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Hunter Biden laptop story
(10-28-2020, 06:57 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Take all the info, docs, texts, audio, emails, Tony B statements and apply them to Trump and his son.  Everybody would be going bat shit crazy right now.  I believe that 1000%.

I'm saying he lied and it appears he could be compromised to a point that at least would open questions to his foreign policies should he be elected.

Is that it?  Trump does that a dozen times a day.  If recent history is any indicator, lying makes him qualified to be president. What else did he do?
(10-28-2020, 07:37 PM)oncemoreuntothejimbreech Wrote: Is that it?  Trump does that a dozen times a day.  If recent history is any indicator, lying makes him qualified to be president. What else did he do?

Trump has dealings with foreign countries that lead to him being compromised when it comes to carrying out foreign policy for the American people on a daily basis?  Huh.  I didn't know that. 
(10-28-2020, 06:36 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: You guys cannot seriously think that this would not be 24/7 screaming outrage, hair on fire, scorched earth, orange man bad coverage on every major and minor liberal news outlet if the exact same scenario was reversed.  Every reporter would ask nothing but questions about this vs zero for Joe.  You guys would be going poco loco nuts over this.

But that is not much of a hypothetical. The scenarios regarding business and especially children's businesses play out in reverse in quite similar fashions. Ivanka Trump has a lot of business dealings with China. I'm sure Donald had heard of that, he is quite aware of Ivanka and once as president tweeted a slam against Nordstrom for they didn't want to run with Ivanka stuff. His children run his world-wide business, Trump allegedly gets regular briefings on them. He has an active unpublicized Chinese bank account and it appears he paid way more taxes there than back home. Also, his son-in-law is a big part of his administration and sold a deficient scyscraper to Qataris right when there was some diplomatic trouble with them, only for these troubles to disappear soon thereafter. Trump doubled the fees to his golf course, diplomats prefer to stay in Trump hotels so the president might be more friendly towards them, Mike Pence and staff are directed to stay in and pay for Irish Trump resorts. Trump allegedly asked the british ambassador to get the British Open on one of his golf courses. At one time, the only bank that would deal with Donald Trump was Deutsche Bank, which is foreign and quite involved with Russian black money. Trump is on pictures with Epstein, or with the foreign agent lady that ran the massage parlor Robert Kraft got his stuff massaged in, or with Lev Parnas. Trump ran a scam university and had to settle over that in court. His kids had to go through mandatory training on how to run a charity, for they ran it quite improperly. The Eric Trump foundation was found to funnel donor money to Trump businesses. The Donald Trump foundation bought oversized paintings of Donald Trump, signed Tim Tebow helmets and whatnot. All these things happened, could be seen as a way bigger deal than whatever Hunter or Jim or Joe or whatever Biden did while Joe was not in office (for one, many of these things take place with Trump very much in office), are actually well documented, partly by the courts, and you can see quite clearly how poco loco nuts people go or don't go over all of this. Do these things get mentioned, aside from FOX, sure. Is it 24/7 screaming outrage, no. Your implication doesn't hold much water and this is not mere speculation.

- So if now some former business partner of say Don jr. were to come out and claim Donald senior was involved in his businesses and lied about it? Even if most people were to believe that guy, most people also wouldn't be all that surprised, for you could change this story with any of the other ones listed and Trump lieing really got old news at this point. What's pretty certain though is that people like you would immediately call it a nothingburger and point out how untrustworthy the media is and how gullible and hate-driven everyone who believes this whole saga is. That's what would happen.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-28-2020, 07:48 PM)hollodero Wrote: But that is not much of a hypothetical. The scenarios regarding business and especially children's businesses play out in reverse in quite similar fashions. Ivanka Trump has a lot of business dealings with China. I'm sure Donald had heard of that, he is quite aware of Ivanka and once as president tweeted a slam against Nordstrom for they didn't want to run with Ivanka stuff. His children run his world-wide business, Trump allegedly gets regular briefings on them. He has an active unpublicized Chinese bank account and it appears he paid way more taxes there than back home. Also, his son-in-law is a big part of his administration and sold a deficient scyscraper to Qataris right when there was some diplomatic trouble with them, only for these troubles to disappear soon thereafter. Trump doubled the fees to his golf course, diplomats prefer to stay in Trump hotels so the president might be more friendly towards them, Mike Pence and staff are directed to stay and pay for Irish Trump resorts. Trump allegedly asked the british ambassador to get the British Open on one of his golf courses. At one time, the only bank that would deal with Donald Trump was Deutsche Bank, which is foreign and quite involved with Russian black money. Trump is on pictures with Epstein, or with the foreign agent lady that ran the massage parlor Robert Kraft got his stuff massaged in, or with Lev Parnas. Trump ran a scam university and had to settle over that in court. His kids had to go through mandatory training on how to run a charity, for they ran it quite improperly. The Eric Trump foundation was found to funnel donor money to Trump businesses. The Donald Trump foundation bought oversized paintings of Donald Trump, signed Tim Tebow helmets and whatnot. All these things happened, could be seen as a way bigger deal than whatever Hunter or Jim or Joe or whatever Biden did while Joe was not in office (for one, many of these things take place with Trump very much in office), are actually well documented, partly by the courts, and you can see quite clearly how poco loco nuts people go or don't go over all of this. Do these things get mentioned, aside from FOX, sure. Is it 24/7 screaming outrage, no. Your implication doesn't hold much water and this is not mere speculation.

