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Germany braces for anti immigrant attacks
(10-25-2015, 10:20 PM)bfine32 Wrote: If you ever wonder why the PnR forum is going in the toilet, just read this thread with an unbiased eye.

The first coupe posts addressed the OP and then....

In all honesty, it's largely my fault.
Damn, this thread is a total train wreck.  Does anyone want to start over?

(10-24-2015, 07:51 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: Let's not confuse the actions of a small minority with the German people as a whole. Generalities don't work for any group of people.

At this time it is a minority.  At least it is a minority that is rioting over it.  But the immigration problem in Europe is a real powderkeg.  There has been a strain of anti-muslim feelings in Europe for at least 30 years.  I went to college with a girl who was from France.  The mom was pretty liberal on many subjects, but she felt that the Muslim immigrants were "ruining the country".  It wasn't violent KKK type stuff.  It was more like the "I'm not a racist, but an awful lot of blacks are lazy, sexually-irresponsible, criminals" I hear a lot where I live.

And none of these European countries have any extra money to take care of these immigrants.  

It will be interesting to see how electiuon go across Europe over the next few years.
BTW isn't when the UN is supposed to step in. If the UN can't take action when the conflict is directly effecting other countries all across the world, then when can it?
(10-25-2015, 08:57 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I'm more of a fan of Modern English... though, I have a feeling you aren't. 

Nicely done .... Rep to you.
(10-25-2015, 10:38 PM)fredtoast Wrote: BTW isn't when the UN is supposed to step in.  If the UN can't take action when the conflict is directly effecting other countries all across the world, then when can it?

It shouldn't be stepping in..... This is about each country controlling their own borders. The issue is the EU countries gave up their border control by joining the EU. Which is why there is such a backlash from citizens in Europe . Each nation should control their own borders. Everyone gets upset at Hungary for what they did, but they did the right thing. Croatia and Serbia will soon follow. It's impossible to take in all these poor peope to these nations . They already give people too many services . The refugees will bankrupt them.
(10-25-2015, 10:20 PM)bfine32 Wrote: If you ever wonder why the PnR forum is going in the toilet, just read this thread with an unbiased eye.

The first coupe posts addressed the OP and then....

Yes there is a handful of people who waste everyone's time. Then another group who just want to bicker and name call.
(10-25-2015, 10:36 PM)fredtoast Wrote: Damn, this thread is a total train wreck.  Does anyone want to start over?

At this time it is a minority.  At least it is a minority that is rioting over it.  But the immigration problem in Europe is a real powderkeg.  There has been a strain of anti-muslim feelings in Europe for at least 30 years.  I went to college with a girl who was from France.  The mom was pretty liberal on many subjects, but she felt that the Muslim immigrants were "ruining the country".  It wasn't violent KKK type stuff.  It was more like the "I'm not a racist, but an awful lot of blacks are lazy, sexually-irresponsible, criminals" I hear a lot where I live.

And none of these European countries have any extra money to take care of these immigrants.  

It will be interesting to see how electiuon go across Europe over the next few years.

It got mentioned in another thread, the nationalism. We tend to look at these sorts of goings on with a skewed point of view. We are a nation of immigrants, but that is not the case in Europe. UK is an oddball because of their colonial efforts, but mainland Europe has been pretty much on their own. Sure, there are immigrants, but for the most part they stay within their own communities. Things like this are causing those communities to overflow into the general population and it upsets the balance.

When I talk about the generalizations, I am thinking about the violence. The anti-immigrant mindset is growing, but the violent side of it is the minority.
(10-26-2015, 07:46 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: When I talk about the generalizations, I am thinking about the violence. The anti-immigrant mindset is growing, but the violent side of it is the minority.

(10-26-2015, 12:18 AM)StLucieBengal Wrote:  The issue is the EU countries gave up their border control by joining the EU. 

(10-25-2015, 10:20 PM)bfine32 Wrote: If you ever wonder why the PnR forum is going in the toilet, just read this thread with an unbiased eye.

The first coupe posts addressed the OP and then....

1)  This implies you read this thread with an unbiased eye.

1a) Hilarious

2)  If you read this thread you would realize it is just more anti-immigration propaganda.
(10-26-2015, 07:54 AM)fredtoast Wrote: Link?

