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Democrats Get To Choose Between.......
(03-11-2020, 11:47 AM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: Voting records, political history, penchant for lying all gets wiped away and you just have to take the people at face value? Brutal XD. 

Have any of these things ever actually mattered? I'm serious, today more than ever I don't think voters actually care about these things. 
HAHAHA You walked into that one Brad and should have known better.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-11-2020, 01:19 PM)Au165 Wrote: Have any of these things ever actually mattered? I'm serious, today more than ever I don't think voters actually care about these things. 

Yea...I mean....I care haha. One of Bernie's most attractive qualities to me is that he's been "walking the walk" for basically his entire career. He's never been corrupted by big money or corporate interests and he stands for progressive policies, literally, decades before they were mainstream (marching with MLKJr, advocating for LGBT rights in the 80s/90s etc). It's just...impressive. For a Congressman to operate in such a different way from every other politician in Washington. It's one of the main reasons I chose Bernie over Warren (who used to be a Republican).

And it's also why I don't really like Biden that much. His voting history is just...pathetic.

Maybe I personally weigh politicians' history and consistency more than most people though. I dunno.
(03-11-2020, 02:11 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: Yea...I mean....I care haha. One of Bernie's most attractive qualities to me is that he's been "walking the walk" for basically his entire career. He's never been corrupted by big money or corporate interests. It's just...impressive. For a Congressman to operate in such a different way from every other politician in Washington. It's one of the main reasons I chose Bernie over Warren (who used to be a Republican).

And it's also why I don't really like Biden that much. His voting history is just...pathetic.

Maybe I personally weigh politicians' history and consistency more than most people though. I dunno.

I was being facetious, I know some do however we seemed to disregard those things last election cycle. It appears we are about to do it again here with the democratic nominee as even those former opponents backing Biden appear to not care about his history on topics they claimed to be very devoted to. 
(03-11-2020, 02:15 PM)Au165 Wrote: I was being facetious, I know some do however we seemed to disregard those things last election cycle. It appears we are about to do it again here with the democratic nominee as even those former opponents backing Biden appear to not care about his history on topics they claimed to be very devoted to. 

I knew you were being facetious, I just chose to respond with despondence XD. It seems the average voter just doesn't worry about such things. Whoever the DNC tells them is best, they'll vote for them. 

We did it with Hillary and now we're doing it with Biden. It's very disheartening. It makes you realize that these politicians aren't really for or against issues so much as they are "to a relative scale, more interested in them than the establishment" but not to the point that they would ever defy the establishment in order to get them resolved (again, a reason I love Bernie is he does not subscribe to this form of politicking.) 

It's just sad that, when it comes to Democrats, they only seem to fall in line when it comes to dealing with the left. When they are dealing with the right, like Mitch McConnell, they seem to be endlessly "cooperative"...hell, it's one of Biden's speaking points. He can "compromise" and "reach across the aisle" with the right (mostly by doing exactly what they want him to do), but adamantly intransigent towards the left.

It really makes me feel like the Democratic party is actually a right wing party and there is no left wing party in this country.
Conversation at work this morning with two co-workers, both women, one 64, the other 55.
Me: Well it looks like Biden will be the nominee, what is his message to the under 30 crowd?
Them: Trump is bad.
Me: That message doesn’t work. You have to give them something to vote FOR not against. What’s plan B?
Them: Trump is bad.
Me: Okay, re-elect Trump it is, I guess.

They also pointed out, it’s okay if Biden is angry and yelling at voters and it’s not hypocrisy to not like Trump for being rude. Also, in regards to younger voters “it’s not their time, shut up and fall in line”. Cable news rots the brain.
(03-11-2020, 04:14 PM)Yojimbo Wrote: Me: Well it looks like Biden will be the nominee, what is his message to the under 30 crowd?

Their votes don't count more than people over 30.

How do they think it works?
(03-11-2020, 11:12 AM)GMDino Wrote: [Image: 88968319_3540711762688519_23569417126029...e=5E945525]

He could have added that these were the BEST contingencies, the very best.

And the numbers are larger than Obama's, the largest ever, in fact, of any president.

They say that Trump is handling this better than any president ever has. Maybe better than Lincoln.
HE'S not saying that. Others are.  But we'll see . . . over by summer.
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These threads end before they even start.
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(03-11-2020, 04:49 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Their votes don't count more than people over 30.

How do they think it works?

Like I said, they need something to vote FOR. If all you do is yell at them, vote shame them and say Trump, they’ll just stay home. Obama offered “hope and change” and they came out for him in 2008. The numbers of under 30 voters have only dropped since then in 2012 and 2016.
(03-11-2020, 06:51 PM)Yojimbo Wrote:  If all you do is yell at them, vote shame them and say Trump, they’ll just stay home.

No one is yelling at them.

No one is vote shaming them.

And people are saying a lot more than just "Trump".  If they don't think people are talking about abortion, immigration, gun control, health care and many more issues then they just are not listening.

If they like Trump more than Biden, or if they are too uninformed to be able to tell the difference then that is their problem, but there is no way their votes should count more than people over 30.
(03-11-2020, 08:02 PM)fredtoast Wrote: No one is yelling at them.

No one is vote shaming them.

And people are saying a lot more than just "Trump".  If they don't think people are talking about abortion, immigration, gun control, health care and many more issues then they just are not listening.

If they like Trump more than Biden, or if they are too uninformed to be able to tell the difference then that is their problem, but there is no way their votes should count more than people over 30.

No. It is all our problems if Trump is re-elected.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-11-2020, 08:48 PM)Dill Wrote: No. It is all our problems if Trump is re-elected.

Can't argue with that, but it will be their fault if they can't see a difference between Biden and Trump.

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