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(03-12-2020, 02:53 PM)Takedown Wrote: There has to be less panic... I mean, I go to Kroger or anywhere and I look down the TP aisle and its wiped clean (no pun intended). No hand sanitizer/disinfectant, etc. I'm not saying people shouldn't be worried, but I can argue that all of the hoarders are helping spread germs with cleaning supplies not being properly distributed. I'm going about my day as normal, except I am taking the extra steps of washing my hands a little longer, avoiding hand shakes, and just common sense stuff. If I could work from home I would.

As far as the Bengals go and NFL activities, I think it's smart to do what they're doing. The media is having a field day with this bs. We may never know an accurate number on infected people or even the death toll. The 100% truth never made the media $. If you have a serious medical condition, be cautious and maybe cancel that next cruise you got booked for now. If you're young and healthy, still be cautious. Why? Because just because you may not die, doesn't mean you won't spread it to someone who may die from covid-19.

Just be smart and have some damn common sense people.

Well said Takedown, great post.
(03-12-2020, 02:27 PM)XenoMorph Wrote: why weren't these people buying TP before this?

Because they are panicking due to the news.   My guess is most people don't plan their supplies of such things for more than a few weeks or so at a time.  They might buy TP in bulk every now and then but wait to buy more until the supply gets low.  Now the supply is drying up due to panic and people that thought prior to all this, "I'll buy more next week because I have a few rolls left," are scrambling to find a supply.

I'm good myself because as in the thread I posted earlier about being prepared, I have enough TP for probably a year as I stocked my supply well before this even happened.   :)
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ    Yeah
(03-12-2020, 02:56 PM)George Cantstandya Wrote: Because they are panicking due to the news.   My guess is most people don't plan their supplies of such things for more than a few weeks or so at a time.  They might buy TP in bulk every now and then but wait to buy more until the supply gets low.  Now the supply is drying up due to panic and people that thought prior to all this, "I'll buy more next week because I have a few rolls left," are scrambling to find a supply.

I'm good myself because as in the thread I posted earlier about being prepared, I have enough TP for probably a year as I stocked my supply well before this even happened.   :)

Reminds me of the Supernatural episode when Dean's future self said to his past self to stock up on TP lol

I do. LMAO
(03-12-2020, 02:42 PM)Hoofhearted Wrote: Because risking of over a million people dying from something preventable — like quarantining people — is not a bad idea.

I agree.

But if THE ENTIRE world quarantines, then there would be massive issues; the only way quarantining will be 100% effective, is if the entire world is quarantined for 3 weeks.

That is the only sure way, I feel, to kill it dead.

But, there won't be any;

- businesses running
- people getting paid
- bills getting paid
- issues with credit and other things
- a shit-ton of edible food will just expire and become useless, wasting money and nutrition


Perhaps I am being a bit boisterous, however Takedown said it perfectly above: use common-sense.

Again, Quarantining only works on a large scale, if EVERYBODY does it and that's not going to happen.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
[Image: Truck_1_0_1_.png]
From a football related perspective only, I think a shutdown or delay in offseason activities may actually be a good thing. If they were able to come to terms on the new CBA during a shutdown it would benefit everyone. Owners, and players.

I know the looming CBA situation has been mentioned numerous times around the league regarding negotiations and decisions. Specifically, it's been referenced in regards to AJ Green and Joe Mixon long-term deals.

There's potential increases in revenue sharing, that will affect the cap and spending. There's debate on the use of tags as well. As it stands there is no rollover for 2021 (Spend it or lose it).

These are pretty substantial things that can affect spending and approach.

Keep in mind, the last time a new CBA was being worked was in 2011. And it factored greatly according to Mike Brown. He's specifically said they'd look at the idea of a practice facility after they got through the CBA. So with no new deal in place I could see that weighing in some of our decisions.

If I'm the NFL I think I'd suspend most operations until at least April 1st. Focus on the CBA in the meantime. Better safe than sorry, and avoid any bad PR from needless travel.
(03-12-2020, 03:00 PM)Nate (formerly eliminate08) Wrote: Reminds me of the Supernatural episode when Dean's future self said to his past self to stock up on TP lol

I do. LMAO

Haha, the way things are going in stores near me, I could probably set up shop in my garage and sell TP at $5 a roll and still have enough for myself by the time this blows over.  Make some decent cash.  But that isn't my thing to exploit things like that.  I saw people on eBay selling 8oz bottles of hand sanitizer for like $25. That's just lame and taking advantage of the situation IMO.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ    Yeah
A conservative estimate by the doctor I heard on TV it's extremely likely at least 70 percent of the US population will get this so plan accordingly. Also best case scenario we are 18 months away from a vaccination
MLB and NHL just suspended all operations. MLS announced earlier today as well.

