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Impeachment Hearings
This kind of power that Trump has really is hard to grasp. This is amazing. Jay Sekulow just basically says whatever bizarre nonsensical stuff that starts to border mockery of the senators. Like a loyalty test of sorts. Now eat this BS! And now that BS! Some more BS for you, senator? Yeah? Sure! You don't mind me being condescending, do you? No? Atta boy.

---- And now shut this thing down as we told you. Yes, of course now. Don't show common sense, don't appear liberal, stay in line or Trump just eats you. Damn. That is amazing power.

PS Hey, republicans. Not funny. Your president is not indictable and not impechable and now possibly allowed to use all his authority to secure his reelection as a legitimate matter of national interest. Yeah, your senators are about to let that one through. Also, Trump clearly did it and it's clearly not an unsignificant issue. Also, this cover-up is just shamelessly blatant. And the defense indeed used some lines that were made to defend authoritarians in a mock trial. This is, as I said, not funny. Is he really worth all that? Dumb Nero? As Caesar?

Can't you all agree on Pence?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-31-2020, 07:05 PM)hollodero Wrote: This kind of power that Trump has really is hard to grasp. This is amazing. Jay Sekulow just basically says whatever bizarre nonsensical stuff that starts to border mockery of the senators. Like a loyalty test of sorts. Now eat this BS! And now that BS! Some more BS for you, senator? Yeah? Sure! You don't mind me being condescending, do you? No? Atta boy.

---- And now shut this thing down as we told you. Yes, of course now. Don't show common sense, don't appear liberal, stay in line or Trump just eats you. Damn. That is amazing power.

PS Hey, republicans. Not funny. Your president is not indictable and not impechable and now possibly allowed to use all his authority to secure his reelection as a legitimate matter of national interest. Yeah, your senators are about to let that one through. Also, Trump clearly did it and it's clearly not an unsignificant issue. Also, this cover-up is just shamelessly blatant. And the defense indeed used some lines that were made to defend authoritarians in a mock trial. This is, as I said, not funny. Is he really worth all that? Dumb Nero? As Caesar?

Can't you all agree on Pence?

This is an erosion of our democracy, but there has been a party that has been wanting that for decades. This is not about Trump, believe it or not. This is the direction the GOP has been going for quite a while, now. Trump is a concern, sure, but the bigger problem is the systematic dismantling of what the founders created by the GOP.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
First impeachment trial without witnesses. Multiple senators say he did it but it’s ok. President can do anything to help himself win re-election.

Hell of a time to be alive
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-31-2020, 07:05 PM)hollodero Wrote: PS Hey, republicans. Not funny. Your president is not indictable and not impechable and now possibly allowed to use all his authority to secure his reelection as a legitimate matter of national interest. Yeah, your senators are about to let that one through. Also, Trump clearly did it and it's clearly not an unsignificant issue. Also, this cover-up is just shamelessly blatant. And the defense indeed used some lines that were made to defend authoritarians in a mock trial. This is, as I said, not funny. Is he really worth all that? Dumb Nero? As Caesar?

Can't you all agree on Pence?

The POTUS does not elect himself, of course you know that. However, when/if the people reelect Trump, it's because like myself, we did not believe the half truths and twisted comments put fourth by the dems. Does that make us all stupid hicks like CNN, one of your trusted sources, implied? Does it make us deplorables, like Hillary Clinton confessed? Or will you all finally respect the vote that the nation put fourth when re electing Trump and let the man do his job and work with him? I know the answer is no. 

