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I feel like the latest episode of America got away from the Corona storyline, they didnt wrap it up very well. So many loose ends. I hope they come back to it in a future episode because it seemed to have a lot of potential impact on the main storyline.
(06-07-2020, 04:19 PM)GreenCornBengal Wrote: I feel like the latest episode of America got away from the Corona storyline, they didnt wrap it up very well. So many loose ends. I hope they come back to it in a future episode because it seemed to have a lot of potential impact on the main storyline.


There is currently a coronavirus headline on every news source website I have looked at.
(06-07-2020, 05:06 PM)fredtoast Wrote: WTF?

There is currently a coronavirus headline on every news source website I have looked at.

Caaaaaalm down Fred, it was a post made in jest.
(06-06-2020, 04:44 PM)GMDino Wrote: But at least he didn't "look bad".   Mellow

Trump's refusal to wear a mask reminds me of my buddy's bratty kid refusing to wear a flotation vest in the pool.  He just flat-out doesn't want to do it and the only reason he can fathom for you wanting him to wear one is because you're a mean poopyhead, so his mind is made up.

So instead of relaxing in the pool we all have to take turns having a kid crawling all over us in a frantic attempt to not drown.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-07-2020, 05:36 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Trump's refusal to wear a mask reminds me of my buddy's bratty kid refusing to wear a flotation vest in the pool.  He just flat-out doesn't want to do it and the only reason he can fathom for you wanting him to wear one is because you're a mean poopyhead, so his mind is made up.

So instead of relaxing in the pool we all have to take turns having a kid crawling all over us in a frantic attempt to not drown.

I feel like you're missing a teaching moment by letting that brat crawl all over you in the pool.
I'm gonna break every record they've got. I'm tellin' you right now. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but it's goin' to get done.

- Ja'Marr Chase 
  April 2021
(06-07-2020, 07:01 PM)jason Wrote: I feel like you're missing a teaching moment by letting that brat crawl all over you in the pool.

I've known the kid's father since we were in 1st grade and judging by his old man there is a slim chance he will start to "get it" in his 30s.  Anything prior to that is just wasted energy.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(06-06-2020, 12:24 PM)GMDino Wrote: Yep.  Instead of losing 12 million we only lost 9.

Now things opening up have helped.  I'm reading that there are more permanent layoffs so far too.

And the original unemployment rate was "miscalculated".

So the Author of this article, Ms Heather Long of the Washington Post was on CNBC this morning.  The 'absent but employed' standard was not used in March or April, but the Bureau applied it to May.  Which is why the miscalculation addendum was added at the bottom.  If applied to March and April, the unemployment numbers would have been much larger those months.  IE...April unemployment could have been 18 or 19 percent instead.  We actually gained 2.5 million jobs, according to the author, to be at 16 percent, not 13 percent as reported.  But the 16 percent compares to the 18 or 19 percent, if April was calculated like May was.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

Quote:COVID-19 surge in Texas sparks reopening fears

[Image: abbottgreg_060820upi_lead.jpg?itok=xpwffGam]
UPI Photo

Rising coronavirus cases and hospitalizations in Texas are underscoring fears about the danger of reopening.
The state has been relatively aggressive about reopening, lifting its stay-at-home order on May 1 and gradually increasing capacity at shops, bars and restaurants since then. 

Now, though, the state is seeing a surge of cases of the coronav
irus. The state reached a new high of coronavirus hospitalizations on Monday, with 1,935 people hospitalized with the illness, according to state data. 

Texas is not alone. Arizona and North Carolina have also reached new highs of coronavirus hospitalizations in recent days. South Carolina, Arkansas and Florida are seeing spikes in cases as well. 

The data illustrates how the virus is still gathering steam in some areas, even a
s the situation improves dramatically in old hot spots like New York and New Jersey. 

There has also been an element of unpredictability, though, given that some states, like Georgia, which drew national scrutiny after moving quickly to reopen, have not yet seen spikes in cases. 

In Texas, Gov. Greg Abbott ® is forging ahead with reopening and expressing confidence. Last week, he announced the state was moving into phase three of the reopening plan, allowing almost all businesses to move up to operating at 50 percent capacity. Restaurants will be able to move up to 75 percent capacity. 

Abbott said the increased cases are “largely the result of isolated hot spots in nursing homes, jails and meatpacking plants.”
However, Lina Hidalgo (D), the executive of Harris County, home to Houston, raised alarms. 

“Over the past 7 days we’ve seen a statistically significant (95% confidence level) increase in COVID-19 hospital admissions,” she tweeted last week. “I remain very concerned about the impact of reopening too quickly.”

