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2020 Election
(08-12-2020, 12:21 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Still waiting for Trump’s long term strategy besides “I don’t like the other guy.”

Ooo, a callback, I love those!  Cool

But seriously folks, Trump is rather on the defensive right now and his response to feeling attacked is always to attack back.  I mean, it's not like he had policy positions that people liked in 2016, it's that he just attacked Hillary, amirite?
(08-12-2020, 12:37 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Ooo, a callback, I love those!  Cool

But seriously folks, Trump is rather on the defensive right now and his response to feeling attacked is always to attack back.  I mean, it's not like he had policy positions that people liked in 2016, it's that he just attacked Hillary, amirite?

To be fair he attacked everyone and everything he thought could inspire hate (and votes).


His basic platform was "I will undo what was done because I don't think it helps you as only *I* can fix everything"...then he did (almost) nothing.

Again, they were still chanting "lock her up" last year at his rallies.

He ran on hate. Some people just think that's a good policy.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-12-2020, 12:37 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Ooo, a callback, I love those!  Cool

But seriously folks, Trump is rather on the defensive right now and his response to feeling attacked is always to attack back.  I mean, it's not like he had policy positions that people liked in 2016, it's that he just attacked Hillary, amirite?

As I've said before, Trump's biggest issue now may very well be that he is no longer some sort of unknown wildcard outsider...he's been in office for 4 years and people know his game by now.  Looking at the 2016 election was like Hillary as Andy Dalton, the boring veteran that isn't bad but you know isn't going to magically turn elite overnight while Trump was the big-armed undrafted rookie on the bench.  We all like the idea of tossing the unknown guy with no resume into the fire rather than seeing the same ol' boring stuff, but a lot of people could be thinking that Trump isn't the political version of Tom Brady, rather he's just another Nathan Peterman.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-12-2020, 12:37 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Ooo, a callback, I love those!  Cool

But seriously folks, Trump is rather on the defensive right now and his response to feeling attacked is always to attack back.  I mean, it's not like he had policy positions that people liked in 2016, it's that he just attacked Hillary, amirite?

Well, if you vote for Biden/Harris apparently you’ll be speaking Chinese with no healthcare. Helluva long term strategy.

PS And a weak sleepy Joe will hurt God.
(08-12-2020, 12:56 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Well, if you vote for Biden/Harris apparently you’ll be speaking Chinese with no healthcare. Helluva long term strategy.

I think getting rid of healthcare is a great idea, because having a safety net for injury/illness just takes away people's incentive to stockpile money to pay out of pocket.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-12-2020, 12:46 PM)GMDino Wrote: To be fair he attacked everyone and everything he thought could inspire hate (and votes).


His basic platform was "I will undo what was done because I don't think it helps you as only *I* can fix everything"...then he did (almost) nothing.

Again, they were still chanting "lock her up" last year at his rallies.

He ran on hate. Some people just think that's a good policy.

Ahh, so you agree his strategy wasn't just, "i don't like the other guy".  I'm pleased we could reach a consensus, sincerely.
(08-12-2020, 01:09 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Ahh, so you agree his strategy wasn't just, "i don't like the other guy".  I'm pleased we could reach a consensus, sincerely.

His entire strategy was "I don't like...." and then that list.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-12-2020, 12:54 PM)Nately120 Wrote: As I've said before, Trump's biggest issue now may very well be that he is no longer some sort of unknown wildcard outsider...he's been in office for 4 years and people know his game by now.  Looking at the 2016 election was like Hillary as Andy Dalton, the boring veteran that isn't bad but you know isn't going to magically turn elite overnight while Trump was the big-armed undrafted rookie on the bench.  We all like the idea of tossing the unknown guy with no resume into the fire rather than seeing the same ol' boring stuff, but a lot of people could be thinking that Trump isn't the political version of Tom Brady, rather he's just another Nathan Peterman.

This is easily the best description of Trump's current electability I have read on this board.  I am in agreement.  Whether it will be enough to unseat him is another discussion.

(08-12-2020, 12:56 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Well, if you vote for Biden/Harris apparently you’ll be speaking Chinese with no healthcare. Helluva long term strategy.

PS And a weak sleepy Joe will hurt God.