I think there is going to be some investigations proving this was yet another setup - and not one who has condemned so heavily will accept that either because the hatred for the POTUS is pretty strong. Yet, remember the flack the Dems gave Trump when he asked by Hillary during the debate if he would accept the results of the election if he lost? His answer was that he would have to think about it and address it at that time. The dems hammered him, and I think there was even a thread in here bashing Trump. Hilary basically stated that not accepting the results of an election was a threat to our democracy. Trump won, and the dems since that election have been nothing short of what they proclaimed of Trumps answer. A threat to our democracy by not accepting the election.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:Yes, Trump’s Acquittal Is Real, And It’s Spectacular
JANUARY 31, 2020 By David Marcus

The most amazing thing about Democrats and their allies in the media is that they never actually lose. Any time it seems like they lose, it’s actually the result of cheating and chicanery.

Hillary Clinton didn’t lose 2016, the Russians interfered and the Electoral College is racist. Stacy Abrams didn’t lose in Georgia, the election was stolen. And sure enough, the calls have already come out to say that House Democrats aren’t really going to lose the impeachment trial, because without additional witnesses the trial isn’t legitimate and the acquittal isn’t real.

Not this time. Mitch McConnell, President Trump’s legal team, and the GOP made fools of the Democrats and drank their milkshake. But this will not stop the aggrieved cackling heads from claiming this is all somehow fake. Take a gander at the sad-sack gaslighting below.

Perhaps the main question when this all ends will be: was this a trial? It will be something, no doubt an important happening. But was it, in the end, a trial? And if it wasn't a trial, by common standards of what a trial should be, will it be considered an acquittal?

— Dan Rather (@DanRather) January 31, 2020

"It's not a real trial and it's not a real exoneration," @KirstenPowers says.

"And it's a cover-up," @CarlBernstein adds. "That's what the Senate has now done. They have covered up what the President of the United States has done."

— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) January 31, 2020

In behaving as they have, Republicans are managing not only to deprive the president of a legitimate acquittal in the eyes of Americans (who overwhelmingly want a real trial), but also to convince voters that Republicans should not be entrusted with power.

— Jennifer Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) January 24, 2020

This is the behavior of toddlers told they won’t be stopping for ice cream. “It’s not fair.” Let’s break down this tremendously stupid argument. It was perfectly fair for Democrats to set all the rules in the House impeachment process. They held secret testimony, and then they held hearings with no GOP witnesses. Then they held hearings where maybe the White House could have witnesses, at Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler’s discretion, but those witnesses couldn’t have legal counsel.

Then instead of subpoenaing the witnesses they wanted like John Bolton and Mick Mulvaney, the Democrats said, “Oh my goodness, there’s no time for that, this is an emergency, we have to impeach Trump RIGHT NOW!” Even without those witnesses. At that point, they sat on the articles of impeachment for weeks hoping for some miracle to save their hopeless case. And by the way, if the acquittal isn’t legitimate because we didn’t hear from Bolton, how on earth is the impeachment itself legitimate?

The speed with which coordinated Democratic talking points infect the news media represents some of the most efficient propaganda the nation has ever seen. Efficient, but not effective. Only those already in the pews of the Church of Orange Man Bad are buying this latest nonsense argument. The U.S. Senate decides what an impeachment trial looks like, and whatever they decide is by definition legitimate.

Now that this unbelievable waste of five months inflicted on the American people in an attempt to undermine their democratic rights is coming to an end, the takeaway is not that Republicans acted unfairly, it’s that Democrats predictably got their rear ends kicked. Those same Democrats were warned for months that this was the only outcome their doomed impeachment could lead to, but nonetheless they persisted, and made fools of themselves.

Conservatives today should be celebrating and mocking a media that still doesn’t understand how wrong it constantly is and why. The leftist establishment took their best shot at President Trump and today it glances harmlessly off his chin. Make no mistake: Donald Trump’s acquittal is real, and it is spectacular.

David Marcus is the Federalist's New York Correspondent. Follow him on Twitter, @BlueBoxDave.
David Marcus' stated it better than I could have.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(01-31-2020, 08:05 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: The POTUS does not elect himself, of course you know that. However, when/if the people reelect Trump, it's because like myself, we did not believe the half truths and twisted comments put fourth by the dems. Does that make us all stupid hicks like CNN, one of your trusted sources, implied? Does it make us deplorables, like Hillary Clinton confessed? Or will you all finally respect the vote that the nation put fourth when re electing Trump and let the man do his job and work with him? I know the answer is no. 