Marcia Ory, a professor at the Texas A&M School of Public Health, said “it is not surprising that the numbers of cases are going up as social distancing reduces.”

Hospitals are expressing concern. Texas Medical Center in Houston warned last week that the “upswing in the current COVID-19 caseload growth trajectory suggests base ICU [intensive care unit] capacity could be exceeded in 2 weeks.”
Carrie Williams, a spokeswoman for the Texas Hospital Association, said there “has been a concerning increase in the number of hospitalizations in Texas.”

“We’re incredibly focused on this number and can’t get to a spot where we have a sustained wave that taxes hospitals and our ability to take care of people,” she added. “We’re pushing for more widespread testing, stricter use of face masks in public and limits on large-scale gatherings.”

John Wittman, a spokesman for the governor, pointed to increased testing as part of the reason for rising cases, saying it has increased 210 percent since reopening on May 1.  

“Every Texan who needs access to a hospital bed will have access to a hospital bed,” he said. “Current hospital capacity includes 15,402 available beds, 1,723 ICU beds and 5,911 ventilators, with the ability to surge capacity in regions across the state if necessary.”

To the west, Arizona has seen concerning increases in hospitalizations as well, setting off its own warnings from hospitals. Coronavirus hospitalizations in the state have risen over 1,200 for the first time in recent days, state data shows. 

Banner Health, the state’s largest hospital system, warned last week that “if these trends continue, Banner will soon need to exercise its surge plan to increase ICU capacity.”

The hospital system released slides showing that the increase in cases in the state began about one incubation period after the stay-at-home order ended on May 15. 

“It’s a concerning trend because it’s going in the wrong direction,” said Ann-Marie Alameddin, CEO of the Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association, noting that a lack of testing supplies is still a persistent problem hindering the response. 

“We need people to stay safe so the hospital capacity can be preserved,” she said. “There is capacity currently in the system, but yeah I think I would like to see the trend stop in terms of increasing and start to go down.”

Patrick Ptak, a spokesman for Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey ® said the rise in cases is in part due to increased testing, and noted that the state is working to increase hospital capacity and has the option of putting patients at previously-closed St. Luke's Medical Center, which has been prepared to serve as overflow space. 

"We have anticipated increased cases in June based on various modeling, including the projections in the model provided by FEMA, and we've spent the last few months working to increase capacity to ensure every Arizonan has access to care, should they need it," he said. "St. Luke's is ready for activation if and when we need additional capacity, something that is not necessary at this time." 

Luis Ostrosky, a professor of infectious diseases at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth in Houston, said Texas’s reopening plan would have worked better if people had actually followed the limits on crowding and been diligent about wearing masks, but that people in the state have been too lax. 

He said wearing masks and keeping 6 feet apart from others are two of the most important things to do, and could allow businesses to reopen safely if people followed them. 

“I’m just baffled as to how masking became such a political and ideological issue,” he said.

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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
I often say we more educated people in office.  Less lawyers, more doctors and scientists.

Then we get this republican doctor...and his fellow gop members.

During a hearing on whether to declare racism a public health crisis, state Sen. Steve Huffman, R-Tipp City, asked if “the colored population” is hit harder by the coronavirus because perhaps they don’t wash their hands as well as other groups.

Huffman, an emergency room physician, asked a witness before the Senate Health Committee on Tuesday why COVID-19 is hitting African Americans harder than white people.

RELATED: How to talk with your kids about unrest, racism: ‘Be honest’

“My point is I understand African Americans have a higher incidence of chronic conditions and it makes them more susceptible to death from COVID. But why it doesn’t make them more susceptible to just get COVID. Could it just be that African Americans or the colored population do not wash their hands as well as other groups or wear a mask or do not socially distance themselves? That could be the explanation of the higher incidence?” he said.

Ohio Commission on Minority Health Director Angela Dawson responded to Huffman: “That is not the opinion of leading medical experts in this country.” COVID-19 impacts the respiratory system so those with chronic conditions are more vulnerable, she said.

Ohio Legislative Black Caucus President Stephanie Howse, D-Cleveland, said Huffman’s word choice and question represent systemic racism.

READ MORE: What can we do to combat racism? Local experts weigh in

“He highlights what racism is from a systematic perspective. He’s a full legislator but beyond that, professionally, he’s a doctor. When we talk about the health disparities that happen because black folks aren’t believed when they’re actually hurt, they aren’t given the treatment that they need. Do you think that someone who acknowledges the ‘coloreds’ is going to give the love and care that people need when they come through those doors?” said Howse, who attended the hearing.

