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Video Looks Like Election Fraud In Georgia......
I saw this video on Facebook and got a notification that someone had posted on my wall, so I switched from the video tab to my profile tab.

When I went back to the video tab, it was gone, so I scrolled for about twenty minutes but couldn't find it.

Luckily, the Hodge twins posted a similar video on Twitter.

I went to bed and Trump was leading. I figured it was over. I woke up and Biden was suddenly leading.

Something didn't seem right, especially since Biden doesn't exactly inspire confidence in anything.

Watch, but a lady says they're going to stop counting, then she puts a table in the room in the morning, and then they start pulling boxes of ballots out in the morning and takes them to be counted.


The ballots were in suitcases, which when have ballots ever been delivered in suitcases? Why weren't they with the other ballots?


Furthermore, they only put them in the machines to count when the place is cleared out the Republican poll watchers so there's no witnesses, which there's supposed to be people watching so there's no fraud.

They said that a pipe burst and everyone had to clear out, but you can watch the video and do you see anything that makes it look like a pipe burst and made conditions unsafe or made it impossible, or even uncomfortable, for people to be in there.

Trump only lost by a small margin, so these could have easily swung the election.

There's people in other states with similar sworn affidavits.

Do you really still think Biden won the election? Will this get swept under the rug by the media?
1. I don't know the party affiliation of anyone. Maybe these are Republicans stuffing the ballot?

2. I didn't see any suitcases. I did see what appears to be handcarts. I use one when I deliver magazines. It's like a dolly. I've also used "crates" that had built in handles like what was pictured.

3. How are there no witnesses if it's filmed?

4. Yes, Biden won.

5. Swept? No. Misrepresented by alt media? Yes.
The Georgia Secretary of State (Republican) and the Georgia Governor (Republican) have both said there is no evidence of significant fraud - certainly not enough to overturn the results in that state. They've done a recount in Georgia three times. Every lawsuit filed by Trump's team in Georgia has been dismissed in court.

It's done. Joe Biden is your President-elect.
Everything in this post is my fault.
Is this like in the 70s when millions were obsessed with finding Bigfoot or solving the mysteries of the power of the pyramids?

At any rate this video is likely enough to inspire more people to send money to Trump's slush fund.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-04-2020, 09:25 AM)Big Boss Wrote: The Georgia Secretary of State (Republican) and the Georgia Governor (Republican) have both said there is no evidence of significant fraud - certainly not enough to overturn the results in that state.  They've done a recount in Georgia three times.  Every lawsuit filed by Trump's team in Georgia has been dismissed in court.  

It's done.  Joe Biden is your President-elect.

They said that BEFORE this video came out?  If they didn't know about this video, how can they be sure that more things like this didn't happen if they didn't know about this?

It was UNDER a 13,000 vote difference, so it's not going to take much.

This obviously appears to be more than just a few people deciding to try and switch a few votes.
(12-04-2020, 09:52 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: They said that BEFORE this video came out?  If they didn't know about this video, how can they be sure that more things like this didn't happen if they didn't know about this?

It was UNDER a 13,000 vote difference, so it's not going to take much.

This obviously appears to be more than just a few people deciding to try and switch a few votes.

So are democrats and Republicans joining forces to conspire against Trump and for Biden?  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-04-2020, 09:53 AM)Nately120 Wrote: So are democrats and Republicans joining forces to conspire against Trump and for Biden?  

How did you conclude that I thought that from my post?
(12-04-2020, 10:01 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: How did you conclude that I thought that from my post?

That's the thing, your post seems to indicate you are still focused on typical left wing shenanigans when there is plenty of interference and anti Trump words and actions coming from the GOP.  Many republican officials and outlets are siding with Biden on this and im wondering how many Republican Trump supporters are willing to admit their political party is selling them out. 

GA is a red state with a republican governor and a republican secretary of state and they're helping Biden win. How do Republican Trump supporters handle that?  Is a third party movement in their future?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-04-2020, 09:52 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: They said that BEFORE this video came out?  If they didn't know about this video, how can they be sure that more things like this didn't happen if they didn't know about this?

It was UNDER a 13,000 vote difference, so it's not going to take much.

This obviously appears to be more than just a few people deciding to try and switch a few votes.

This is also something that occurred on November 3, according to the timestamp. There have been, what, two recounts in Georgia since then that also verified Biden won the state?
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(12-04-2020, 10:11 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: This is also something that occurred on November 3, according to the timestamp. There have been, what, two recounts in Georgia since then that also verified Biden won the state?