I think there is going to be some investigations proving this was yet another setup - and not one who has condemned so heavily will accept that either because the hatred for the POTUS is pretty strong. Yet, remember the flack the Dems gave Trump when he asked by Hillary during the debate if he would accept the results of the election if he lost? His answer was that he would have to think about it and address it at that time. The dems hammered him, and I think there was even a thread in here bashing Trump. Hilary basically stated that not accepting the results of an election was a threat to our democracy. Trump won, and the dems since that election have been nothing short of what they proclaimed of Trumps answer. A threat to our democracy by not accepting the election.

Marco Rubio and Lamar Alexander both stated that they believe he did it. Are you suggesting those GOP senators are part of this “set up” and have strong hatred for the President?
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-31-2020, 08:25 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: ..

David Marcus' stated it better than I could have.

It’s been a few days. You get that list together yet?
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-31-2020, 08:05 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: The POTUS does not elect himself, of course you know that. However, when/if the people reelect Trump, it's because like myself, we did not believe the half truths and twisted comments put fourth by the dems. Does that make us all stupid hicks like CNN, one of your trusted sources, implied? Does it make us deplorables, like Hillary Clinton confessed? Or will you all finally respect the vote that the nation put fourth when re electing Trump and let the man do his job and work with him? I know the answer is no. 

I think there is going to be some investigations proving this was yet another setup - and not one who has condemned so heavily will accept that either because the hatred for the POTUS is pretty strong. Yet, remember the flack the Dems gave Trump when he asked by Hillary during the debate if he would accept the results of the election if he lost? His answer was that he would have to think about it and address it at that time. The dems hammered him, and I think there was even a thread in here bashing Trump. Hilary basically stated that not accepting the results of an election was a threat to our democracy. Trump won, and the dems since that election have been nothing short of what they proclaimed of Trumps answer. A threat to our democracy by not accepting the election.

[Image: 83479645_4155348154476131_43989458557809...e=5ED0E155]
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(01-31-2020, 08:27 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: It’s been a few days. You get that list together yet?

I don't need a list.  Your question to me means about as much as the entire impeachment charade did.  What you, and the rest of the approximately 26% of American voters that agree with your line of thinking don't understand is;  The rest of America is fed up with the crap by the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, the activists, all of it.

All of this is really looking more and more like a simple ploy to sully the name of a duly elected President, and attempt to drag it out to election time.  It didn't work.  Get over it, and get prepared to see the Democrats suffer crushing losses in both the Presidential race and in both houses of Congress.  America has had their fill of all of it.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(01-31-2020, 08:43 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: I don't need a list.  Your question to me means about as much as the entire impeachment charade did.  What you, and the rest of the approximately 26% of American voters that agree with your line of thinking don't understand is;  The rest of America is fed up with the crap by the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, the activists, all of it.

All of this is really looking more and more like a simple ploy to sully the name of a duly elected President, and attempt to drag it out to election time.  It didn't work.  Get over it, and get prepared to see the Democrats suffer crushing losses in both the Presidential race and in both houses of Congress.  America has had their fill of all of it.

75% wanted witnesses.   Mellow

There's delusional and there is crazy whatever your post is.  Not even on the chart. 
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(01-31-2020, 08:05 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: The POTUS does not elect himself, of course you know that. However, when/if the people reelect Trump, it's because like myself, we did not believe the half truths and twisted comments put fourth by the dems. Does that make us all stupid hicks like CNN, one of your trusted sources, implied? Does it make us deplorables, like Hillary Clinton confessed? Or will you all finally respect the vote that the nation put fourth when re electing Trump and let the man do his job and work with him? I know the answer is no. 