Which God?  He won't be able to put a dent in Cthulhu.
(08-12-2020, 12:37 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Ooo, a callback, I love those!  Cool

But seriously folks, Trump is rather on the defensive right now and his response to feeling attacked is always to attack back.  I mean, it's not like he had policy positions that people liked in 2016, it's that he just attacked Hillary, amirite?

But that was the bulk of his strategy then and now. His policy positions were pretty broad and fluid and a large part of his strategy was just claiming that everyone else was corrupt and saying he would undo what Obama did. 

He still doesn't have a health care plan and he's almost finished with his first term. 

The GOP kept their platform from 2016, including all of the attacks on the "President". 

I'm struggling trying to find a policy page on his website. From what I can tell, it doesn't exist. He has a 2 minute youtube video on "promises kept" and then has a separate website that lists those "promises kept" as bullet points. 

His official campaign twitter account is littered with attack videos and there's not much policy. Since the announcement, there have been 25 attack videos posted and 3 posts that could be considered policy posts, though none actually go into detail about a post 2020 vision. 

This is not a long term strategy for an incumbent. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-12-2020, 01:09 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Ahh, so you agree his strategy wasn't just, "i don't like the other guy".  I'm pleased we could reach a consensus, sincerely.

And if you don’t like the democratic platform then Biden isn’t running on just “I don’t like the other guy.”

It’s a consensuspalooza up in here.
(08-12-2020, 01:11 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: This is easily the best description of Trump's current electability I have read on this board.  I am in agreement.  Whether it will be enough to unseat him is another discussion.

Which God?  He won't be able to put a dent in Cthulhu.

You’ll need to ask Trump which God since he’s the one that said it.
(08-12-2020, 01:11 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: But that was the bulk of his strategy then and now. His policy positions were pretty broad and fluid and a large part of his strategy was just claiming that everyone else was corrupt and saying he would undo what Obama did. 

He still doesn't have a health care plan and he's almost finished with his first term. 

The GOP kept their platform from 2016, including all of the attacks on the "President". 

I'm struggling trying to find a policy page on his website. From what I can tell, it doesn't exist. He has a 2 minute youtube video on "promises kept" and then has a separate website that lists those "promises kept" as bullet points. 

His official campaign twitter account is littered with attack videos and there's not much policy. Since the announcement, there have been 25 attack videos posted and 3 posts that could be considered policy posts, though none actually go into detail about a post 2020 vision. 

This is not a long term strategy for an incumbent. 

Oh, I agree, he's short on policy specifics.  I'm talking about his election strategy though, not his plans when in office.  More specifically, his original campaign.  I don't think we'll get a real glimpse of his campaign strategy until he's not constantly on the defensive.  To add this before it's mentioned, no, I don't think he'll be permanently on the defensive until election day.

(08-12-2020, 01:14 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: And if you don’t like the democratic platform then Biden isn’t running on just “I don’t like the other guy.”

It’s a consensuspalooza up in here.

Except that's the party platform not the campaign strategy.  They are certainly intertwined to a degree, but the actual strategy of the campaign is not analogous to the party platform.  Regardless, we are now entering the realm of semantics, so let's leave it at we disagree on this.

(08-12-2020, 01:16 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: You’ll need to ask Trump which God since he’s the one that said it.

Well, I'm choosing Cthulhu until he says otherwise.
(08-12-2020, 01:09 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Ahh, so you agree his strategy wasn't just, "i don't like the other guy".  I'm pleased we could reach a consensus, sincerely.

Trump's approach was less about Hilary as a candidate and more about Hilary as a career politician.  Trump is very much the infomercial president.  The neo-cons had gone to great lengths during 8 years of Obama to convince a significant portion of the populace that America had become a hell hole and had fallen oh so far from the glory days. 

 The problem is that they did such a good job that Trump was able to sneak in and look at the neo-con voter base that was convinced everything sucked, change his affiliation to republican, and run on a platform where not only were democrats to blame for the sorry state of our country, but politicians in general were ruining America and he was just the right non-politician to make things great....again!  Because you can't say America isn't great, it's just temporarily off the right path.