With the invidual conferences in the NCAA canceling conference tourneys, and a likely response from the NCAA itself, I expect these scheduled Pro Days will follow suit in no time. You can't remove all students from school, then cancel student-athlete events in other sports, and allow only football player to host events on campus. It's terrible optics for the schools and NFL to confinue with these.

I'd be shocked if the NFL doesn't suspend operations by the end of the weekend. They'll be forced to fall in line with the response.
(03-12-2020, 03:16 PM)Bengalfan4life27c Wrote: A conservative estimate by the doctor I heard on TV it's extremely likely at least 70 percent of the US population will get this so plan accordingly. Also best case scenario we are 18 months away from a vaccination

Here's what is incredible to me:

-It can take 1-2 weeks to manifest symptoms, and those symptoms can have varying degrees of severity from person to person.
-The virus can remain active in your body for up to 5 weeks after recovery.

So all in all, a person could potential serve as a live host to this virus for 7 weeks.  That's insane.
Everything in this post is my fault.
(03-12-2020, 03:16 PM)Bengalfan4life27c Wrote: A conservative estimate by the doctor I heard on TV it's extremely likely at least 70 percent of the US population will get this so plan accordingly. Also best case scenario we are 18 months away from a vaccination

It has been floated that best case is 6 months to 2 years.

I wouldn't take stock in that, right now.

My sister posted the 70% thing (only the world, not the US) 2 weeks ago; again, this is a recurrence of the Bubonic Plague, only significantly less-deadly.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
[Image: Truck_1_0_1_.png]
(03-12-2020, 03:30 PM)Truck_1_0_1_ Wrote: It has been floated that best case is 6 months to 2 years.

I wouldn't take stock in that, right now.

My sister posted the 70% thing (only the world, not the US) 2 weeks ago; again, this is a recurrence of the Bubonic Plague, only significantly less-deadly.

I would hope that the 18-month projection for the vaccine is an overestimation for the sake of diligence.  We're one of the most advanced countries in the world and needless to say this has the government's attention now.

A year and a half is a LONG time to deal with a contagious illness without a safeguard. Needless to say, this could impact the actual NFL season in six months.
Everything in this post is my fault.
(03-12-2020, 03:33 PM)Big Boss Wrote: I would hope that the 18-month projection for the vaccine is an overestimation for the sake of diligence.  We're one of the most advanced countries in the world and needless to say this has the government's attention now.

A year and a half is a LONG time to deal with a contagious illness without a safeguard. Needless to say, this could impact the actual NFL season in six months.

Personally, while not a preventative, can the vaccination be anything other than another type of flu shot?

Viruses can't really be prevented or vaccinated, save for certain types of retroviruses, so what use would it actually serve?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
[Image: Truck_1_0_1_.png]
The TP hoarding, much like The Masked Singer, shows just how many stupid people there are out there.

Yoy have people doomsday prepping their way into 6 months worth of toilet paper for a virus that may or may not cause the bulk of its problems for 6-8 weeks.

And TP is the last thing you want if you think Coivd19 = The Walking Dead. Rations, non-perishables. Twinkies, canned food, rubbing alcohol, high proof licquer. That's the type of stuff what you'd actually want if you think the world is ending.

But TP? We survived without TP until the late 1800's. If you run out grab a branch, or turn on your runnjng water and spread them cheeks. Shocked

And the biggest problem is that you get a select few that panic about TP and hand sanitizer and buy way too much, which then causes more slightly less dumb people to panic and do the same, in fear of running out. And then that continues until you have about 10% of the population hoarding 100% of the readily available supply. Then an empty shelf causes all hell to break loose, as if TP production has ceased forever.

Stupidity and hysteria breed more stupidity and hysteria. Stupid people are as much as a virus as the virus itself. They spread their idiocy until it affects everyone.
(03-12-2020, 01:46 PM)TheLeonardLeap Wrote: And those people still don't care about the NBA regular season.

The NBA only averages 400 more people attending per game than the NHL, and 11,000 less people than MLB despite MLB having 80 more games in their regular season.

9 of the last 10 teams to play in the NBA Finals were the Warriors and Cavaliers. The entire rest of the season is pointless if it's just going to boil down to 2 teams.

Sympathy for the vendors, but I have to confess--I don't care about the NBA's regular season either, and probably never will until open-court tackling becomes part of basketball.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-12-2020, 02:22 PM)Nate (formerly eliminate08) Wrote: Yeah, I understand that.

Just don't like it getting so overblown by the media.

This didn't happen with the last President. Mellow

There was testing and resources under the last President and there was a department created specifically for these things that is no longer available to help.