I think there is going to be some investigations proving this was yet another setup - and not one who has condemned so heavily will accept that either because the hatred for the POTUS is pretty strong. Yet, remember the flack the Dems gave Trump when he asked by Hillary during the debate if he would accept the results of the election if he lost? His answer was that he would have to think about it and address it at that time. The dems hammered him, and I think there was even a thread in here bashing Trump. Hilary basically stated that not accepting the results of an election was a threat to our democracy. Trump won, and the dems since that election have been nothing short of what they proclaimed of Trumps answer. A threat to our democracy by not accepting the election.

The first thing I'd like to point out is the claim that Clinton called all Trump supporters "deplorables" is wrong. This is a misrepresentation of her statement by the media you listen to and the GOP. I just wanted to make sure that was pointed out in response to your diatribe about the "dems" [sic] and the sarcastic implications referring to CNN as "trusted." Glass houses, pots, kettles, all that stuff.

The other thing I'd like to say is in reference to the whole idea of the Dems not accepting the election results. Let's be clear, there were not challenges to the election by the mainstream Dems. There were no attempts to prevent the inauguration by the Dems. What there have been has been attempts to hold Trump accountable for abusing his office and violating the norms that are the guardrails of our democracy. The Republicans and the right-wing media like to call this an attempt to overturn the election which, quite frankly, is completely asinine. The job of Congress, contrary to what the Senate is claiming in this trial, is to provide oversight to the Executive. Flat out. That means using methods up to and including impeachment when the POTUS carries out an action that violates the laws or constitutes a high crime or misdemeanor (which, spoiler alert, means abuse of power). Using those tools is not "overturning an election" nor is it "not accepting the election." It is a constitutional duty.

Everything you and Sunset spew in here in regards to this is straight up propaganda laden horse shit. I have complained time and time again about actions the Democrats have taken in regards to Trump, I've even praised Trump on more than one occasion in this forum. I've also lamented the overreaching executive powers that occurred during the Obama years. I am for the rule of law and a well functioning democracy. Trump's actions and the GOP allowing it to go on is a threat to both of those things. That's not a partisan statement; it is as close to a fact as you can get when it comes to this sort of thing.

I know this will fall on deaf ears, but I had to put it out there. It's utterly ridiculous that so many people have fallen prey to this systematic destruction of our democracy and they cheer for it. Supporting the GOP in these actions is literally destroying what the framers of our country set up and it's ***** pitiful to watch.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
I'm gonna add that the one consistent thing about this is Trump is going to "win" and conservatives are STILL angry.

They never seem happy and then say "liburals" are always yelling and screaming.

Kinda funny.

Kinda sad.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
[Image: 84072293_10217961285837650_3526824120371...e=5EC40DE4]
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(01-31-2020, 08:48 PM)GMDino Wrote: 75% wanted witnesses.   Mellow

There's delusional and there is crazy whatever your post is.  Not even on the chart. 

Lol, "polling numbers"..  Who responds to polls?  People like you respond to polling, I know that I and many like me do not.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(01-31-2020, 09:02 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Lol, "polling numbers"..  Who responds to polls?  People like you respond to polling, I know that I and many like me do not.

Actually, polling tends to have a conservative bias. The reason being that because of traditional polling methods, the sample is typically older, whiter, and more wealthy. Also, formulae are utilized to account for sampling errors when providing the results, which is why you will see a "+/-" figure for a margin of error represented.

But hey, science and math are rooted in facts and aren't friends to many like you.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(01-31-2020, 08:05 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: The POTUS does not elect himself, of course you know that. However, when/if the people reelect Trump, it's because like myself, we did not believe the half truths and twisted comments put fourth by the dems. Does that make us all stupid hicks like CNN, one of your trusted sources, implied? Does it make us deplorables, like Hillary Clinton confessed? Or will you all finally respect the vote that the nation put fourth when re electing Trump and let the man do his job and work with him? I know the answer is no. 