Infomercial logic:

Step 1 - convince consumers they have a problem they didn't know they had
................America has become awful
Step 2 - explain how Step 1 came to be
................too many career politicians, too much liberal PC crap, too much wimpiness and niceness
Step 3 - assure consumers that you/your product is the opposite of, or will fix what make things bad
................I'm not PC, I'm not nice, I'm not a politician, I'll force the rest of the world to respect us and/or destroy those who refuse
Step 4 - ask for money/support

We got played like a fiddle by the Ron Popeil of politics.  We have made pancakes for Saturday breakfast every week for decades, and yet we were convinced that making pancakes is actually an impossible hassle without some product that was invented 3 weeks ago.  Go figure.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-12-2020, 01:23 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Oh, I agree, he's short on policy specifics.  I'm talking about his election strategy though, not his plans when in office.  More specifically, his original campaign.  I don't think we'll get a real glimpse of his campaign strategy until he's not constantly on the defensive.  To add this before it's mentioned, no, I don't think he'll be permanently on the defensive until election day.

Except that's the party platform not the campaign strategy.  They are certainly intertwined to a degree, but the actual strategy of the campaign is not analogous to the party platform.  Regardless, we are now entering the realm of semantics, so let's leave it at we disagree on this.

Well, I'm choosing Cthulhu until he says otherwise.


They have the same Republican party platform for 2020 from 2016. Trump’s running on the same Make America Great Again schtick.

You don’t think you have a glimpse into his strategy?

If s the same shit, different day. He hasn’t won his trade war. He hasn’t brought jobs back to America. He hasn’t built his wall. He hasn’t abolished Obamacare. He hasn’t renegotiated the Iran deal. He hasn’t made a deal with North Korea. The Covid 19 test I use at work is made in China for Christ’s sake. As far as immigration, American’s aren’t allowed into Canada or Mexico.
I forgot to mention that Trump also just makes crap up and promises things that aren't even remotely close to being true and then hopes everyone will forget that he lied.

This is just one example from the midterm elections.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.

Quote:Two weeks after CARES Act benefits expired, talks between the White House and Congress on a new economic aid package have effectively collapsed. Donald Trump, who really ought to want to reach an agreement in order to improve his election prospects, conceded yesterday that he believes a deal is "not going to happen."

There's no shortage of stumbling blocks, though part of the problem is fundamental: the parties disagree on what's important and worth prioritizing. A leading White House voice made that painfully clear again this morning on CNBC.
Quote:[color=var(--gray-60)]President Donald Trump will not support a coronavirus relief deal that includes "voting rights" provisions backed by Democrats, White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow said Thursday. "So much of the Democratic asks are really liberal, left wish lists -- voting rights and aid to aliens and so forth," he told CNBC's "Squawk on the Street" when asked about the administration's stalled aid talks with Democratic leaders.
"That's not our game, and the president can't accept that kind of deal," the director of the National Economic Council added.

Just to help provide some additional context to this, the president this morning effectively confessed that he's trying to undermine his own country's Postal System in order to derail mail-in voting -- a process he and his team rely on to cast their own ballots, but which Trump believes will cause him to lose if widely embraced by the public.

Trump argued in a Fox Business interview this morning, in reference to the Postal Service, "They want $3.5 billion for something that will turn out to be fraudulent. They want $3.5 billion for the mail-in votes, OK. Universal mail-in ballots. They want $25 billion for the post office. Now they need that money in order to have the post office work, so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots. Now in the meantime they aren’t getting there. By the way, those are just two items, but if they don’t get those two items, that means you can’t have universal mail-in voting, because they’re not equipped to have it."
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(08-14-2020, 08:50 AM)GMDino Wrote:

Voting rights are not our game. 
At least you can't really accuse them of being intransparent.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-12-2020, 12:56 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Well, if you vote for Biden/Harris apparently you’ll be speaking Chinese with no healthcare. Helluva long term strategy.

PS And a weak sleepy Joe will hurt God.

I never pegged Joe for the ubermenschen  "prophesized" by Nietzsche to finally kill god, but alas, he has been revealed.
(08-14-2020, 03:36 PM)samhain Wrote: I never pegged Joe for the ubermenschen  "prophesized" by Nietzsche to finally kill god, but alas, he has been revealed.

Yes, but how do we dare vote against a man powerful enough to literally hurt God?  Trump is trying to scare us into voting Biden. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(08-14-2020, 08:50 AM)GMDino Wrote:

Well, voting rights ARE on my wish list.

Maybe its time that liberal and left types own up. 

I'm tired of being outed.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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