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I agree that Pence carrying empty boxes "for the cameras" is the perfect metaphor for this administration.   Hilarious

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(05-08-2020, 11:34 AM)GMDino Wrote: I agree that Pence carrying empty boxes "for the cameras" is the perfect metaphor for this administration.   Hilarious


The author of this Buzzfeed article responded to that tweet and said that the clip cuts off right before Pence closes the van door. He never carried empty ones. ABC took the Jimmy Kimmel clip off twitter.
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(05-08-2020, 01:55 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: The author of this Buzzfeed article responded to that tweet and said that the clip cuts off right before Pence closes the van door. He never carried empty ones. ABC took the Jimmy Kimmel clip off twitter.

Don't care.  Joke or not I stand by my statement that it is an appropriate methaphor.

I mean besides him being a nursing home with no mask on...
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(05-08-2020, 01:59 PM)GMDino Wrote: Don't care.  Joke or not I stand by my statement that it is an appropriate methaphor.

I mean besides him being a nursing home with no mask on...

Yeah, but this now "proves" that the entire MSM is fake and has been for the last 4 years.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Trump defenders (including those who "don't support" him) need to get on this right away!  MSM makes it sound like having a leader who publicly suggests doctors check out the potential for bleach treatment of COV-19 is somehow a bad thing.

If Trump says it, all the liberals are against it

Same for exploring the possibility of ingesting ultraviolet rays, which like bleach have been PROVEN to kill the virus.  

'What are we doing this for?': Doctors are fed up with conspiracies ravaging ERs

"At the end of another long shift treating coronavirus patients, Dr. Hadi Halazun opened his Facebook page to find a man insisting to him that "no one's dying" and that the coronavirus is "fake news" drummed up by the news media.

Hadi tried to engage and explain his firsthand experience with the virus. In reply, another user insinuated that he wasn't a real doctor, saying pictures from his profile showing him at concerts and music festivals proved it.

"I told them: 'I am a real doctor. There are 200 people in my hospital's ICU,'" said Halazun, a cardiologist in New York. "And they said, 'Give me your credentials.' I engaged with them, and they kicked me off their wall."
"I left work and I felt so deflated. I let it get to me."

Halazun, like many other health care professionals, is dealing with a bombardment of misinformation and harassment from conspiracy theorists, some of whom have moved beyond posting online to pressing doctors for proof of the severity of the pandemic.
And it's taking a toll. Halazun said dealing with conspiracy theorists is the "second most painful thing I've had to deal with, other than separation of families from their loved one."

Several other doctors shared similar experiences, saying that they regularly had to treat patients who had sought care too late because of conspiracy theories spread on social media and that social media companies have to do more to counteract the forces that spread lies for profit.

Dr. Duncan Maru, a physician and epidemiologist in Queens, New York, said he had heard from colleagues that a young patient had come into the emergency room last week with damage to his intestinal tract after having ingested bleach. The incident occurred just days after President Donald Trump suggested that "injection" of disinfectants should be researched as a potential coronavirus treatment.

"Folks delaying seeking care or, taking the most extreme case, somebody drinking bleach as a result of structural factors just underlines the fact that we have not protected the public from disinformation," Maru said.
The structural factors in this case include Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, which have struggled to contain the spread of misinformation, some of it coming from positions of authority."
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Therez more!

"These anti-vaccination people were telling me I'm a sheep," Halazun said. "Dr. Fauci this, Bill Gates that. And I don't really care what you think about Bill Gates. It doesn't affect me. But it does affect me when they tell me what we're doing is not real and that the hospitals are really empty. It hurts."

In January, a well-known promoter of QAnon, the baseless conspiracy theory that Trump is secretly dismantling a pedophile-cannibal cabal that runs the U.S. government, pushed a conspiracy theory that Gates "patented" the coronavirus based on a mischaracterized public patent search.

The patent was created by a Gates-aligned research institute to research a vaccine, a common practice among researchers, and it covered a previous coronavirus, not the one that causes COVID-19.

Still, the tweet helped spark a focus on Gates that has permeated the various conspiracy theory networks that have developed on the internet in recent years.

The same QAnon promoter later promoted a diluted form of bleach called "Miracle Mineral Solution" as a possible way to kill the coronavirus.

Similarly, the anti-vaccination movement has pushed a false conspiracy theory that 5G towers are weakening immune systems throughout the world and that COVID-19 is a cover story for the colossal death tolls around the world.
After a prominent anti-vaccination figure posted a video on Instagram of a man alongside a destroyed 5G tower, several arson fires were set on towers across Europe and Canada.

Brian Keeley, a professor of philosophy at Pitzer College in California who studies why people believe in conspiracy theories, said some people in times of crisis look to far-fetched ideas with simple answers for complex problems.
Providing a straightforward, extinguishable enemy — whether it's a well-known celebrity like Gates or a mysterious concept like the illuminati — gives conspiracy theorists hope, agency and power in a time of chaos. In reality, those recognizable, often mortal figures are simply scapegoats for an act of God.
"People are looking for these kinds of explanations to control something in their lives," Keeley said.
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Is the government using ventilators to install microchips in citizens?

Stop and think Sheeple! Why are they keeping everyone out of these COV-19 wards?


LOL if you believe that then I have a 5G tower to sell you! MAGA 2020!

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(05-08-2020, 01:59 PM)GMDino Wrote: Don't care.  Joke or not I stand by my statement that it is an appropriate methaphor.

I mean besides him being a nursing home with no mask on...

Egh, ok but we should care about being those who want to be accurate. This attitude is the attitude of the right that confounds us when they willingly promote falsehoods.
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Turns out Hogan was just pulling one of his patented publicity stunts...
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(05-07-2020, 08:03 PM)bfine32 Wrote: You're doing a poor job of putting it on ignore.