So there is a difference this go round, and I think we are seeing this. I think teams/sports/colleges etc know how to the media works, so we can't just blame the media and twitter for causing all of this. It's how it's been handled and the confidence of how it's handled and if it will be contained or if it something like the Flu as some keep saying that unlike Eboli and H1N1 will continue to haunt us every winter from here on out. That's the difference. Treating it like the flu means it won't go away, it'll just be a common occurrence every winter. And that approach is one of the reasons this is different.

Getting out in front of this instead of downplaying it when China gave us the chance to prepare for it should have been the move.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
(03-12-2020, 03:47 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: The TP hoarding, much like The Masked Singer, shows just how many stupid people there are out there.

Yoy have people doomsday prepping their way into 6 months worth of toilet paper for a virus that may or may not cause the bulk of its problems for 6-8 weeks.

And TP is the last thing you want if you think Coivd19 = The Walking Dead.  Rations, non-perishables. Twinkies, canned food, rubbing alcohol, high proof licquer. That's the type of stuff what you'd actually want if you think the world is ending.

But TP? We survived without TP until the late 1800's. If you run out grab a branch, or turn on your runnjng water and spread them cheeks.  Shocked

And the biggest problem is that you get a select few that panic about TP and hand sanitizer and buy way too much, which then causes more slightly less dumb people to panic and do the same, in fear of running out. And then that continues until you have about 10% of the population hoarding 100% of the readily available supply. Then an empty shelf causes all hell to break loose, as if TP production has ceased forever.

Stupidity and hysteria breed more stupidity and hysteria. Stupid people are as much as a virus as the virus itself. They spread their idiocy until it affects everyone.

If I didn't stock up at Sam's Club I would pay out ten times as much at my local stores.

Which is why I stock up. Also if you want to use a branch, be my guest.  Hilarious
(03-12-2020, 03:52 PM)jj22 Wrote: There was testing and resources under the last President and there was a department created specifically for these things that is no longer available to help.

So there is a difference this go round, and I think we are seeing this. I think teams/sports/colleges etc know how to deal with the media, so we can't just blame the media and twitter for causing all of this. It's how it's been handled and the confidence of how it's handled and if it will be contained or if it something like the Flu as you guys keep saying that unlike Eboli and H1N1 will continue to haunt us for ever every winter. That's the difference. Treating it like the flu means it won't go away, it'll just be a common occurrence every winter. And that approach is one of the reasons this is different.

I don't disagree with this.
(03-12-2020, 03:47 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: And TP is the last thing you want if you think Coivd19 = The Walking Dead.  Rations, non-perishables. Twinkies, canned food, rubbing alcohol, high proof licquer. That's the type of stuff what you'd actually want if you think the world is ending.

Not that I think it will get to that point, but I have my supply of food, cleaning supplies, and other emergency needs.  But I have kept a supply and rotated them out for a while now and long before conoravirus. Now people are buying them all up like the world is ending and I don't feel so silly about having prepared beforehand.  :)
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ    Yeah
This isn't the first pandemic our nation has dealt with. Polio spread rapidly until a vaccine was found. You still may get it with all the precautions. This will bring the world together and humbly realize the value of life.
Who Dey!  Tiger
(03-12-2020, 03:47 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: The TP hoarding, much like The Masked Singer, shows just how many stupid people there are out there.

Yoy have people doomsday prepping their way into 6 months worth of toilet paper for a virus that may or may not cause the bulk of its problems for 6-8 weeks.

And TP is the last thing you want if you think Coivd19 = The Walking Dead.  Rations, non-perishables. Twinkies, canned food, rubbing alcohol, high proof licquer. That's the type of stuff what you'd actually want if you think the world is ending.

But TP? We survived without TP until the late 1800's. If you run out grab a branch, or turn on your runnjng water and spread them cheeks.  Shocked

And the biggest problem is that you get a select few that panic about TP and hand sanitizer and buy way too much, which then causes more slightly less dumb people to panic and do the same, in fear of running out. And then that continues until you have about 10% of the population hoarding 100% of the readily available supply. Then an empty shelf causes all hell to break loose, as if TP production has ceased forever.

Stupidity and hysteria breed more stupidity and hysteria. Stupid people are as much as a virus as the virus itself. They spread their idiocy until it affects everyone.
I was at my local CVS two days ago and there was a lady with one of their little carts full to the top with just hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes. I was like wow, then I realized she might work at a nursing home or day care or something. I don't know if it's the media overblowing things or people overreacting to the information they are given or a combination of things. I just hope this thing passes quickly, so we can get on with the important things like Bengal football! WhoDey!
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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