- So if now some former business partner of say Don jr. were to come out and claim Donald senior was involved in his businesses and lied about it? Even if most people were to believe that guy, most people also wouldn't be all that surprised, for you could change this story with any of the other ones listed and Trump lieing really got old news at this point. What's pretty certain though is that people like you would immediately call it a nothingburger and point out how untrustworthy the media is and how gullible and hate-driven everyone who believes this whole saga is. That's what would happen.

We will have to agree to disagree.
(10-28-2020, 08:06 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: We will have to agree to disagree.

You find no ounce of truth in any of that?

I mean, sure, let's disagree, I won't bother you any longer with that. Nothing much to add anyway.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-28-2020, 07:07 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: They kept the "Trump is an agent of Putin" alive for 3+ years!

The Russian Dossier was basically fake and they ran with that all day every day.

MSM does not generate baseless scandals like the Right?  You are seriously trolling hard right now.  You have to be.

You are making claims about the MSM without actually reading it apparently.

The Russian Dossier was not "basically fake." You are confusing right wing news media conclusions and representations with MSM reporting. The Dossier was reported on as news, as should be the case, with parts of it given different levels of credibility. E.G., Investigations into Cohen and Manafort confirm their actions in Russia on behalf of Trump as reported in the Steele Dossier. 

If we are talking about the NYT and WaPo and CNN and MSNBC, their reporters/commentators did not maintain Trump was literally an "agent of Putin." They correctly assessed, based on available evidence, that Russia made overtures to the Trump administration which were welcomed. They reported the assessment of our own intel agencies that Putin wanted Trump to win, and interfered in our elections to get that result. And they have since reported his inability to criticize Russia, or to accept our intel's assessments over Putin's. All Putin has to do is let Trump be Trump to function as an unwitting Russian asset, weakening US alliances, dividing the country at home, and crippling it's intel agencies from above.

All these points remain concerning, and far from "baseless scandal" as Russia continues to interfere in our elections and our own intel agencies must try to protect us without executive leadership. 

Frame it this way--

the MSM has been warning us of the danger of Trusting a president who hides his finances, lies constantly about his ties to Russia, and will break democratic norms to stay in power. 

The Right Wing Media has done its best to undermine the credibility of the MSM to keep Trump in power. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-28-2020, 08:13 PM)hollodero Wrote: You find no ounce of truth in any of that?

I mean, sure, let's disagree, I won't bother you any longer with that. Nothing much to add anyway.

I just don't think they equate to the same thing.

I have been debating this all day.

If people don't want to look at the actual evidence of the emails, texts, audio and Tony B description of what happened there is nothing more I can say.

I have stated what I thought multiple times already today.
(10-28-2020, 07:35 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Or a VP that got a prosecutor in a foreign country fired who was going to investigate a Company said VP's son was a board member of?

I'm sure that was legit.

Again, you need to turn off Hannity and start following the MSM.

The VP who "got a prosecutor in a foreign country fired" was carrying out a US foreign Policy directive which had nothing to do with his son.  And the prosecutor was fired because he was NOT fighting corruption, Burisma or anywhere, thereby putting US foreign aid to the Ukraine in question. So the guy was fired, Biden or no.

Hence, even Senate Republicans had to agree:

We went over all this a year ago when the Russian-seeded Joe-Biden-Ukrainian-corruption story was debunked during impeachment investigation.

That faux scandal still circulates unhindered in the right wing media environment, not in the MSM.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-28-2020, 08:35 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: If people don't want to look at the actual evidence of the emails, texts, audio and Tony B description of what happened there is nothing more I can say.

I did take a look at it though and addressed it at length. But hey let's leave it at that.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-28-2020, 08:41 PM)hollodero Wrote: I did take a look at it though and addressed it at length. But hey let's leave it at that.

You just listed a bunch of things Trump did you thought were bad and thought were equal with what the Biden Family has done.  You didn't talk about any of the emails, texts, audio or Tony B statement and interview.  Why has Biden not denied a single thing that has come out?  Why did he go into hiding the morning the story broke?

Let's hear Biden say directly the emails, texts and audio are fake.

