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(03-13-2020, 12:35 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Man that's some grade-A projecting right there.  You hate the way I'm apparently the exact opposite of you, hate what you love, love what you hate and strive to completely ruin the country while you laud the man who is ushering us into a golden age.

My question was how you can look at the president and get all starry-eyed and proud and I think I got my answer there.
So tell us who are you backing Bernie(who your puppet masters won't let win because he will totally destroy America and the democratic party) or Sleepy Joe who will bring back corruption on a epic scale. You Dumbocrats are like the people in a card trick where the dealer tells you pick a card while they pick the card for you giving you no real choice. 2016 Hillary and 2020 Biden. 
(03-13-2020, 12:51 PM)Nately120 Wrote: It never ceases to amaze me how Obama can up the killings and bombings and his fan club calls him a peace-lover who deserves the Nobel Prize and his detractors act like he's some sort of wimpy flower-child.

Stuff like this is why I'm addicted to political banter.

It never ceases to amaze me how Trump can avoid war when he pulls troops out of harms way and when he doesn't attack Iran after a drone being shot down but is dragging us into conflict when he takes out a terrorist leader.
(03-13-2020, 12:56 PM)Catmandude123 Wrote: So tell us who are you backing Bernie(who your puppet masters won't let win because he will totally destroy America and the democratic party) or Sleepy Joe who will bring back corruption on a epic scale. You Dumbocrats are like the people in a card trick where the dealer tells you pick a card while they pick the card for you giving you no real choice. 2016 Hillary and 2020 Biden. 

I voted for Gary Johnson in the last 2 elections, so if I'm really a slave to the democrats and their shoddy candidates I'm doing a really terrible job at it.  So riddle me this, why is it that you have such a hard time believing that I, someone who isn't gaga over Trump, isn't completely insane for the left-wing?

(03-13-2020, 01:01 PM)Catmandude123 Wrote: It never ceases to amaze me how Trump can avoid war when he pulls troops out of harms way and when he doesn't attack Iran after a drone being shot down but is dragging us into conflict when he takes out a terrorist leader.

So you understand how easily party-line thinking can lead to groupthink and misinterpretation, yet you seem to be eyeballs deep in your own form of it...astounding.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-13-2020, 12:09 PM)Catmandude123 Wrote: Who led our country into the biggest racial divide since the civil war and left office ten's of millions richer than when he entered? Gave billions to Iran and abandoned our ambassador and troops to be slaughtered by his buddies in ISIS? Yeah that was your buddy Obama.

Outside of Fox news, the world looks like this:

1. Historians, journalists and other professional observers say that the biggest racial divide since the Civil War emerged during the fight against segregation in the late 50s and early 60s. The only thing racially "divisive" about Obama's tenure in office was his choice of a black father. No president before him had ever done that. He could not find "good people" on both sides of a riot started by white nationalists. That's what made him "divisive" to some.

2. Who has a problem with Obama making money on book deals? It's not like he profited from scam universities and foundations, right? And he actually lost money while in office.

3. Obama did not "give billions to Iran." He unfroze Iranian accounts giving them access to their own money. That was part of a process whereby he lead the major nations of the EU and of the UN security council to sign a deal with Iran halting their enrichment of Uranium.  Trump blew up that deal. Now the Iranians have their billions, are back to enriching uranium; no one trusts US diplomacy anymore, and we have twice come to the brink of war with Iran.

4. Obama abandoned no one to be slaughtered by anyone, as SEVEN Republican-led Congressional investigations concluded. Trump, however, did abandon our Kurdish allies, 300 of whom died the day after he pulled US troops from the Syrian border with Turkey. And he was censured for this by his own House Republicans. Did you know that Obama had killed over 11,000 of his ISIS "buddies" before Trump came to office?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-13-2020, 01:01 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I voted for Gary Johnson in the last 2 elections, so if I'm really a slave to the democrats and their shoddy candidates I'm doing a really terrible job at it.  So riddle me this, why is it that you have such a hard time believing that I, someone who isn't gaga over Trump, isn't completely insane for the left-wing?

You want me to feel sorry for you because you threw your vote away two times in a row? If you wanted change you should have voted for Bernie or Trump. Both were outliers from party norms. Hillary and Joe are nothing more than a return to the Obama years you disliked. Trump's not perfect by any means but he isn't part of the BS that has ruined our way of life for the last forty years. Joe and Bernie say they will change things but both have been in office for forty years. Why didn't they do it then?
(03-13-2020, 01:11 PM)Catmandude123 Wrote: You want me to feel sorry for you because you threw your vote away two times in a row?

