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(03-05-2020, 06:15 PM)BrownAssClown Wrote: The saddest part is, in the future, presidents, both Republican and Democrat, that get caught doing wrong will employ a lot of the same tactics the current president is/has used and gotten away with, why not? Works for him. I think the biggest fool in American history is Richard Nixon, he shouldn't have resigned, if he would've held his ground, he most likely would've been let off the hook and gotten away with it too.

No. Even Barry Goldwater was finally ready to impeach Nixon. Back then, people cared when a president lied, even one from their own party. Nixon would have been lucky to get 8 votes for acquittal.

The difference between 1974 and 2020 is that now the Republican party is transitioning to a regime party (e.g., party members protect each other against corruption charges, systematically leverage power via partisan accusation (coordinated with "independent" news media), depend primarily on the party leader (as opposed to voters) to validate official standing).  Oversight and checks on the Exec are not possible as long as Republicans control the Senate. The one exception may be Russia sanctions, but that story isn't over yet.

That is at least as big a concern as Trump's behavior now, as it betokens a much larger--and negative--change in US political culture
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Schumer threatens SCOTUS justices by name.  Far left clowns, 'But Trump said "X"'.

How about what Schumer did was demonstrably wrong?  What Trump said or did has no bearing on the right or wrong of Schumer's statement.  Quit trying to whatabout to Trump, just have the courage to say the truth. 

Business as usual in this dysfunctional sub-forum.
(03-05-2020, 06:35 PM)jj22 Wrote: Nixon probably should feel like a fool (if alive), but at least he can say he respected the office of Presidency. And I appreciate that.

I still don't think the next President (if a Dem) would get away with any of this. Only Republicans can (and do).

Not sure Nixon did "respect" the office of the presidency. 

I'd say he degraded it in a different and less public way than Trump, by manipulating an appearance of respect.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-05-2020, 04:14 PM)jj22 Wrote: Dems have been held to higher standards long before Trump. . . .

Until Americans quit making excuses as to why Dems can't do what Republicans do things will never change.
We witnessed Dems join Republicans in criticizing Nancy for ripping up a piece of paper. Americans attack Hillary for years for using a private server as Trump and family continue to use personal cell phones and private servicers and don't even hide it.

It certainly won't change when Dems join Republicans in attacking their own as they continue to do, even as they see Republicans unquestionable defense of anything Trump. Losers. If you didn't know why, now you know, or are seeing the issue with their party and voters.

JJ I am not sure what you are arguing for here, especially the bolded.

E.g., what do you mean by "excuses." Seems like that could only refer to claims that Dems hold their candidates to higher standards (which seems to be true). 

But that should be a good thing and "excuses" connotes bad, something we should get beyond--as in "stop making excuses and do the same to them."  Or did you mean something else? Have I misunderstood you? Just asking for clarification.

I understand why you might feel frustrated by the double standard and speak of "Dems eating their own."   If Dems refuse the double standard, then only 50% of the electorate are ready to criticize Trump while 100% are ready to criticize any Dem misstep, so on that uneven terrain upholding standards only seems like suicide. (Like criticism of Dems is bipartisan so it must be nonpartisan and criticism of Trump only "partisan." lol)

Or maybe not. I still think holding Dems to standards while pointing out that Repubs don't is the best option. But that means still holding Dems to standards. Keeping the double standard front and center as symptom and driver of political dysfunction also deflates the "whataboutism" charge.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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