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Its OK now to teach religion in public schools
(10-19-2015, 08:19 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: You are insanely judgemental on anyone who disagrees with you.   Yet you somehow manage to stay professional in the classroom.

No, I call out people who are openly homophobic, racist, transphobic, etc. 

The problem is that you think that bigotry is just a matter of a difference of opinion. One of my traits that makes me a good teacher is that I do not believe a kid has a mental illness if they're gay. I don't look at my Muslim students and think that they're savages. I don't believe all black female students are prone to violence over males. 

I'm just not a shitty human being. 
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(10-19-2015, 11:14 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: No, I call out people who are openly homophobic, racist, transphobic, etc. 

The problem is that you think that bigotry is just a matter of a difference of opinion. One of my traits that makes me a good teacher is that I do not believe a kid has a mental illness if they're gay. I don't look at my Muslim students and think that they're savages. I don't believe all black female students are prone to violence over males. 

I'm just not a shitty human being. 

And why do you assume I look at all people this way? Why is it all or nothing with you? You love to twist what I say to make me sound like I somehow have a problem with non white people. Stop dealing in extremes. Never have I said it was all or nothing.

You call me names but you are the one with the issues, for not being able to see the difference between some and all. You are too quick to label someone some sort of -ist. You cripple yourself in a conversation because you allow things like pronouns to derail any logical debate.

You guys like to mention the GOP echo chamber but really that's all you want, someone to discuss who parrots the same views. There are loads of people I disagree with on many issues. But those same people and I share similar views as well.

It's a shame you resort to vulgarities and name calling but I guess that's just the man you are, which is a shame, but we will accept your limitations in having a civil debate.
(10-19-2015, 11:43 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: And why do you assume I look at all people this way?  Why is it all or nothing with you?  You love to twist what I say to make me sound like I somehow have a problem with non white people.  Stop dealing in extremes.   Never have I said it was all or nothing.  

You call me names but you are the one with the issues, for not being able to see the difference between some and all.  You are too quick to label someone some sort of -ist.     You cripple yourself in a conversation because you allow things like pronouns to derail any logical debate.    

You guys like to mention the GOP echo chamber but really that's all you want, someone to discuss who parrots the same views.   There are loads of people I disagree with on many issues.  But those same people and I share similar views as well.  

It's a shame you resort to vulgarities and name calling but I guess that's just the man you are, which is a shame, but we will accept your limitations in having a civil debate.

I pointed to three views you have expressed here. It's not a matter of "twisting". I've quoted you as saying these multiple times. You do this a lot. You say a racist or homophobic thing. Then you say you didn't. When your post containing it is quoted, you then try to defend it. 

I also didn't call you any names. I just said that I personally try to not be a shitty person. Instead of crying about me saying "shitty", you should be more concerned about your constant use of derogatory remarks. That are the real vulgarities here. Calling all Muslims "savages" is what prevents us from having a civil debate, not me saying "shitty".
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-19-2015, 11:58 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I pointed to three views you have expressed here. It's not a matter of "twisting". I've quoted you as saying these multiple times. You do this a lot. You say a racist or homophobic thing. Then you say you didn't. When your post containing it is quoted, you then try to defend it. 

I also didn't call you any names. I just said that I personally try to not be a shitty person. Instead of crying about me saying "shitty", you should be more concerned about your constant use of derogatory remarks. That are the real vulgarities here. Calling all Muslims "savages" is what prevents us from having a civil debate, not me saying "shitty".

You stop us from having civil discussions when you take one word that I say then run with it, for you it's not possible that some Muslims are savages, or maybe even most...... You fail to see that, and in any discussion you want this long disclaimer on a group of people instead of talking about what they are doing or saying. Guess what, I don't have the desire to type out an explanation that it's not everyone in a group. It's common sense to anyone here that we are discussing whichever topic at hand and the specific group that's related to that topic. Why you and others here try to get into petty squabbling over this stuff is beyond me. You waste pages and pages of everyone's time on a topic bickering over this idea that anyone is throwing one group of people into the same boat. Let me clear this up for you..... Not one conservative person is doing that here.

