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Health Care Reform
(08-03-2020, 05:23 PM)Goalpost Wrote: So I guess I said deposit instead of sorry for that confusion.  Let's say I have a hospital stay and it was 3000 dollars.  I have to pay a deductible and the rest is covered.  Let's say the deductible is 1000 that I have to pay and the rest insurance pays.  This is just one example, but deductibles went up when Obama care went into effect.  At least it did in my insurance and I worked for a major corporation with a big name insurance company.  
With the company I worked for we had meetings once a year called by human resources where we could change our coverage or keep the same coverage.      They...human resources....would go over the changes every year in the health plans..,again to us, the inform us.  That's what I remember.  We all came out of that meeting knowing our insurance had increased deductibles.  I also remember them explaining certain numbers of 'allowable' visits for certain health situations...let's say you were covered up to three a year for something...were now reduced to you were covered up to 2 now instead.  I just got the feeling that Obama care didn't raise my premium monthly insurance out of my paycheck.....but when it came to using it.....that's where the price increase, or decreased benefits happened.  
That was my experience with it.  Obama care was made to cover those with no insurance partly...and the insurance companies weren't going to pickup the the increase in costs were hidden in reduced benefits to an average joe like me.  The monthly premium was mostly the same but I would have to pay more if something happened to me. 

Thanks for describing that, G. That was very clear and I much appreciate it.
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Now it's by the end of the month..

We already know there is no plan and won't be one as long as the party holding Presidency believes Healthcare is a privilege.
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Quote:"Success doesn’t mean every single move they make is good" ~ Anonymous 
"Let not the dumb have to educate" ~ jj22
I'll bet my left nut that we will soon hear that the republican promise of totally super awesome healthcare reform that'll be the best ever and make us all rich and healthy and constantly orgasm will 100000% will be passed the second Trump gets re-elected. Oh and then if Biden wins we get to hear how despite republicans being in power for 12 of the past 20 years they were just one damn second away from giving us the best healthcare reform EVERRRRRRR but we blew it by electing the wrong gropey idiot with crappy hair plugs.
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(08-04-2020, 12:46 PM)Nately120 Wrote: I'll bet my left nut that we will soon hear that the republican promise of totally super awesome healthcare reform that'll be the best ever and make us all rich and healthy and constantly orgasm will 100000% will be passed the second Trump gets re-elected.  Oh and then if Biden wins we get to hear how despite republicans being in power for 12 of the past 20 years they were just one damn second away from giving us the best healthcare reform EVERRRRRRR but we blew it by electing the wrong gropey idiot with crappy hair plugs.

I was surprised when he gave a deadline before the election (since it wouldn't be possible to pass it before then even if they had a plan). 
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
My biggest concern is the number of insured Americans and working to raise that while reducing overall costs in a system that phases in major reform. I’ve been clear that I supported Buttigieg’s Medicare for all who want it rather than outright banning private insurance.
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Folks!  We have a hint at Trump's plan!

He's going to stop calling the ACA "Obamacare" and....uh...that's it.  Just stop giving Obama credit for it.

Oh, btw....

Quote:The Trump Administration and 18 Republican state attorneys general are asking the Supreme Court to strike down the entire Affordable Care Act (ACA) as unconstitutional. The Justice Department (DOJ) and Republican states petitioning for judicial repeal of the law will file briefs by June 25, with oral arguments this fall and a decision likely next spring. The ACA remains the law of the land for now, and legal experts across the political spectrum view the case against it as extremely weak. But if the courts “terminate” the ACA, as President Trump again urged in May, some 20 million people would become uninsured — likely many more when accounting for COVID-19’s effects on ACA participation. In addition, if the Administration prevails, millions more could be charged more or denied coverage altogether because they have a pre-existing condition or would lose other important protections.

Lawsuit Background and Trump Administration’s Position
The state attorneys general filed their lawsuit with a Texas district court in February 2018. The crux of their argument is that the Supreme Court’s 2012 decision in National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius upheld the ACA’s individual coverage requirement under Congress’ taxing power, and the 2017 tax law zeroed out that tax penalty. Without the tax in place, they claim, the coverage requirement is unconstitutional, making the rest of the ACA also unlawful — an argument that ignores Congress’ choice to leave the ACA intact when it zeroed out the tax penalty.

From the start the Trump Administration has refused to defend the ACA, an unprecedented move that seems to have led two senior career attorneys to withdraw from the case and one to resign. But the government’s specific position on the case has changed. In June 2018 DOJ largely agreed with the plaintiffs’ reasoning, but it asked the court to strike down not the entire law but two critical consumer protections that it said were inextricably linked to the mandate: the prohibitions on insurers denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions (guaranteed issue) and on charging people higher premiums because of their health status (community rating). The Administration has since endorsed striking down the entire ACAin line with its many legislative and executive attempts to repeal or undermine it.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Another healthcare deadline Trump set has passed with no action.

Trump has repeatedly touted this executive order, but with the deadline being hit without any action, the White House has not made any plans to enforce it or move forward, declining to comment when asked.
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(08-25-2020, 11:03 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Another healthcare deadline Trump set has passed with no action.

