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US - China war inevitable?
(05-30-2015, 01:21 PM)Beaker Wrote: Do you mean ANY immigrants...or just illegals?

No I am all for legal immigrants.   But being a legal immigrant you have already made the commitment and have a sponsor to assume your short comings so your not a leech on society.  

I do think we should limit people who come from savage areas.    I really like Australia's system.  

I also think we should Ben limiting student bisa's as well.  Especially from those areas.   

Edit: read the original post wrong. Sorry. I don't think immigrants should be eligible for any benefits for 10 years. And they should not be eligible to claim them for any children, even if they were born here.. This would force them to build a foundation.
(05-30-2015, 10:16 AM)UBenton Wrote: similar things were said about the Irish, Italians, Asians, blacks (after 1856), etc. If your community is incapable of integrating immigrants, it's not very logical to say "oh, but these guys from violent fascist countries aren't like all those guys from violent racist countries." What's different with this ethnic group than those? Find the answer and you've got your solution on why all of them could integrate. The first thing that comes to mind is that all of those groups had regulation controlling their staying, those who didn't have jobs or broke the law got deported, those who got acted tight got to stay.

1856 = no government welfare state.   They either made it or they didn't... They were on their own....  

If we never let them have benefits then go ahead.   I would be ok with letting them go on their own with no public help.  
(05-30-2015, 05:17 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote:  Just speakong of Mexico and Central America....  They live in a seriously violent culture.   when we let the Cubans in Florida Miami went from a nobody town to a war zone.    That's what these people do....   They are just violent animals.    

I don't want those animals here.... Same reason I don't want anyone from the Middle East or Africa here ....  We start letting savages in here then we lose our sensibilities and start to accept their savage ways.

(05-30-2015, 05:54 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: No I am all for legal immigrants.   But being a legal immigrant you have already made the commitment and have a sponsor to assume your short comings so your not a leech on society.  

I do think we should limit people who come from savage areas.    I really like Australia's system.  

I also think we should Ben limiting student bisa's as well.  Especially from those areas.   

[Image: racist-anchovies2.gif?w=650]
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(05-30-2015, 05:54 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: No I am all for legal immigrants.   But being a legal immigrant you have already made the commitment and have a sponsor to assume your short comings so your not a leech on society.  

I do think we should limit people who come from savage areas.    I really like Australia's system.  

I also think we should Ben limiting student bisa's as well.  Especially from those areas.   

Edit:  read the original post wrong.  Sorry.  I don't think immigrants should be eligible for any benefits for 10 years.  And they should not be eligible to claim them for any children, even if they were born here..  This would force them to build a foundation.


[Image: post-29071-this-is-much-worse-gif-The-Ave-lD13.gif]
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(05-30-2015, 06:06 PM)GMDino Wrote: Confused

[Image: post-29071-this-is-much-worse-gif-The-Ave-lD13.gif]

Why?  I would have to be on the hook for gf sister for 10 years if she comes?  I don't mind standing for them.   Either find a sponsor who accepts the risk for you or take your chances.   Sounds fair.   
(05-30-2015, 06:04 PM)GMDino Wrote: [Image: racist-anchovies2.gif?w=650]

You want people who treat humans like animals to come here?   get a clue ... Being a savage has notiing to do with skin color.   But nice attempt to derail.
(05-30-2015, 06:10 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: You want people who treat humans like animals to come here?   get a clue ... Being a savage has notiing to do with skin color.   But nice attempt to derail.

But what if it's good people trying to escape savagery and/or a brutal regime?
(05-30-2015, 06:14 PM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: But what if it's good people trying to escape savagery and/or a brutal regime?


We should limit it ... And they shouldn't be able to get any benefits.
(05-30-2015, 06:18 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Examples?   

We should limit it ... And they shouldn't be able to get any benefits.


How about the many innocent civilians caught in the brutal wars in the Middle east, Ukraine, Africa, Central America...etc.  That's just the tip of the iceberg. 

Anywho....benefits are up for negotiation IMO.  However we agree it would have to be somewhat limited basis, no choice really, we simply can't just let anyone and everyone in who wants to come here.  But we certainly should be working with other countries to help these people.
(05-30-2015, 06:10 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: You want people who treat humans like animals to come here?   get a clue ... Being a savage has notiing to do with skin color.   But nice attempt to derail.

Yes...I noted how you listed all the "savages" that come from predominantly white countries.  Mellow
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(05-30-2015, 06:10 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: You want people who treat humans like animals to come here?   get a clue ... Being a savage has notiing to do with skin color.   But nice attempt to derail.