When you all rail on white Christians for aggressively spreading the word of God. I don't assume you are talking about every white christian, because I am realistic enough to know the specific group you are discussing. If I threw a hissy fit about this, like you do, then those threads would get derailed for pages arguing over nonsense not specific to the topic.

I am sorry you are so sensitive to words like savage, he, she, it, her, him, and so on.... Maybe one day you will learn these are only words.
(10-20-2015, 12:31 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: You stop us from having civil discussions when you take one word that I say then run with it, 

I stopped reading at this point and was going to respond, but then I continued reading and saw that you gave my response for me

Quote: for you it's not possible that some Muslims are savages, or maybe even most......  

This is what stops us from having civil discussions. It's the fact that you want us to entertain racism as a legitimate idea. I do not expect that anything I say will ever help you with your prejudices. All I can do is use social sanctions every time you engage in racist or homophobic behaviors as a way to discourage you from bringing that hate to these boards. 

If you honestly think the problem is me reacting to your racism and not your racism, you're going to have a lot of issues in life.
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-19-2015, 05:25 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: I do not, but home schooled kids are better off than public school kids.  Mainly because they actually have a home support system which many in public education.l do not.... Which is exactly why it's failing overall.  

I actually wish teachers would market themselves to home schoolers to give a 1 on 1 attention at whatever rate the teacher offers.    This way the best teachers could maximize their pay.

I imagine Pat would like to state his rate.

Q:  Why don't you home school considering it is low cost, very effective, and very simple unless both parents work 18 hours a day?  You definitely don't work 18 hours a day.

(09-17-2015, 02:26 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Home school then.   Very low cost and very effective.

(09-18-2015, 10:05 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Wrong.  very simple.   Unless both parents work 18 hours a day.

A:  Hypocrisy
(10-19-2015, 08:19 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: You are insanely judgemental on anyone who disagrees with you.   Yet you somehow manage to stay professional in the classroom.


You are insanely "judgemental" (another iPhone autocorrect error due to your "wife" I assume) on everyone from two different continents whom you have never met, let alone disagreed with on any issue.
(10-19-2015, 11:43 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: And why do you assume I look at all people this way?  

Based upon your statements. 

Quote:It's a shame you resort to vulgarities and name calling but I guess that's just the man you are, which is a shame, but we will accept your limitations in having a civil debate.

Profanity is a lot less vulgar than many of your opinions.
(10-20-2015, 12:31 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote:   for you it's not possible that some Muslims are savages, or maybe even most......  

Yeah gotta agree with pat on this one.  Poor choice of words friend.
(10-20-2015, 12:46 PM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: Yeah gotta agree with pat on this one.  Poor choice of words friend.

Look up the definition of savage.

This is the exact point of everything that I stated, grasping on one aggressive word and never letting go. Instead of saying .... Well maybe I would use a different word .... It just wastes time.
Oh and I see breech is out in full insult force.

Try stating a question without constant insults and maybe I will respond. You would think that you would be able to have a discussion without them but you seem unable.
(10-20-2015, 04:15 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Look up the definition of savage.  

This is the exact point of everything that I stated, grasping on one aggressive word and never letting go.   Instead of saying .... Well maybe I would use  a different word ....   It just wastes time.

[Image: 102015.jpg]

More here....

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-20-2015, 04:19 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Oh and I see breech is out in full insult force.  

Try stating a question without constant insults and maybe I will respond.   You would think that you would be able to have a discussion without them but you seem unable.

"Your" responding.  Why do you consider quoting you to yourself to be insults?

You did write home schooling was very effective, very low cost, and very simple unless both parents work 18 hours a day?  Correct?  Correct.  You obviously don't work 18 hours a day and you don't home school.  A hypocrite is someone who says one thing, but does the exact opposite.  You're a hypocrite isn't an insult, it's an observation based upon your actions in direct contradiction to your statements. 
(10-20-2015, 04:15 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Look up the definition of savage.  