Yes, I am. I should follow my own advice and ignore your posts when someone quotes you, also.

Quote:But in the post I quoted you clearly slammed Trump for not listening to the WHO while simultaneously slamming him for listening to the CDC.

Oh, look. Another semantics argument. Good job, Skip Bayless.

My comments involving the CDC and the WHO were about two different subjects and didn’t involve Trump listening to the WHO “over” the CDC.

Quote:Let's not try to narrow the scope.

Narrow it to what I actually wrote instead of the BS lie you told? No.

Quote:Not sure how I can be a liar when I clearly shared your exact post.  But Monday morning QBs are the best. 

You wrote I slammed Trump for “listening to his CDC over the WHO” and you showed me writing about two completely different subjects involving the CDC and the WHO. What you wrote isn’t true and is a lie and that makes you a liar.
(05-07-2020, 09:05 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Exactly. He slammed Trump for relying on the CDC 's testing;yet slammed him later for not pimping their national guidelines

Two different topics and either have anything to do with the WHO mitigation strategies recommended in January.

Quote:I also pointed to where he condemned Trump for not following WHO guidance.

The WHO mitigation recommendations don’t have anything to do with the CDC’s test kits. Absolutely nothing. That didn’t involve listening to the CDC over the WHO as you falsely claimed.

Quote:When they said masks didn't matter.

The CDC issued the same guidance. Anyone who gives “two shits about the truth” wouldn’t lie by omission (as you just did) to give cover to their previous bald face lie.

(The reason for such statement is because there are different types of masks used for different situations. Procedure or surgical masks do not prevent the wearer from becoming infected, but may reduce the chance healthy people might get infected when around those who are infected. N95 masks may prevent the wearer from becoming infected if properly fitted and are intended for healthcare workers and are currently in short supply. Next asinine semantics argument in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . )

Quote:So yeah, that illustrates a propensity to side with the WHO over the CDC. Conceded he didn't actually say "He chose WHO over CDC" .

This isn’t about a propensity to side with anyone. This is about you making a false statement, me challenging you to prove otherwise, and you failing miserably to do so.

Quote:As to what it accomplishes: It points to those that give 2 shits about truth when the alternative is to make Trump look bad. I gave a well-reasoned response to dude's claims about folks pointing to everything negative that Trump does. But we had to pick up on that one small tidbit.

FFS, what does shit like that achieve? 

Writes the guy who derailed another thread with another semantics argument based upon a lie then failing to prove otherwise when challenged to do so.
(05-07-2020, 11:21 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I never said he ignored anything. I did say his statements seemed to prefer one over the other

Just pointed out the goal never changes "to make POTUS look bad", yet the reasons why often contradict themselves. 

Ignore away. Many do best in group think or at its base, Munchhausen trilemma

Dude suggested bleach injections, hitting the body with very powerful lights, and recommended combining two drugs which can cause fatal heart arrhythmias based upon a study with 26 test subjects that excluded everyone who got worse or died against medical advice.

It is impossible for me to make him look worse than he already does.
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(05-08-2020, 07:39 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Egh, ok but we should care about being those who want to be accurate. This attitude is the attitude of the right that confounds us when they willingly promote falsehoods.

I care that I was wrong, I don't care because it's still a great metaphor.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
It's almost like the POTUS doesn't understand...time? Change? 

But meanwhile everyone around his getting tested constantly....but he's using that to say testing isn't any need because sometimes people test positive after they test negative.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(05-09-2020, 09:11 AM)GMDino Wrote: I care that I was wrong, I don't care because it's still a great metaphor.

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[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

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(05-09-2020, 12:54 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: [Image: 2jkypf.jpg]

I'd argue that I have not!

I admit when something is 100% accurate.  However  I will stand behind the metaphor.   Smirk
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(05-09-2020, 12:41 PM)GMDino Wrote: But meanwhile everyone around his getting tested constantly....but he's using that to say testing isn't any need because sometimes people test positive after they test negative.

Seems like a waste to me.  Why get tested if you are going to get it anyway?

Trump's priorities right now show leadership:

1. Hold China accountable.

2. Get the economy up and running.

3. Keep Fauci off the air and away from Dems.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:Paul, who himself was diagnosed with coronavirus in March, said a one-size-fits-all approach to reopening the economy is not supported by data.

"We really ought to be doing it school district by school district," he said. "The power needs to be dispersed because people make wrong predictions, and really, the history of this when we look back will be of wrong prediction after wrong prediction after wrong prediction."

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah, let's put this in the hands of thousands of school administrators across the country that don't have any experience in epidemiology or public health.  The same people who expels kids for making a gun out of their fingers or for taking a Tylenol without a prescription because of zero tolerance policies that totally takes away any judgment during decision making.  Yeah, let's put them in charge of this.  Great idea, Rand.

And LOL at the part about wrong predictions.  Like it's one person coming in from China.  It will be down to zero soon.  Totally under control.  It will go away like a miracle.  It will go away in April with the heat.  Those types of wrong predictions, Rand?

If you are unaware, Pence's press secretary tested positive for Covid-19.

Quote:McEnany stressed that it was Pence’s “personal decision” as to how many days he would keep his distance from the president.

Really?  His personal decision on how long to remain in quarantine after contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19?

Quote:Stay home until 14 days after your last exposure.

You're the HMFIC of the coronavirus task force ffs and you display a blatant disregard for the recommendations issued to the public from part of your own task force.  Is there a conservative in the house who is going to tell this idiot to listen to Trump's CDC's guidelines which he is in charge of implementing?  Yeah, I didn't think so.

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