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(05-17-2020, 11:09 AM)Mer Wrote: But I also think it's silly to declare we've discovered life in space when a tiny single celled organism is discovered there; yet a multicellular organism in a woman's womb with a heartbeat is not considered a life but a choice. But what do I know?

C'mon, guys.  This thread started as a legitimate discussion about whether or not we'll have fans in attendance for games, and the potential ramifications of each scenario.

Somehow it has now gone so far off the rails that is has delved into this, where we're reading posts bringing up abortion.

Some of us actually tried contribute to meaningful BENGALS related discussion, which has now been completely derailed into something far removed from the OP and that has no place in JN.

Can we just stop?  Please?

Also, I don't mean to play moderator here or anything, and I'm not trying to sound douchey, but can someone either clean up this thread or just close it down?  As it stands I don't see how it can back on track.
(05-17-2020, 11:33 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Well you clearly know nothing about abortion law either.

The tiny single cell organism in space is not a parasite.  It can survive without depending on another individual who has controlover their own body.

In other words educate yourself as to why the United States Supreme Court allowed strict restrictions on abortions IN THE THIRD TRIMESTER.  Learn more than just repeating right-wing talking points.


No one wants to read an argument about politics in a forum that is supposed to be about football.
(05-17-2020, 11:48 AM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: STOP!!!!

No one wants to read an argument about politics in a forum that is supposed to be about football.

Joe Burrow is the finest fetus I’ve ever seen play football... Ninja
Liars got to lie . . .

Quote:"Early on in this crisis, the CDC which really had the most trusted brand around the world in this space, really let the country down with the testing. Because not only did they keep the testing within the bureaucracy, they had a bad test. And that did set us back," Navarro said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Yes, they had a bad test.  I've criticized them for that, but the CDC doesn't approve tests.  That's the FDA's job.  The CDC didn't block the FDA from approving commercially available tests until mid March after the CDC test failed thus keeping "the testing within the bureaucracy.  That decision had to come from higher than both the CDC and the FDA.  This liar knows that.  This is the same economic advisor who claimed to be a "social scientist" when push hydroxychloroquine for Trump.  Guess what? Peter Navarro and the White House a part of that very bureaucracy he is complaining about.
(05-16-2020, 11:56 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: It was a meme. 

Check this out.  It's from the thread form Jungle Noise just merged with this one . . .

(05-15-2020, 07:51 AM)Sled21 Wrote: But masks work, right? Isn't that why everyone is being shamed into wearing them?

See? Not a meme. Just the general public doesn't understand the different types of masks, why they are used, and when.  And memes promoting false information just reinforce those beliefs.
(05-15-2020, 11:20 AM)SHRacerX Wrote: Oh, the cases will rise as mass testing is finally employed...the big problem is something like 70% have no symptoms.  

More like 25% of cases are asymptomatic.

And we're still nowhere near mass testing.  We've tested around 10M which is less than 4% of the country.
(05-15-2020, 12:52 PM)Mer Wrote: I'm sorry if I offended you. The bottom line is the Man upstairs already knows how long you'll be on this Earth. No mask, vaccine, quarantine, or anything for that matter is going to change it. If people want to self quarantine that's great. I hope it helps them feel safe but for the rest of the country that would rather go on with life and choose to not live in fear we should have the same right. To each his own.

Do you look both ways for oncoming traffic before crossing a busy street?

(05-15-2020, 03:04 PM)Mer Wrote: I'd love to. Not to argue with folks but open some eyes to the truth. The virus stinks and yes it has killed people unfortunately. But to shut down a whole country over it is ridiculous. 

BTW I've tried to get into that section but I don't have the password and quite frankly I think it's silly to have to use one. If you're a member of the board shouldn't that be enough?

I'd love to have someone open my eyes to the truth who 1) can't figure out the password when the password is literally written right under the link to enter this joint and 2) has used the same password to get in here just last month!

If you can't follow the simple directions to get in here the chances of you opening anyone's eyes are slim to none.
(05-17-2020, 02:17 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Check this out.  It's from the thread form Jungle Noise just merged with this one . . .

See? Not a meme. Just the general public doesn't understand the different types of masks, why they are used, and when.  And memes promoting false information just reinforce those beliefs.

Let me point out that as a healthcare worker, I appreciate what you do everyday and the risk you put yourself into. It takes a special kind of person who will risk themselves for others without thought of selfishness, regardless of their beliefs or opinions, and do your best to save lives with the information you are given on how to do so.

WTS, there is a reason many americans are not buying the facemask thing. It is motivated by several things rather it be political, mixed advice, going broke, etc. Summer will be here soon so lets hope that the sun tames the virus enough to help the good guys create a vaccine or whatever they need to create with minimal loss as possible. I have a cousin and a daughter who work in healthcare. My daughter works in biolab at hospital and my cousin is a nurse. The two differ on opinions. Neither is right or wrong yet, but time will tell.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-15-2020, 06:08 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Because they could be sued for malpractice and have to pay millions of dollars in damages if they put down a fake diagnosis and were treating a person for the wrong thing just to get more money.

You can't just make stuff up on a medical chart without risking losing your license..  The patient would have to be suffering from Covid symptoms or test positive for it in order for the doctor to list them as a covid patient. 

Not to mention Medicare/Medicaid fraud results in treble damages. Per case.  They don't have to prove each individual case, but still apply it to all similar Medicare/Medicaid patients.  Medical charts have to support the diagnosis and if not reimbursement is denied.
(05-17-2020, 02:43 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: Let me point out that as a healthcare worker, I appreciate what you do everyday and the risk you put yourself into. It takes a special kind of person who will risk themselves for others without thought of selfishness, regardless of their beliefs or opinions, and do your best to save lives with the information you are given on how to do so.

