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It's Kamala!
(08-11-2020, 10:32 PM)GMDino Wrote: Eh, Trump called Cruz's wife ugly and called everyone names during the primaries and they all lick his boots now.  Welcome to politics.

That's about the only thing Trump didn't lie about.

I'm kidding... I'm sure she's great.

It's funny to me that people are dissecting this the way the are. I have a hard time believing there is this large block of voters that are on the fence right now. The choice (while not a great one) seems to be this... Or not this. Either you're good with the carnival of the last 4 years, or you're not.
I'm gonna break every record they've got. I'm tellin' you right now. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but it's goin' to get done.

- Ja'Marr Chase 
  April 2021
(08-11-2020, 09:34 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Biden picks Harris as a running mate?  Wasn't she one of the first one's to get laughed off of the campaign trail?  

As a Trump supporter, I see that as about the best choice he could have made.

50+% of women will be pleased. 

K might split the BLM vote, but on the whole this was a safe and moderate choice. 

60-40 chance of managing Pence in a debate.

The majority of voters now will be tired of instability and extreme rhetoric and disorganization at every level of the Exec.

Hannity just called this the most radical far left ticket in US history. That has to be good for Dems.

Safe ticket. She'll manage if Biden is incapacitated.
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(08-11-2020, 08:10 PM)GMDino Wrote: Trump ran on a platform of "lock her up" and he still talks about Clinton.

Plus he's now trying to say Obama was "awful" and dirty and whatever so he can tie Biden to that.

Not liking the other guy is literally what Trump does.

No, he made talking shit a huge part of his campaign, but that wasn't the key to his strategy.

(08-11-2020, 09:28 PM)NATI BENGALS Wrote: This isn’t the far left running. This is a common sense ticket

I've already addressed this in other posts.
Watching Laura's take down now, issue by issue (immigration, abortion, law enforcement, abortion, socialized medicine, take ur guns away). Maybe K WILL get all the BLM vote. Remember the clip of her condemning Biden's support for busing?  Biden is obligated to pick the best person for pres, but instead chose based on race and gender, "checking boxes." Rejected the voice of his own party's primary voters.

Panel member Ari Fleischer says she's "fake", "empty suit with two-left sleeves."

Lost the white grievance vote.

But refused to prosecute white police officers?

Wanted to let prisoners vote from prison? Laura shakes her head in disbelief.

Mean to Gorsuch. But Wall Street's favorite candidate?

Mollie Hemingway: She's INDIAN too but has forgotten her roots. A "shape shifter."  Radical on abortion. Far FAR left.

Cynthia Garrett happy to see another women of color out there, but can't support any of her policies.
Horace Cooper also thinks the majority of black voters will reject her. Not accepted by them.

D'Souza--she can't admit she was wrong about Smollet. "if you're gonna play identity politics, two can play that game." K. Harris' father boasted descent from Jamaican slave owner Hamilton Brown. She is "descended less from the legacy of Frederick Douglas than from the plantation itself." 
Yow!  Nervous
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(08-11-2020, 09:59 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: She was rough on Biden during the debates and can’t walk that back. Not the best choice.

Swing voters might see Biden's ability to work with and learn from a critical party as a sign of strength as opposed to Trumps inability to hear dissenting voices. 
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(08-11-2020, 09:34 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Biden picks Harris as a running mate?  Wasn't she one of the first one's to get laughed off of the campaign trail?  

As a Trump supporter, I see that as about the best choice he could have made.

That's the thing, she got annihilated by Gabbard and was one of, if the the, first to drop out.  She did horrible in the primary and now this pick is supposed to look like a stroke (no pun intended) of genius?

(08-11-2020, 09:50 PM)Benton Wrote: Yeah to me it's kind of a head scratcher.

She was out early,never got a lot of steam and is from a state that's going to go Democrat even if Biden put Reagan's ghost as his vp. I guess with her having the most republican track record they're looking to woo some gop voters, but seems like someone from a swing state would've been a better choice. But he'll, maybe the Dems are looking down the road. If she does well the next four years, Biden can retire and she'd have a decent chance running for POTUS.

Yeah, your VP pick is supposed to bring in voters you wouldn't otherwise get.  Harris isn't doing that, at all.

