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3rd Presidential Debate
(10-23-2020, 04:25 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I found this quote to be brilliant:

Take a look at what New York has done in terms of turning the curve down, in terms of the number of people dying. And I don’t look at this in terms of the way he does, blue states and red states. They’re all the United States. And look at the states that are having such a spike in the coronavirus. They’re the red states, they’re the states in the Midwest, they’re the states in the upper Midwest.

Biden was simply pointing out what happens when the President influences "his" states more than others.  The divisions created by Trump are the reason the red states are suffering more.  More citizens are refusing to wear masks. More citizens are refusing to socially distance.  And they are behaving that way because Trump influenced them to.  He made the reaction to the pandemic about politics instead of public health.  Biden would not be as divisive which would lead to all states re-acting equally to the pandemic.
(10-23-2020, 04:25 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I found this quote to be brilliant:

It was brilliant as he was responding to your boy saying he was against the House Bill for aid because it was going to "poorly run blue states".

Biden speaking to the fact that we are all in this together and that Trump ignores bad in some and focuses on bad in others and how that is damaging everyone was spot on.

Thanks for bringing it up.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-23-2020, 02:48 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I know Biden's been around for a while, but I don't think even he was a politician in 1940.

He wasn't a politician then, 

but it's possible that he reads political history and uses/learns from the past, 

and so was addressing others who do that.

For such people, the analogy is easy enough to make. 

Even before he was at war with the U.S., Hitler was the leader of a totalitarian society, who imprisoned political opposition and "undesirables" in a vast system of horrific concentration camps and murdered even members of his own party with impunity.

Kim is the leader of a contemporary totalitarian society, who imprisons all political opposition and "undesirables" in a vast system of horrific prison camps and murders even members of his own party (and family) with impunity. Perhaps the worst such in the world today (now that ISIS is defunct), and arguably worse than the Nazi regime in 1940. Both leaders were also a threat to liberal democratic allies. 

This is one reason why, during the Obama years, virtually all Conservative pundits voiced opposition to ANY negotiation with the guy to whom Trump now addresses love letters--"accomplishing what Obama and Biden could not." 

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-23-2020, 02:12 PM)hollodero Wrote: He also made completely baseless accusations against Joe Biden, like that he personally took 3.5 million Dollars from Russia or that he is the "big man" that got 10% of whatever (I couldn't even follow that), or that his family gets ten million dollars a year for introductions. That his own tax returns are under audit for over four years now is incredibly incredible. As is that he had prepaid millons of dollars in taxes and no one had told him that before. Mueller did not go through Trump's tax records and did in no way state there was "nothing wrong". And his China account was not on public record, nor was it closed in 2015.

You present yourself as well informed, but clearly you have not been following Rudy Giuliani's radio program or you would know that the 10% and "big man" references are to the emails on Hunter Biden's laptop which record the negotiations between the Chinese and the Biden's regarding how much of a cut Joe--the "big man"--would take of the money doled out to Hunter.  

The mainstream media and FBI are totally ignoring this story to protect Biden. If the New York Post had those finicky "journalistic standards" of papers like the NYT and WaPo, we wouldn't know about this incredible scandal at all. But people are working on these emails right now and any day there will be breaking news.

(10-23-2020, 02:12 PM)hollodero Wrote: Overall - still pretty embarrassing to watch, to be blunt embarrassing for the US really. A little less embarrassing than the first desaster of a debate maybe, but still, pretty bad. Also disclaimer, I am well aware that not everything Biden said passes the fact checks too, and I do have some issue with that (I do not mention them and I did not mention many additional falsehoods from Trump either). But what Trump creates there is a whole other dimension.

Finally, an admission that both sides do it. But only after listing some 40 some outrageous lies and instances of Trump disinformation. This imbalance shows your strong liberal bias. Where is the list of all Biden's LIES about COVID? Not a word about all the children lost when Obama and Biden separated them from their parents? How much has Biden prepaid in taxes? Not much I'll wager. No mention of Biden's attacks on the Trump children during the debate.

When your assessment is so one sided, it's easy to see this is all really just "because Trump."
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-23-2020, 02:38 PM)fredtoast Wrote: All Trump talks about regarding Covid is his China travel ban, but that is like bragging about closing the gate after the horses have already gotten out.

Covid was ALREADY HERE when he instituted the travel ban. At that point the focus had to be on PREVENTING THE SPREAD. And that is where he failed so miserably.

Funny thing is that if he had pushed hard for all the procedures to prevent the spread he then he would possibly be winning this election. He cut his own throat. The economy would have been damaged no matter who was President, but people would have still voted for him if he had rally done what was bets for the country. He wants everything opened back up, but it would be much easier to open everything back up if everyone was WEARING MASKS AND TAKING IT SERIOUSLY, instead of ignoring all the safety measures because "it is no worse than the flu and will be gone soon"

If you have Hulu watch Totally Under Control to see how South Korea’s response and results have differed.

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