WTS, there is a reason many americans are not buying the facemask thing. It is motivated by several things rather it be political, mixed advice, going broke, etc. Summer will be here soon so lets hope that the sun tames the virus enough to help the good guys create a vaccine or whatever they need to create with minimal loss as possible. I have a cousin and a daughter who work in healthcare. My daughter works in biolab at hospital and my cousin is a nurse. The two differ on opinions. Neither is right or wrong yet, but time will tell.

Who recommended the public wear masks?  The CDC.  Who is the director of the CDC?  Robert Redfield who was appointed by President Trump for the job.  Who announced the CDC recommendations related to wearing a mask in public?  President Trump during one of his Covid 19 press conferences.

It's not a political recommendation coming from socialists or Democrats.
(05-17-2020, 02:43 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: WTS, there is a reason many americans are not buying the facemask thing.

Many Americans are wrong then.

We Europeans did the facemask thing too. The whole world did. Because scientists around the world confirmed its effectiveness. How people can see some kind of conspiracy there bewilders me.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-15-2020, 06:12 PM)Mer Wrote: You missed my point. Say you broke your arm and while there they test you for Covid-19 and it returns positive. How is reporting that malpractice if it's true? 

There haven't been enough tests for that.

For the hospital group I work for in Georgia, patients can't get tested for Covid 19 unless they are so sick they need to be admitted.  I've been able to order a Covid-19 antibody test for 10 days which can show past infection prior to 4-6 weeks ago, but only for patients that aren't currently sick.

For anyone who actually has symptoms of Covid-19 and needs a PCR test we still have to refer them to a testing center.
(05-17-2020, 02:25 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Do you look both ways for oncoming traffic before crossing a busy street?


In Matthew 4 Jesus basically says that faith in God is no excuse to be a dumbass and take stupid risks.  People who use faith or god as an excuse to do risky stuff or say that it's all in his hands are disregarding some good advice from a pretty popular source.  To each his own, though.

Side note, it's logical the thread in JN got merged with this one, but now all my sarcastic responses are mixed in with my sincere ones.  Whatever, I'm a dumbass no matter which side I'm playing.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-17-2020, 02:43 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: Summer will be here soon so lets hope that the sun tames the virus enough to help the good guys create a vaccine or whatever they need to create with minimal loss as possible.

I hope this is right, but I'm also pretty sure if covid hit us in the late summer Trump would be assuring us that the lower temperatures of the coming winter would kill the virus and save the Christmas shopping season.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-16-2020, 07:02 PM)tree Wrote:

Good source of info.  Thanks.
(05-17-2020, 02:43 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: Let me point out that as a healthcare worker, I appreciate what you do everyday and the risk you put yourself into. It takes a special kind of person who will risk themselves for others without thought of selfishness, regardless of their beliefs or opinions, and do your best to save lives with the information you are given on how to do so.

WTS, there is a reason many americans are not buying the facemask thing. It is motivated by several things rather it be political, mixed advice, going broke, etc. Summer will be here soon so lets hope that the sun tames the virus enough to help the good guys create a vaccine or whatever they need to create with minimal loss as possible. I have a cousin and a daughter who work in healthcare. My daughter works in biolab at hospital and my cousin is a nurse. The two differ on opinions. Neither is right or wrong yet, but time will tell.

It's basically because they don't tolerate even the slightest lifestyle change well.  

Basically, one segment of America, the segment that supports the current degenerate in office has decided that being rude and obnoxious at all costs is the best way to display your patriotism.   Running around telling everyone that it's you're right to possibly infect and maybe cause the deaths of strangers is a pretty solid way to approach that goal. They've demonstrated that they can't and won't make sacrifices for their fellow countrymen, and care only for themselves.  They in fact despise America itself, other than personality cult leaders and symbolic flag-waving.  Actual active sacrifice isn't their thing.  

These people love themselves.  They believe they are nations unto themselves, and that other non-them people should just deal with whatever decision they make in order to prevent them from experiencing things that inconvenience them or disrupt the perceived routine they are entitled to.  
(05-16-2020, 10:10 PM)Mer Wrote: You do realize that not allowing people to assemble as well as other parts of this quarantine were completely trampling our first amendment rights.

Freedom of religion which goes into the whole separation of church and state.

Rights are not unlimited.  You don't have the freedom of speech to run into a theater and yell "FIRE!"  Why?
(05-17-2020, 03:03 PM)hollodero Wrote: Many Americans are wrong then.

We Europeans did the facemask thing too. The whole world did. Because scientists around the world confirmed its effectiveness. How people can see some kind of conspiracy there bewilders me.

So by we Europeans, you mean ALL? I highly doubt it. Unless you imposed marshal law type BS. If so, I guess I understand why you lean towards the communist view of the left. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(05-17-2020, 03:30 PM)samhain Wrote: It's basically because they don't tolerate even the slightest lifestyle change well.  

Basically, one segment of America, the segment that supports the current degenerate in office has decided that being rude and obnoxious at all costs is the best way to display your patriotism.   Running around telling everyone that it's you're right to possibly infect and maybe cause the deaths of strangers is a pretty solid way to approach that goal. They've demonstrated that they can't and won't make sacrifices for their fellow countrymen, and care only for themselves.  They in fact despise America itself, other than personality cult leaders and symbolic flag-waving.  Actual active sacrifice isn't their thing.  

These people love themselves.  They believe they are nations unto themselves, and that other non-them people should just deal with whatever decision they make in order to prevent them from experiencing things that inconvenience them or disrupt the perceived routine they are entitled to.  

Lumping people into groups like you are doing is very stereotypical. Slippery slope my friend. Careful making snap judgments about everyone you come across.

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