This is the exact point of everything that I stated, grasping on one aggressive word and never letting go.   Instead of saying .... Well maybe I would use  a different word ....   It just wastes time.

You also wrote everyone from certain geographic regions, including entire continents, were savages.  It's not just one word, but several words used in combination.
(10-20-2015, 04:57 PM)GMDino Wrote: [Image: 102015.jpg]

More here....


Thank you Dino.  

"Fierce, violent, uncontrolled"  look at the all the violence in the name of Islam done all over the world.   It's done by these savages.    

All the cartel violence done in Central America.... Done by savages.    

Member of people who are primitive...... How many people live this way in Africa and who are also violent and uncontrolled.  

Just because you guys don't like the word does not mean it's not correct.   I used this word for a reason, I knew it would be spicy.
(10-20-2015, 05:18 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote:  I used this word for a reason, I knew it would be spicy.

Exactly. You used the word for the reason that it would cause problems--the definition of trolling. Thanks for admitting it.

Seems like you think it's okay to use a word which you know to be loaded with racial overtones due to its historical use in this country, as long as it's applied to people who have been involved in violence. So, with hundreds of thousands of dead civilians in Iraq, is it acceptable to call the countless U.S. soldiers involved in those deaths savages? Or would that be inaccurate because when the U.S. does it, it's somehow "civilized"?

(Don't worry, I said that for a reason: I knew it would be "spicy".)
(10-20-2015, 05:05 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: "Your" responding.  Why do you consider quoting you to yourself to be insults?

You did write home schooling was very effective, very low cost, and very simple unless both parents work 18 hours a day?  Correct?  Correct.  You obviously don't work 18 hours a day and you don't home school.  A hypocrite is someone who says one thing, but does the exact opposite.  You're a hypocrite isn't an insult, it's an observation based upon your actions in direct contradiction to your statements. 

We would home school however there are some fantastic private schools here locally. We want low class size for the individual attention, which is the greatest part of home schooling. We would home school if our only option was public school.

Currently we are teaching languages. Our oldest can speak 3, and is currently working on French. This was all done at home. Youngest can do 2, she still has Belarussian to learn before we go to another Probably Portuguese if she can handle it. Our neighbors speak Portuguese and want their children to learn Russian so we will trade off and teach them. And our neighbors are home schoolers, both work, she works out of a home office and he is a fireman.
(10-20-2015, 05:18 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Thank you Dino.  

"Fierce, violent, uncontrolled"  look at the all the violence in the name of Islam done all over the world.   It's done by these savages.    

All the cartel violence done in Central America.... Done by savages.    

Member of people who are primitive...... How many people live this way in Africa and who are also violent and uncontrolled.  

Just because you guys don't like the word does not mean it's not correct.   I used this word for a reason, I knew it would be spicy.

According to you, all of the people in Africa are savages.  Every.  Single.  One.
(10-20-2015, 05:29 PM)GodHatesBengals Wrote: Exactly. You used the word for the reason that it would cause problems--the definition of trolling. Thanks for admitting it.

Seems like you think it's okay to use a word which you know to be loaded with racial overtones due to its historical use in this country, as long as it's applied to people who have been involved in violence. So, with hundreds of thousands of dead civilians in Iraq, is it acceptable to call the countless U.S. soldiers involved in those deaths savages? Or would that be inaccurate because when the U.S. does it, it's somehow "civilized"?

(Don't worry, I said that for a reason: I knew it would be "spicy".)

The US is a civilized nation.  Therefore we are not savages.  We do not accept this barbaric violence as common everyday life.   We are upset and bothered when we see someone's head chopped off.   Someone from a savage country.... It's just common occurrence.

When children are abducted here it's a big thing, in savage nations it's just the way things are....

Police/judges taking payoffs here.... Big issue .... Savage nations .... Common occurrence.
(10-20-2015, 05:33 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: According to you, all of the people in Africa are savages.  Every.  Single.  One.

No. There are places in the continent of Africa where they have the rule of law and hit back hard on such violence.

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