She also said Huffman implied that African Americans are dirty and not smart enough to wash their hands.
Huffman said Wednesday that Howse misunderstood his question.

NEW DETAILS: Ohio House approves ‘cocktails to go’ bill, which now heads to senate

“I was trying to focus on why COVID-19 affects people of color at a higher rate since we really do not know all the reasons,” he said.

State Sen. Cecil Thomas, D-Cincinnati, who serves on the Senate Health Committee, said the audience cringed when Huffman made his remark. “He’s an example of why we have to have this discussion about racism and how it impacts people.”

Resolutions are pending in both the House and Senate to declare racism a public health crisis.

In response to the House resolution, state Rep. Nino Vitale, R-Urbana, on his Facebook page posted a photo of the Ohio Legislative Black Caucus members and commented, “I am darker than MOST of the people in this picture.” He said in his childhood, he was made fun of for his skin color and name, and called a “greasy Italian.”

When asked about the post Wednesday, Vitale said “Do you have any idea about where I grew up or my past history? Look, their resolution is about black and brown people. I’m a brown person. I have a varied opinion on it. I don’t disagree that there are problems in our society. The question is how do we solve them.”

KEEP READING: Miami University officials: Professor accused of making racist remark at Oxford protest

When asked about the post, House Speaker Larry Householder, R-Glenford, said, “I’m not Rep. Vitale and obviously I’m not black so I really can’t tell you how that comment is taken.” He noted that members of the OLBC talked to Vitale.

Howse, though, said the discussion didn’t yield a reason for Vitale’s post. “I will let you know why he did it: It’s an undermining of notion that racism exists.”
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Who could have imagined this administration wouldn't be open?

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(06-11-2020, 05:01 PM)GMDino Wrote: Who could have imagined this administration wouldn't be open?


I could see how that information is proprietary if they are funneling money to corporations that then funnel it to Trump re-election campaign.
Trump demanded soldiers return for his commencement speech despite the Covid risk.

Then he read (poorly) off a teleprompter for 20 minutes.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
WTF........Mother *****. I just tested positive for COVID- 19. Now what? What should I expect to happen in the next 10 days.

Here’s a post going around Facebook from Meredith.......

For the SECOND time in 12 weeks I have contracted Covid19. Yes, you can get it again & it hit me like a ton of bricks...again. I’m here to tell you this is NOT over, it is very real & nothing to be flippant about. There are so many unknowns & the CDC cannot tell whether the virus was dormant all this time or if it was a new contraction. It is very different this time but no less horrendous. Plenty of tears & hurting. People, PLEASE take this seriously. ***I should add that I went to the hospital because my BP was 216/147 & I knew there was a serious problem. I had NO signs or symptoms otherwise.***

I decided to take the initial Test Iowa on Thursday because I was feeling like shit and wanted to rule out Covid-19. Boy, was I wrong. So.....what should I expect to happen to me in these next ten days......what about my wife and son who we all live together. Should I be worried about them? Should they be worried about themselves? What the **** should I plan to experience?
[Image: Zu8AdZv.png?1]
Deceitful, two-faced she-woman. Never trust a female, Delmar, remember that one simple precept and your time with me will not have been ill spent.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

(06-14-2020, 01:42 AM)BengalHawk62 Wrote: WTF........Mother *****. I just tested positive for COVID- 19. Now what? What should I expect to happen in the next 10 days.

Here’s a post going around Facebook from Meredith.......

For the SECOND time in 12 weeks I have contracted Covid19. Yes, you can get it again & it hit me like a ton of bricks...again. I’m here to tell you this is NOT over, it is very real & nothing to be flippant about. There are so many unknowns & the CDC cannot tell whether the virus was dormant all this time or if it was a new contraction. It is very different this time but no less horrendous. Plenty of tears & hurting. People, PLEASE take this seriously. ***I should add that I went to the hospital because my BP was 216/147 & I knew there was a serious problem. I had NO signs or symptoms otherwise.***

I decided to take the initial Test Iowa on Thursday because I was feeling like shit and wanted to rule out Covid-19. Boy, was I wrong. So.....what should I expect to happen to me in these next ten days......what about my wife and son who we all live together. Should I be worried about them? Should they be worried about themselves? What the **** should I plan to experience?

You just need a lot of toilet paper.

All jokes aside, kick its ass man. I guess some people shake it off like nothing, and others not so much... And I'd steer as clear of the wife and kid as I could.
I'm gonna break every record they've got. I'm tellin' you right now. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but it's goin' to get done.

- Ja'Marr Chase 
  April 2021
(06-13-2020, 03:56 PM)GMDino Wrote: Trump demanded soldiers return for his commencement speech despite the Covid risk.