Let's hear Biden say directly that Tony B is a liar and everything he said is false.

He isn't saying that and there is a reason he doesn't.  Because those things can be verified.

The closest thing Biden has said to a denial is RUSSIA!
(10-28-2020, 08:39 PM)Dill Wrote: Again, you need to turn off Hannity and start following the MSM.

The VP who "got a prosecutor in a foreign country fired" was carrying out a US foreign Policy directive which had nothing to do with his son.  And the prosecutor was fired because he was NOT fighting corruption, Burisma or anywhere, thereby putting US foreign aid to the Ukraine in question. So the guy was fired, Biden or no.

Hence, even Senate Republicans had to agree:

We went over all this a year ago when the Russian-seeded Joe-Biden-Ukrainian-corruption story was debunked during impeachment investigation.

That faux scandal still circulates unhindered in the right wing media environment, not in the MSM.

So turn off Hannity and turn on Don, smell my ball sac Lemon?

Or watch Chris, watch my fake mask/lockdown outrage" Cuomo?

Maybe Maddow will tell me the unbiased truth?

Just for the record Hannity isn't my thing and Tucker is ok sometimes.  I actually like Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum.
(10-28-2020, 09:03 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: You just listed a bunch of things Trump did you thought were bad and thought were equal with what the Biden Family has done.  You didn't talk about any of the emails, texts, audio or Tony B statement and interview.

Sure I did. Eg at length in post #47, or #83, #63...

(10-28-2020, 09:03 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote:   Why has Biden not denied a single thing that has come out?

I heard Biden say some version of "not true" around a zillion times in the last debate when Trump threw all that at him. Even FOX reported on a separate Biden denial of all of that. I don't... nah, as I said let's leave it at that. You're quite set in your ways and indeed repeat the same lines over and over again.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-28-2020, 09:30 PM)hollodero Wrote: Sure I did. Eg at length in post #47, or #83, #63...

I heard Biden say some version of "not true" around a zillion times in the last debate when Trump threw all that at him. Even FOX reported on a separate Biden denial of all of that. I don't... nah, as I said let's leave it at that. You're quite set in your ways and indeed repeat the same lines over and over again.

Cool man.  It's all good.  I was referring to your post #103.

I never heard Biden say the emails, texts and audio were fake.  I also never heard him say Tony B was lying.  Still have not from anyone actually.  I did hear Biden say the laptop was Russian disinformation, but that had already been debunked prior to the debate when the DNI, FBI and DOJ all concurred that there was no evidence this has anything to do with Russia misinformation.

There is this also.


[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
I find it amusing that folks do all they can to question the legitimacy of these emails and Joe using his power and influence to assist his son, but don't question the notion that an ex-junky who was kicked out of the Navy for popping hot for Cocaine, becomes a highly paid board member of a Ukrainian natural gas producer on his own merit less than 1 year later despite knowing nothing about the industry.

Folks can talk themselves into anything.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-28-2020, 10:38 PM)bfine32 Wrote: I find it amusing that folks do all they can to question the legitimacy of these emails and Joe using his influence to assist his son, but don't question the notion that an ex-junky who was kicked out of the Navy for popping hot for Cocaine, becomes a highly paid board member of a Ukrainian natural gas producer on his own merit less than 1 year later

Folks can talk themselves into anything.

Kinda stinks when there is a lot of smoke but you not only can't see a fire but it seems that people believe your story, huh?

Then people jump to defend the guy?  Pffft.  Who does that?!?!

I just wish Tucker's mail didn't get lost! That was probably the smoking gun right there! Amiright?!?!

Edit: All seriousness aside I hope no one in your family ever suffers from addiction with that kind of attitude.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(10-28-2020, 10:40 PM)GMDino Wrote: Kinda stinks when there is a lot of smoke but you not only can't see a fire but it seems that people believe your story, huh?

Then people jump to defend the guy?  Pffft.  Who does that?!?!

I just wish Tucker's mail didn't get lost!  That was probably the smoking gun right there!  Amiright?!?!

Edit:  All seriousness aside I hope no one in your family ever suffers from addiction with that kind of attitude.

Why not? Apparently it's an attribute that foreign natural oil companies are looking for in their highly paid board members.

You don't suppose they're looking for something else do you?  

I must admit my son and I are are a disadvantage as neither was kicked out of the Military.
[Image: bfine-guns2.png]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(10-28-2020, 10:38 PM)bfine32 Wrote: Folks can talk themselves into anything.

Well that is how we ended up with a trump presidency.

Multiple bankruptcies; won the business vote.

Pays off hookers, advocates grabbing women by the ****, rips off vendors; won the moral majority vote.

Advocates government seizure before due process; won the small government vote.

Fails to make mexico build themselves a wall; wins ani-immigration vote 

Man, people will buy anything.

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