I voted for the person whom I thought was best fit for the job and the party that I thought would make the biggest impact upon our election system which I see as being in need of repair and retooling.  I'm more than willing to explain my reasoning behind my vote but you seem more interested in insisting that anyone who would debate politics with you is brainwashed, insane, and/or a danger to this country.

Honestly, I am starting to realize that discussing this with you is showing some insanity on my part.

(03-13-2020, 01:11 PM)Catmandude123 Wrote: Trump's not perfect by any means but he isn't part of the BS that has ruined our way of life for the last forty years.

This seems awfully specific, are you saying every president since Carter has been actively ruining this country? So are you a republican or a Trump-first and Trump-only sort of pseudo populist/statist?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-13-2020, 01:01 PM)Nately120 Wrote: So you understand how easily party-line thinking can lead to groupthink and misinterpretation

 Yeah I deal with democrats everyday.
(03-13-2020, 01:16 PM)Catmandude123 Wrote:  Yeah I deal with democrats everyday.

Your inability to even recognize that people who disagree with you could have functioning brains, free will, or logic-based convictions intrigues me.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-13-2020, 01:16 PM)Catmandude123 Wrote:  Yeah I deal with democrats everyday.

And I see how you do that--by repeating unvetted Fox talking points while implying others are the sheep.

LOL Sean and Rush told you about Dem "groupthink," right?  THAT'S how you know.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-13-2020, 01:14 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I voted for the person whom I thought was best fit for the job

No you threw away your vote two times on some idealistic candidate who absolutely had zero chance of winning and zero chance of keeping election promises . I don't know why I waste my time on someone who brags about being a non entity in the election process. If you are actually against someone as much as you are against our president then ,by God, vote him out with a candidate who can do something you want the president to do. I know the democrats don't give you any real choice by only having Brain dead Joe and comrade Bernie but your vile hatred of Trump demands you do more tha throw your vote away.
(03-13-2020, 01:24 PM)Dill Wrote: And I see how you do that--by repeating unvetted Fox talking points while implying others are the sheep.

LOL Sean and Rush told you about Dem "groupthink," right?  THAT'S how you know.

Well... He did come up with that catchy Sleepy Joe nickname.
I'm gonna break every record they've got. I'm tellin' you right now. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but it's goin' to get done.

- Ja'Marr Chase 
  April 2021
(03-13-2020, 12:09 PM)Catmandude123 Wrote: Who led our country into the biggest racial divide since the civil war

I believe most people who are familiar with US history would agree the racial divide was much greater during the Civil Rights Movement during the 1960s.

Quote:and left office ten's of millions richer than when he entered?

I don’t know if this is true or false. I guess we would need to check his tax returns.

Quote:Gave billions to Iran

Obama didn’t give Iran billions. The US, along with other countries, unfroze Iran’s own assets after inspections as part of a treaty to prevent them from developing nuclear weapons. A treaty we no longer have to prevent Iran from continuing development of nuclear weapons. While new hostilities continue to escalate.

Quote:and abandoned our ambassador and troops to be slaughtered by his buddies in ISIS? Yeah that was your buddy Obama.

1. ISIS didn’t attack the Benghazi compound.

2. No US troops were slaughtered during the Benghazi attack. The four KIAs included the US ambassador, a US foreign service officer, and two CIA contractors. Why were there armed, former special ops CIA contractors? Because it was a CIA mission.

3. Four KIAs in Benghazi pales in comparison to over 4500 KIAs in Iraq over lies about WMDs and links to Al Qaeda and 9/11.
(03-13-2020, 01:28 PM)Catmandude123 Wrote: No you threw away your vote two times on some idealistic candidate who absolutely had zero chance of winning and zero chance of keeping election promises . I don't know why I waste my time on someone who brags about being a non entity in the election process. If you are actually against someone as much as you are against our president then ,by God, vote him out with a candidate who can do something you want the president to do. I know the democrats don't give you any real choice by only having Brain dead Joe and comrade Bernie but your vile hatred of Trump demands you do more tha throw your vote away.

So you are saying I'm an idiot for not voting for one of the two major parties, but by the way one of the major parties is actively trying to destroy this country?  Again, your inability to present any argument that doesn't equate me to a treasonous maniac is troubling.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-13-2020, 12:56 PM)Catmandude123 Wrote:  Sleepy Joe who will bring back corruption on a epic scale. 