It doesn't have anything to do with skin color, and you never said it did. But you did generalize people from entire countries/regions/continents as savages just a few posts back. You called everyone in the western hemisphere north of the canal and south of the U.S. violent animals and referred to those from the Middle East and Africa as savages. That is some serious prejudice, sir. You may not realize how it came across, but it definitely came across as very racist to me. And not like the kind of racist where you post a gif of the little kid saying it because it's the type of thing we are all just used to hearing every day, but the kind that makes one concerned.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(05-30-2015, 08:24 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: It doesn't have anything to do with skin color, and you never said it did. But you did generalize people from entire countries/regions/continents as savages just a few posts back. You called everyone in the western hemisphere north of the canal and south of the U.S. violent animals and referred to those from the Middle East and Africa as savages. That is some serious prejudice, sir. You may not realize how it came across, but it definitely came across as very racist to me. And not like the kind of racist where you post a gif of the little kid saying it because it's the type of thing we are all just used to hearing every day, but the kind that makes one concerned.

Echoes of colonialist thought.
[Image: 416686247_404249095282684_84217049823664...e=659A7198]
(05-30-2015, 06:32 PM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: Examples?...

How about the many innocent civilians caught in the brutal wars in the Middle east, Ukraine, Africa, Central America...etc.  That's just the tip of the iceberg. 

Anywho....benefits are up for negotiation IMO.  However we agree it would have to be somewhat limited basis, no choice really, we simply can't just let anyone and everyone in who wants to come here.  But we certainly should be working with other countries to help these people.

So basically we agree.  
(05-30-2015, 08:12 PM)GMDino Wrote: Yes...I noted how you listed all the "savages" that come from predominantly white countries.  Mellow

I don't see countries by color of skin.  Why do you?   I just judge their values and actions. 
(05-30-2015, 08:24 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: It doesn't have anything to do with skin color, and you never said it did. But you did generalize people from entire countries/regions/continents as savages just a few posts back. You called everyone in the western hemisphere north of the canal and south of the U.S. violent animals and referred to those from the Middle East and Africa as savages. That is some serious prejudice, sir. You may not realize how it came across, but it definitely came across as very racist to me. And not like the kind of racist where you post a gif of the little kid saying it because it's the type of thing we are all just used to hearing every day, but the kind that makes one concerned.

Not sure why you think it's racist....  If there is head chopping, child raping, murder in the streets, culture than they area savages.   Sounds like your more concerned with  my use of savages....  News flash.... Savages can be white
(05-30-2015, 09:10 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Not sure why you think it's racist....  If there is head chopping, child raping, murder in the streets, culture than they area savages.   Sounds like your more concerned with  my use of savages....  News flash.... Savages can be white

It has nothing to do with the term savages so much as it has to do with your generalization about entire countries worth of people. Calling entire countries worth of people savages is racist, not because you're calling them savages, but because it is based upon their ethnicity alone.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(05-30-2015, 09:23 PM)UUHBelsnickel Wrote: It has nothing to do with the term savages so much as it has to do with your generalization about entire countries worth of people. Calling entire countries worth of people savages is racist, not because you're calling them savages, but because it is based upon their ethnicity alone.

Mexico and Central America have had a long history of violence in the streets.... As have Africa.... And  is there a need to go into the Middle East violence?  

Will it make it better of I throw in a white country ... Ukraine ....  they get to join the list temporarly due to war....   Problem is that the Ukrainians are not coming here to bring their violent culture. 

Ukrainians respect the law, and come here legally.   They don't scheme their way across the border then have the balls to demand we cater to their lawless behavior.  
And yes there are plenty in these countries not blood thirsty. The problem isn't that.... The problem is they are desensitized to that violence. And for them it's common and acceptable. That's not us.... It's too bad their life growing up was in countless civil wars and violence.

As far as I'm concenred they can keep that stuff in their country.

everyone wants to be mindful of vaccines yet they are ok wth violent sensibilities poisoning our culture.
(05-30-2015, 09:03 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: So basically we agree.  

That sir would depend on who you consider savages.  And what kind of benefits would be appropriate. And who is worthy of our help.  And if they can't get help here, then where?
(05-31-2015, 12:07 AM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: That sir would depend on who you consider savages.  And what kind of benefits would be appropriate. And who is worthy of our help.  And if they can't get help here, then where?


plural noun: savages
  1. 1
    a member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized.

Anyone who falls in that Catagory.   

As far as benefits...being able to live in a free society and make anything they wish of themselves based on their skills.  

i would be ok with what legal immigrants need to do....  Get a sponsor to accept responsibility.   That way someone is on the hook for these guys.   

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