I think there is going to be some investigations proving this was yet another setup - and not one who has condemned so heavily will accept that either because the hatred for the POTUS is pretty strong. Yet, remember the flack the Dems gave Trump when he asked by Hillary during the debate if he would accept the results of the election if he lost? His answer was that he would have to think about it and address it at that time. The dems hammered him, and I think there was even a thread in here bashing Trump. Hilary basically stated that not accepting the results of an election was a threat to our democracy. Trump won, and the dems since that election have been nothing short of what they proclaimed of Trumps answer. A threat to our democracy by not accepting the election.

Can I ask you one question - why do you throw this kind of rant at me?
Because I really don't know how to answer to all that. I did not call you deplorable or a stupid hick or any of that, mind you. I also do not think that. I have no deeply rooted liberal perspective - or rather, what you believe the liberal perspective is - on you or anything. I am just a foreign observer with opinions.
And as such I will say this: I think Trump supporters are really, really easy to get. Easy to be lied to. Easy to distract. Loyal to a fault. And always distractable by anything some crooked dem did or implied or might have done or might have thought or whatever. And this you do with all your energy. I still have not figured out exactly why.

I'm aware that all I said might appear as a description of liberals, or can be thrown back at me as such. And maybe it also is - up to a point. This is way beyond that point. "Your" side takes it way further with way more unwavering loyalty. Into dangerous waters, this time.

For one (and that is far from beyond the only thing), no a president should never ever see his own reelection as a matter of national interest. Instead, if he mixes his duties with favors for his reelection, like extorting Ukraine, he abuses his power. That's just what he does and this is not a ""liberal" thing. You turn it into one and go way too far in doing so.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-31-2020, 08:43 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: I don't need a list.  Your question to me means about as much as the entire impeachment charade did.  What you, and the rest of the approximately 26% of American voters that agree with your line of thinking don't understand is;  The rest of America is fed up with the crap by the Democrat Party, the mainstream media, the activists, all of it.

All of this is really looking more and more like a simple ploy to sully the name of a duly elected President, and attempt to drag it out to election time.  It didn't work.  Get over it, and get prepared to see the Democrats suffer crushing losses in both the Presidential race and in both houses of Congress.  America has had their fill of all of it.

You could just be a man and admit that you made it up instead of posting this nonsense
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-31-2020, 08:26 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Marco Rubio and Lamar Alexander both stated that they believe he did it. Are you suggesting those GOP senators are part of this “set up” and have strong hatred for the President?

No. Not what I said nor what I implied. When will the dems stop wasting the countries money trying to witch hunt an elected president is what I'm kinda, sorta asking. A complete waste of 3yrs of doing nothing for the people. And the dems say Trump is the one dividing it? 

(01-31-2020, 08:48 PM)GMDino Wrote: 75% wanted witnesses.   Mellow

There's delusional and there is crazy whatever your post is.  Not even on the chart. 

Not sure how to interpret your reply, so I guess I won't interpret it at all.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(01-31-2020, 09:28 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: You could just be a man and admit that you made it up instead of posting this nonsense

I don't make things up.  I do listen to the radio, a lot.  I hear lots of things, audio clips from many sources.  I don't write it all down, but remembering hearing things does stick in my mind.  Many times I hear these quotes in the process of working, which even further clouds the source and exact content of what they said, but the general message is generally what sticks with me.

So, I guess I might say I'm sorry, but not sorry, that I'm unable to provide you with "the list" you are looking to pick apart.

But, don't forget one thing.  Trump is acquitted, and it's fantastic!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Volson is meh, but I like him, and he has far exceeded my expectations

-Frank Booth 1/9/23
(01-31-2020, 10:23 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: But, don't forget one thing.  Trump is acquitted, and it's fantastic!

"Fantastic" to see our country move further away from a democratic society.

It really is amazing how little people care for the ideals that founded this country.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR

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