Trump has repeatedly touted this executive order, but with the deadline being hit without any action, the White House has not made any plans to enforce it or move forward, declining to comment when asked.

In Trump's defense, he was a registered do-nothing-democrat for quite a long time.
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(08-25-2020, 12:19 PM)Nately120 Wrote: In Trump's defense, he was a registered do-nothing-democrat for quite a long time.

and there's no platform, so there's no health care plan
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(08-25-2020, 12:39 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: and there's no platform, so there's no health care plan

The amazing free wall, the amazing healthcare plan, the defeation of ISIS, and a low-fat chocolate cake that doesn't disappoint on taste will all be ours BUT only if we elect Trump in 2020.
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Health care may be one of the most egregious things in the Trump administration, but I feel like it gets little attention. How can you go 4 years without a plan?
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(09-16-2020, 02:17 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote:

Health care may be one of the most egregious things in the Trump administration, but I feel like it gets little attention. How can you go 4 years without a plan?

That’s certainly stating the obvious. The problem with liberals is they take Trump literally when he says he’ll produce a healthcare plan in two weeks.
(09-16-2020, 02:17 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Health care may be one of the most egregious things in the Trump administration, but I feel like it gets little attention. How can you go 4 years without a plan?

A politician who makes promises he doesn't keep and lies about it?  Damn, Trump really turned the world of politics on its ear. Ninja

Anyways, like I've said before I'm pretty sure republicans have been dangling this supposedly amazing healthcare plan in front of us since we were fool enough to elect Obama 12 years ago. Regardless of who wins in 2020, they're going to go right back to "working on it" and teasing it for at least another 4 years aren't they?
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(09-16-2020, 07:04 PM)Nately120 Wrote: A politician who makes promises he doesn't keep and lies about it?  Damn, Trump really turned the world of politics on its ear. Ninja

Anyways, like I've said before I'm pretty sure republicans have been dangling this supposedly amazing healthcare plan in front of us since we were fool enough to elect Obama 12 years ago. Regardless of who wins in 2020, they're going to go right back to "working on it" and teasing it for at least another 4 years aren't they?

Right after they spend another 10 trillion to fix Iraq. Shit. That place has to be pretty sweet at this point. Wish my passport still worked.
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(09-16-2020, 02:17 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Health care may be one of the most egregious things in the Trump administration, but I feel like it gets little attention. How can you go 4 years without a plan?

Well that's a little unfair BPat.  He's going to have one soon. Very soon. Another promise about to be kept.

It will protect people with pre-existing conditions--AND the insurance companies.
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(09-16-2020, 08:50 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: Right after they spend another 10 trillion to fix Iraq.  Shit.  That place has to be pretty sweet at this point.   Wish my passport still worked.

Freedom isn't free.

What it costs, we don't know. But it's more than a few trillion dollars.
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(09-17-2020, 09:22 PM)Dill Wrote: Well that's a little unfair BPat.  He's going to have one soon. Very soon. Another promise about to be kept.

It will protect people with pre-existing conditions--AND the insurance companies.

And China will pay for it.
There's still no plan


Mr President, the Supreme Court will hear a case, a week after the election, in which the Trump administration, along with 18 state attorneys general are seeking to overturn Obamacare, to end Obamacare. You have sent the last --


Because I want to give good healthcare. Good healthcare.


If I may ask that question, sir. Over the last four years you have promised to repeal and replace Obamacare but you have never in these four years, come up with a plan, a comprehensive plan, to replace Obamacare.


Yes I have. Of course I have. I'll get rid of the individual mandate which was added. That is absolutely a big thing, that was the worst part of Obamacare. The worst part of Obamacare. Well, I’ll ask Joe. The individual mandate was the most unpopular aspect of Obamacare. I got rid of it.


I am the moderator in this debate. And I would like you to let me ask my question and then you can answer.


Go ahead.


You, in the course of these four years, have never come up with a comprehensive plan to replace Obamacare, and just this last Thursday, you signed a largely symbolic executive order to protect people with pre-existing conditions, five days before this debate. So my question sir is, what is the Trump healthcare plan.


Well, first of all, I guess I'm debating you not him, but that's okay, I’m not surprised. Let me just tell you something. That has nothing symbolic. I'm cutting drug prices, I'm going with favored nations which no president has encouraged to do because you're going against big pharma. Drug prices will be coming down, 80 or 90%. You could have done it during your 47 year period in government but you didn't do it, nobody's done it. So we're cutting health care, all of the things that we've done -- insulin. I‘ll give an example: insulin. It's going to, it was destroying families -- destroyed people, the cost -- ‘I'm getting it for so cheap; it's like water.’ You want to know the truth, so cheap. Take a look at all of the drugs that --- what we're doing, prescription drug prices, we're going to allow our governors now to go to other countries to buy drugs because when they make just a tiny fraction -- this is big stuff.
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He quite literally cannot answer the question.
Everything in this post is my fault.

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