the "Party of Family Values" at the time too so maybe this is all he has. Smirk
Its also mean to walk out on your wife while she is fighting cancer but that didn't stop that meatball.
(12-10-2019, 05:19 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Oh please, she intentionally used Barron's name in such a way that it was an insult. If you refuse to see it that way, then you have no conscience. Besides, in what world does Barron have anything to do with the impeachment inquiry? Answer: None, so what's the point in bringing up his name at all? Now anything else she had to say about the inquiry will be ignored.

Baron is a title of nobility. What person in their right mind would name their kid "Barron"if not to act like royalty at the kids expense. That was the point she was making about Trump's sickness.
(12-10-2019, 05:19 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Oh please, she intentionally used Barron's name in such a way that it was an insult. If you refuse to see it that way, then you have no conscience. Besides, in what world does Barron have anything to do with the impeachment inquiry? Answer: None, so what's the point in bringing up his name at all? Now anything else she had to say about the inquiry will be ignored.

This is a pearl clutching take. 
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(12-10-2019, 05:19 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Oh please, she intentionally used Barron's name in such a way that it was an insult. If you refuse to see it that way, then you have no conscience. Besides, in what world does Barron have anything to do with the impeachment inquiry? Answer: None, so what's the point in bringing up his name at all? Now anything else she had to say about the inquiry will be ignored.

Every grownup in this forum knows she had 0 reason to bring Barron into the conversation and did so for no other reason than spite. Hell she even realized it after it was brought to her attention.

Was it insulting to Barron? IMO opinion, no; however, I don't know how he took it given his family being under constant attack. She should have left the child out of it and grown folks understand that. 
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(12-10-2019, 05:19 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Oh please, she intentionally used Barron's name in such a way that it was an insult. If you refuse to see it that way, then you have no conscience.

Oh wow.
I have no conscience.

(12-10-2019, 05:19 PM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: Besides, in what world does Barron have anything to do with the impeachment inquiry? Answer: None, so what's the point in bringing up his name at all? Now anything else she had to say about the inquiry will be ignored.

She thought it was a clever play of words. His name sounds like "baron". That's the whole point. That and that "Ivanka" is not a title of nobility.

Also, she realized it was inappropriate and apologized. That folks won't let that irrelevant thing go after that points to alterior motives than rightful outrage or protecting Barron.

Also, Trump friendly folks would have ignored her anyways. She's for impeachment = she is a biased hack = she's not to be taken seriously. Except when he says Barron's name.
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Isnt this the wiz kid that was going to solve cyber security?
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Wow, both sides make really awful points.

I don't know which one is less worse....fortunately it doesn't matter.

Worth the read.  Videos in the link.

Quote:[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.84)]THREAD

Let’s debunk the GOP’s talking points on impeachment using their own words.

It’s all on video. Follow thread for clips.

(1 of 7) 

[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.84)]GOP Point 1: Trump was fighting corruption. He was not focused on Biden.

Fact: on Oct 3rd, Trump was asked what he wanted the Ukraine President to do. He said investigate Biden. Not fight corruption.

(2 of 7) 
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.84)]GOP Point 2: Ukraine meddled in our election.

Fact: on Dec 9th, Trump’s handpicked FBI Director says the US has no information that indicates that Ukraine interfered with the 2016 presidential election.

(3 of 7) 
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.84)]GOP Point 3: There was no quid pro quo.

Fact: on Oct 17th, from the White House podium, Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney told the world there was in fact a quid pro quo

(4 of 7) 
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.84)]GOP Point 4: He didn’t commit a crime so you can’t impeach him.

Fact: As Lindsey Graham pointed out in 1998, this is not the standard for impeachment

(5 of 7) 
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.84)]GOP Point 5: It’s OK because he’s President and the law doesn’t apply to him.

Fact: As Marco Rubio pointed out in 2012, in this country no one is above the law.

(6 of 7) 
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.84)]GOP Point 6: Even if all of this is true, it is not impeachable.

Fact: As Mike Pence pointed out in 2008, this is the exact standard for impeachment.

(7 of 7) 
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

I await Melania's outrage over someone insulting a child
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(12-12-2019, 10:10 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote:
I await Melania's outrage over someone insulting a child

We have a "man" who is POTUS that is jealous of a 16 year old because he wants a real Time Magazine cover like the fake one he had made.

How much lower can he go?
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Hold on folks!

The WH found a note from their mom saying withholding the money was all ok!


Seems like the kind of people who should testify under oath.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(12-12-2019, 10:12 AM)GMDino Wrote: We have a "man" who is POTUS that is jealous of a 16 year old because he wants a real Time Magazine cover like the fake one he had made.

How much lower can he go?

Naturally the 16 year old is smarter , better mannered and funnier than Trump. Smirk

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(12-12-2019, 10:59 AM)GMDino Wrote: Naturally the 16 year old is smarter , better mannered and funnier than Trump. Smirk


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