Look up the EU charter. Or watch that EU debate I posted on one of the other threads. It's quite informative on both view points.
(10-26-2015, 02:59 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: 1)  This implies you read this thread with an unbiased eye.

1a) Hilarious

2)  If you read this thread you would realize it is just more anti-immigration propaganda.

Anti immigration movement is growing in Europe. And has a real chance to be the reason for another war in Europe.

To dismiss this as just propaganda is weak and uninformed.
(10-26-2015, 03:15 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Anti immigration movement is growing in Europe.   And has a real chance to be the reason for another war in Europe.    

To dismiss this as just propaganda is weak and uninformed.

Yes, I dismiss the information as just propaganda when it comes from the guy who calls them "savages."

Propaganda:  information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.
(10-26-2015, 03:15 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Anti immigration movement is growing in Europe.   And has a real chance to be the reason for another war in Europe.    

To dismiss this as just propaganda is weak and uninformed.

You said the same thing about Sharia Law taking over the United States.
(10-26-2015, 04:50 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You said the same thing about Sharia Law taking over the United States.

Sharia law has been thwarted so far here.

As for the immigration debate in Europe .... Don't take my word for it .... Do your own homework and read the news reports. Keep up with it for a couple of months and you will see the trends.

EU debate in Britain. Cameron trying to save face so they can avoid a ref.

On Europe overall ... Great article

Quote:This will unleash extremist politics in Europe. In Germany, the anti-immigrant Pegida movement is attracting thousands to its rallies and in France the Front National continues to gain support. Elsewhere, Eurosceptic parties are making inroads. In Portugal, a Syriza-style leftist minority government has taken office opposed to the eurozone’s fiscal rules; and in Poland, the Law and Justice Party is back in power, pledged to oppose any Brussels diktat on migrant quotas. Against this backdrop, which can only darken, Britain has to decide over the next two years whether to remain part of an increasingly unstable organisation.
(10-26-2015, 04:56 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: Sharia law has been thwarted so far here.  

As for the immigration debate in Europe .... Don't take my word for it ....  Do your own homework and read the news reports.   Keep up with it for a couple of months and you will see the trends.

I have done my own homework.  That is how I know that these movements you are talking about only involve a minority of the population.

I agree that there will be a problem with immigration of all these refugees to Europe, but nothing on the scale you are suggesting.

This is just more Glen Beck fear mongering.
(10-27-2015, 05:51 PM)fredtoast Wrote: I have done my own homework.  That is how I know that these movements you are talking about only involve a minority of the population.

I agree that there will be a problem with immigration of all these refugees to Europe, but nothing on the scale you are suggesting.

This is just more Glen Beck fear mongering.

So anti immigrant/anti EU parties winning elections in Poland and Portugal .... Then Portugal pro EU not allowing them to take power. .... Plus we have Front National in France gaining.... Plus the majority of Brits want a referendum on EU membership with immigration being the top issue. Portugal anti immigrant groups won by creating a coalition. Much like they are doing in Germany now....

Where is any of this "Glenn Beck" fear mongering?
(10-27-2015, 06:41 PM)StLucieBengal Wrote: So anti immigrant/anti EU parties winning elections in Poland and Portugal .... Then Portugal pro EU not allowing them to take power. ....   Plus we have Front National in France gaining....  Plus the majority of Brits want a referendum on EU membership with immigration being the top issue.   Portugal anti immigrant groups won by creating a coalition.   Much like they are doing in Germany now....    

Where is any of this "Glenn Beck" fear mongering?

The fact is that "anti-EU" group did not win the majority of seats in Portugal.  The largest part of the left win coalition that took control of Pairlimet in Portugal were Socialists, and the Socialists are not "anti-EU".

You need to get different sources for your info instead of just relying on Beck to tell you anything close to the truth.
(10-29-2015, 11:05 AM)fredtoast Wrote: The fact is that "anti-EU" group did not win the majority of seats in Portugal.  The largest part of the left win coalition that took control of Pairlimet in Portugal were Socialists, and the Socialists are not "anti-EU".

You need to get different sources for your info instead of just relying on Beck to tell you anything close to the truth.

Anti EU groups control 122 of 230 seats in the Portugal government . (Communists, Greens, and Left Bloc)

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