Trump has been proven to be far more corrupt than Obama or Biden.

Trump University scam...... $25 million dollar settlement.

Trump Charity Foundation scam...… shut down under judicial supervision.

Trump Stormy Danials scam..... lied about paying hush money.

Trump fundraiser scam..... Ordered to pay $2 million for using income from non-profit Trump Foundation fundraiser on Presidential campaign.

Trump National Golf Club scam...…  Paid $5.5 million in 2018 to settle.

And here are the some of his associates that were supposed to "drain the swamp" and the crimes they have been convicted of

Michael Flynn.... Trump’s national security adviser, on one count of lying to the FBI

Rick Gates.... Trump’s former deputy campaign manager and Manafort protégé, on one count of conspiracy against the United States and one count of making false statements to FBI agents

George Papadopoulos.... a Trump foreign policy adviser, for making false statements to the FBI about his contacts with Russians during the campaign

Michael Cohen.... Trump’s former lawyer and fixer, who pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about a possible Trump Organization real estate project in Moscow that was under consideration during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Paul Manafort.... Trump’s former campaign chair, who pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy against the US and one count of conspiracy to obstruct justice.
(03-13-2020, 12:30 PM)Catmandude123 Wrote: I hate the way you and others despise a man who only looks to better the position of our citizens while you and others laud the left and the way they want to turn America into a socialist country

I want you to explain how Medicare for All or government funded higher education is socialism.

Quote:or elect a man who wants to extend his corruption to the oval office.

Was there a fake Biden University that paid $25 million to its victims?

Did the US courts order the dissolution of a fake charity Biden was misusing for his own personal gain?
(03-13-2020, 01:24 PM)Dill Wrote: And I see how you do that--by repeating unvetted Fox talking points while implying others are the sheep.

LOL Sean and Rush told you about Dem "groupthink," right?  THAT'S how you know.

Real Americans listen the news that are believable. The news sources you listen to have been losing in the ratings for years. Why is that. Could it be that intelligent people see thru their propaganda(Mueller report, impeachment). Coordinated attacks against a President by the media ,FBI, FISA courts have jaded the perception of the news media by the average viewer. 
(03-13-2020, 12:46 PM)Catmandude123 Wrote: There goes Fred cherry picking stats again. Why don't you show the years 2009(1400b and 1000b more than 2008) and 2010(1200b) years of his presidency?Our President rebuilt the Military while your president went on an apology tour for defeating our enemies.

Rebuilt? Trump did not rebuild the military. That’s strictly propaganda. Just look at the military budgets since 2001.
(03-13-2020, 01:43 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Rebuilt? Trump did not rebuild the military. That’s strictly propaganda. Just look at the military budgets since 2001.

Military budget reports are a bunch of left-wing hyperbole and that's why they're losing in the ratings war.

(03-13-2020, 01:41 PM)Catmandude123 Wrote: Real Americans listen the news that are believable.

People believe what they want to believe, so I'll agree with you there on a technicality. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
How anyone can support Trump is beyond my comprehension
1 Appointed countless criminals into cabinet Jobs.
2 Using WH to enrich himself family and properties
3 His own foundation was ruled crooked
4 Hasnt stopped Korea from developing nuclear weapons
5 Tried to illegally pressure a foreign govt to investigate his political rival
6 Stated during a rally where an african american was killed for protesting a white supremacist rally stated bad people on both sides
7 Aligns with Russia even against own American interest
8 abandoned our european allies.
9 refuses to admit russia interfered in our 2016 election
10 pardoned military war criminals against the advice of 5 star generals
11 Shut down the federal govt for 2 months over a temper tantrum
12 exacerbated the problem of the corona virus due to his poor policy
(03-13-2020, 01:11 PM)Catmandude123 Wrote: You want me to feel sorry for you because you threw your vote away two times in a row? If you wanted change you should have voted for Bernie or Trump. Both were outliers from party norms. Hillary and Joe are nothing more than a return to the Obama years you disliked. Trump's not perfect by any means but he isn't part of the BS that has ruined our way of life for the last forty years. Joe and Bernie say they will change things but both have been in office for forty years. Why didn't they do it then?

Isn’t part of the problems of the last 40 years?

Trump sends manufacturing jobs overseas and imports overseas labor to work in his hotels instead of hiring Americans.

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