(08-11-2020, 09:59 PM)HarleyDog Wrote: She was rough on Biden during the debates and can’t walk that back. Not the best choice.

More on this later.

(08-11-2020, 10:00 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: I don't know.  I don't think the Democrat base likes her very much.  According to what I was hearing on the ride home today, Biden got a lot more Black vote in CA than she did.  I think it has to do with her record as Prosecutor in San Fran. and AG of CA.

I can tell you from a personal perspective, she's not popular in the black community.  I'm certainly not saying I am the weather vane for the black vote but I can tell you there's a lot of negative feelings towards her.  Bmore pointed out that a lot of right wing outlets are saying she isn't even black.  The only people I've ever heard say that are black people. 

(08-11-2020, 10:03 PM)Millhouse Wrote: Didn't she say she believed the woman that accused Biden of sexual harrassment? 

I honestly don't know what came of that as I could be wrong, but pretty sure she said that.

She did, and that's going to be a hard one to walk back.  I suppose they'll probably play it off by saying "Trump said grab 'em by the feline" making, basically saying yeah he did it but Trump is worse.
(08-11-2020, 10:47 PM)jason Wrote: That's about the only thing Trump didn't lie about.

I'm kidding... I'm sure she's great.

It's funny to me that people are dissecting this the way the are. I have a hard time believing there is this large block of voters that are on the fence right now. The choice (while not a great one) seems to be this... Or not this. Either you're good with the carnival of the last 4 years, or you're not.

Probably a majority of voters see it that way. They are tired of the carnival. Exhausted even.
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I guess the black vote is going to Kanye West now.
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(08-11-2020, 11:00 PM)Dill Wrote: 50+% of women will be pleased.

Sure, just like they were pleased with Hillary.  I'll never understand this pleasant acknowledgment, or hope, for gestalt thinking. 

Quote:K might split the BLM vote, but on the whole this was a safe and moderate choice. 

Might?  You don't really seem to have your finger on the pulse of current events.  She got destroyed in the first debate precisely because of her record as a DA.  Things have only worsened in that regard by a factor of ten.

Quote:60-40 chance of managing Pence in a debate.

Pretty much meaningless, so I don't really care to debate it.

Quote:The majority of voters now will be tired of instability and extreme rhetoric and disorganization at every level of the Exec.

You sound like you're reading your Christmas wish list. Cool

Quote:Hannity just called this the most radical far left ticket in US history. That has to be good for Dems.

Safe ticket. She'll manage if Biden is incapacitated.

"If"?  Hilarious
Only thing I’m really upset about is having a ticket that seems staunchly anti-marijuana. But the left will beat that out of them once they’re in office. Because the left has backbone.

I actually see the heated moments between the two of them as a plus. Trump can’t say a recently deceased long standing member of our government deserves accolades because he didn’t attend his inauguration. Meanwhile Biden can learn from some cogent points Kamala made on the debate stage.

Who’s a bigger man in that situation.
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(08-11-2020, 11:26 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: "If"?  Hilarious

Not that I care at all. But some here would be calling the federales if someone ‘laughed my at the idea of Daddy perfect BMI being ‘incapacitated’. Just saying, seems a little hypocritical.
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(08-11-2020, 11:30 PM)Vas Deferens Wrote: Not that I care at all.   But some here would be calling the federales if someone ‘laughed my at the idea of Daddy perfect BMI being ‘incapacitated’.   Just saying, seems a little hypocritical.

Well, I'm not one of them so it isn't.   Tongue

But I get your point.
(08-12-2020, 12:09 AM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Well, I'm not one of them so it isn't.   Tongue

But I get your point.

Well aware you aren’t and that you would. Just wanted to throw it out there.

But I’m completely done electing anyone to power above the age of 60 at this point anyway. Just go pick up a ******* hobby already. Leave the legislation to the people with skin in the game for khrist sakes. Old blood bags waddling around with antiquated ideologies... done with it.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
I was gonna vote for Biden, but Harris is too Republican for my taste so I’m voting for Trump.

A big misconception is that VP choices affect the electoral map. They really don't. There's little evidence that VP choice has given anything more than a moderate boost to candidates. A politico poll last month looked at 9 different match ups with Biden and a VP, and 8 of the 9 had him with 46-47% support, with the last one (a candidate even I don't know) giving him 45%. Trump fluctuated between 40-41% in those match ups.