Then he read (poorly) off a teleprompter for 20 minutes.


I heard several cadets say it was the best commencement speech ever... By far.
I'm gonna break every record they've got. I'm tellin' you right now. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but it's goin' to get done.

- Ja'Marr Chase 
  April 2021
(06-14-2020, 01:42 AM)BengalHawk62 Wrote: WTF........Mother *****. I just tested positive for COVID- 19. Now what? What should I expect to happen in the next 10 days.

Here’s a post going around Facebook from Meredith.......

For the SECOND time in 12 weeks I have contracted Covid19. Yes, you can get it again & it hit me like a ton of bricks...again. I’m here to tell you this is NOT over, it is very real & nothing to be flippant about. There are so many unknowns & the CDC cannot tell whether the virus was dormant all this time or if it was a new contraction. It is very different this time but no less horrendous. Plenty of tears & hurting. People, PLEASE take this seriously. ***I should add that I went to the hospital because my BP was 216/147 & I knew there was a serious problem. I had NO signs or symptoms otherwise.***

I decided to take the initial Test Iowa on Thursday because I was feeling like shit and wanted to rule out Covid-19. Boy, was I wrong. So.....what should I expect to happen to me in these next ten days......what about my wife and son who we all live together. Should I be worried about them? Should they be worried about themselves? What the **** should I plan to experience?

I’m confused as to if you’re posting as yourself or repeating what you’ve read online.

Did you test positive and you’re wondering what to expect?
(06-14-2020, 01:42 AM)BengalHawk62 Wrote: WTF........Mother *****. I just tested positive for COVID- 19.  Now what?  What should I expect to happen in the next 10 days.

Here’s a post going around Facebook from Meredith.......

For the SECOND time in 12 weeks I have contracted Covid19.  Yes, you can get it again & it hit me like a ton of bricks...again.  I’m here to tell you this is NOT over, it is very real & nothing to be flippant about.  There are so many unknowns & the CDC cannot tell whether the virus was dormant all this time or if it was a new contraction.  It is very different this time but no less horrendous.  Plenty of tears & hurting.  People, PLEASE take this seriously. ***I should add that I went to the hospital because my BP was 216/147 & I knew there was a serious problem. I had NO signs or symptoms otherwise.***

I decided to take the initial Test Iowa on Thursday because I was feeling like shit and wanted to rule out Covid-19.  Boy, was I wrong. So.....what should I expect to happen to me in these next ten days......what about my wife and son who we all live together.   Should I be worried about them?  Should they be worried about themselves?  What the **** should I plan to experience?

I hope it runs its course quickly and without problem. I have a feeling you're gonna want to stay in one room or part of the house and keep them away from you for 14 days. They should get tested.

Kick Covid's ass.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Ya, I tested positive yesterday. I’m just over all of it. Got a call from the county’s director of Public Health and had to give her a list of all the places I’ve spent more than 15 minutes at for the last two weeks. She recommended my wife go get tested early this week and just to call her if anything changes in my condition. So far, all I felt was this afternoon I was outside sitting on the patio talking to the wife and kid when I just got hot and weak and needed to go inside. Felt like I was going to throw up.
[Image: Zu8AdZv.png?1]
Deceitful, two-faced she-woman. Never trust a female, Delmar, remember that one simple precept and your time with me will not have been ill spent.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

(06-14-2020, 10:33 PM)BengalHawk62 Wrote: Ya, I tested positive yesterday. I’m just over all of it. Got a call from the county’s director of Public Health and had to give her a list of all the places I’ve spent more than 15 minutes at for the last two weeks. She recommended my wife go get tested early this week and just to call her if anything changes in my condition. So far, all I felt was this afternoon I was outside sitting on the patio talking to the wife and kid when I just got hot and weak and needed to go inside. Felt like I was going to throw up.

Covid-19 has a wide range of presentations from no symptoms to potentially life threatening. Most patients are experiencing respiratory symptoms like you would expect with a cold or the flu. Some experience symptoms more consistent with what people associate with “food poisoning” such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

You’re family should probably be tested and you should take the same precautions as if you had the flu to reduce their chance of becoming infected if they aren’t already.

You need to self isolate for at least 10 days from the start of your symptoms and be fever free for three days and the majority of your symptoms need to be resolved before resuming your normal activities such as work, etc.
(06-11-2020, 05:01 PM)GMDino Wrote: Who could have imagined this administration wouldn't be open?


Pretty sure that is just flat illegal.

The government is not a business with that kind of proprietary right.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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