So the question is what moderate boost could this give? Compared to Warren, Kamala showed a 1% boost with men, a 2% boost with independents, a 2% boost with Latino voters, and 1% boost with Black voters. An economist poll put her as the most popular choice for Democrats, Black voters, White voters, and Latino voters. Again, all modest compared to Warren.

From a campaign side of things, she can act as an effective fundraiser and surrogate, especially on race related issues, as Warren would have for economics. She'll make Pence look bad in the debates, but VP debates don't do anything.

The idea that her past will hurt her in a post George Floyd American is wishful thinking, especially since their opponent has been the worst President on race related issues since before the Great Depression. On top of that, she has said the right things since Memorial Day.

Obviously Trump will act like this is a gift, which it isn't. He has to because he's flailing, bad. His coronavirus response has been atrocious and he continues to do the wrong thing on that front. His attacks on Biden aren't sticking, especially when he says the Spanish Flu ended WWII or that we should inject disinfectant. It's hard to accuse someone of being mental unfit when you do things like that.
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One reason I don't think Trump is actually happy about this is that at his press conference he started to go through some talking points written on a piece of paper and quickly stopped and called her "nasty" three times (with "extraordinarily" thrown in there), "meanest", "disrespectful", and "most horrible".

When a reporter asked about the ad his campaign released that afternoon calling her "Phony Kamala", he had no clue what the reporter was talking about.

He can't stick to what his campaign is designing to address Kamala with, because what he knows is personal attack, which he does increasingly if his target is a woman or person of color, something they know will hurt his ability to win over moderates. There's not enough for him to attack her on policy wise or controversy wide, because most of those attacks are more effective coming from the left of her.
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(08-11-2020, 09:34 PM)SunsetBengal Wrote: Biden picks Harris as a running mate? Wasn't she one of the first one's to get laughed off of the campaign trail?

As a Trump supporter, I see that as about the best choice he could have made.

Meh. If Trump had taken the Kung flu seriously from the start instead of praising China’s transparency we would be watching Ohio State football in the fall. But, he ****** that up for us.
Just to be clear. I will always award points to anyone who I can demonstrably classify as superior to myself in the pursuit of intelligence and serving the public good above their own interest.

Biden / Kamala crush in comparison. My major qualm with the combination of the 2 is on ‘drug’ crimes where they’ve both fallen short imo. Biden being from a pharma haven and Kamala with her sate (and fed) mandated punishment req on the topic. But I honestly think the court of public opinion will force them to reconsider previously held beliefs.

To think that either of these 2 are in favor of allowing wanton criminals to evade justice is an absolute joke. It’s going to be. embarrassing in a few years when people’s postulations on the subject are resurfaced. (I hope mine above are as well, but...)
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(08-12-2020, 01:33 AM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Meh. If Trump had taken the Kung flu seriously from the start instead of praising China’s transparency we would be watching Ohio State football in the fall. But, he ****** that up for us.

So Trump is responsible for the Big 10 canceling but not the SEC/ACC/B12?

It sounds much more like regional politics and a massive case of CYA by the administration to me.  If you were a southerner not on the west coast you would stand a much better chance of seeing your team play.  

My prediction:  If the southern conferences pull off a season with any kind of success, then the Big 10 will emulate what they did in the spring with the precedent they set.  Otherwise they will cancel for the season.  There was just no way the Big 10 was going to take that kind of risk on what is very much a right wing prerogative of opening back up.          
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(08-12-2020, 02:10 AM)Von Cichlid Wrote: So Trump is responsible for the Big 10 canceling but not the SEC/ACC/B12?

It sounds much more like regional politics and a massive case of CYA by the administration to me.  If you were a southerner not on the west coast you would stand a much better chance of seeing your team play.  

My prediction:  If the southern conferences pull off a season with any kind of success, then the Big 10 will emulate what they did in the spring with the precedent they set.  Otherwise they will cancel for the season.  There was just no way the Big 10 was going to take that kind of risk on what is very much a right wing prerogative of opening back up.          

can someone interpret this for me?

If I was a southerner, how would I be in the west coast?

daddy is responsible for the bigALL cancellation because his ‘miracle’ down to zero plan didn’t happen. Without a backup, we all got royally ****** big guy.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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