The easy answer to that is that they are simply recounting fake votes.  Biden could win a million recounts and the Trump team won't budge.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-04-2020, 09:52 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: They said that BEFORE this video came out?  If they didn't know about this video, how can they be sure that more things like this didn't happen if they didn't know about this?

It was UNDER a 13,000 vote difference, so it's not going to take much.

This obviously appears to be more than just a few people deciding to try and switch a few votes.

As with all allegations of fraud, an investigation should be done. As much as I dislike Trump, I don’t want our political system undermined in order to defeat him. With that being said, there have been multiple recounts that have still shown a Biden victory, in a red state. On top of this, how do you reconcile with the idea that the election was rigged when the Republicans did very well in the House and the Senate? Those representatives are celebrating their victories when those votes were counted on the same ballots. In order to believe this idea, you have to also believe Biden is a master con-artist who has duped not only the election officials and various law enforcement agencies of the most powerful country in the world, but also the citizens.

You believe Biden to be cognitively unfit, so how do you sit with this idea?
(12-04-2020, 10:17 AM)KillerGoose Wrote: As with all allegations of fraud, an investigation should be done. As much as I dislike Trump, I don’t want our political system undermined in order to defeat him. With that being said, there have been multiple recounts that have still shown a Biden victory, in a red state. On top of this, how do you reconcile with the idea that the election was rigged when the Republicans did very well in the House and the Senate? Those representatives are celebrating their victories when those votes were counted on the same ballots. In order to believe this idea, you have to also believe Biden is a master con-artist who has duped not only the election officials and various law enforcement agencies of the most powerful country in the world, but also the citizens.

You believe Biden to be cognitively unfit, so how do you sit with this idea?

We really need to take a step back and look at things psychologically. What we are seeing is the creation of schema that are intended to remedy the cognitive dissonance that Trump supporters are dealing with. Their arguments are illogical in an objective way, but they help support an alternate reality that they need in order to reconcile their subjective truths because the objective facts make them too uncomfortable. They've been doing this since 2015, and I wouldn't expect it to end any time soon.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(12-04-2020, 10:24 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: We really need to take a step back and look at things psychologically. What we are seeing is the creation of schema that are intended to remedy the cognitive dissonance that Trump supporters are dealing with. Their arguments are illogical in an objective way, but they help support an alternate reality that they need in order to reconcile their subjective truths because the objective facts make them too uncomfortable. They've been doing this since 2015, and I wouldn't expect it to end any time soon.

A new issue is that they need to come up with a way the election was rigged without acknowledging the role republicans played in it.  This can't logically be simply blamed on the dirty democrats or Trump's 2024 bid is going to be rigged against him in the exact same way. 

Republicans are in on the steal but GOP supporters aren't going to stand up to them, I bet.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-04-2020, 10:24 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: We really need to take a step back and look at things psychologically. What we are seeing is the creation of schema that are intended to remedy the cognitive dissonance that Trump supporters are dealing with. Their arguments are illogical in an objective way, but they help support an alternate reality that they need in order to reconcile their subjective truths because the objective facts make them too uncomfortable. They've been doing this since 2015, and I wouldn't expect it to end any time soon.

As usual you said much more nicely what I've been saying:  They sold their soul/held their nose whatever to support Trump and now that he lost they can't admit it to themselves.

They got nothing for it and now they can't process life before they just believed everything he said.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(12-04-2020, 10:24 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: We really need to take a step back and look at things psychologically. What we are seeing is the creation of schema that are intended to remedy the cognitive dissonance that Trump supporters are dealing with. Their arguments are illogical in an objective way, but they help support an alternate reality that they need in order to reconcile their subjective truths because the objective facts make them too uncomfortable. They've been doing this since 2015, and I wouldn't expect it to end any time soon.


Their "evidence" that Biden did not win is the fact that no one would vote for Biden.  That is why you get comments like this,

(12-04-2020, 03:35 AM)BFritz21 Wrote: Something didn't seem right, especially since Biden doesn't exactly inspire confidence in anything.  

They don't need any real tangible proof.  They know it was rigged just because Trump lost.  IN their minds there is no other logical explanation.
(12-04-2020, 11:24 AM)GMDino Wrote: As usual you said much more nicely what I've been saying:  They sold their soul/held their nose whatever to support Trump and now that he lost they can't admit it to themselves.

They got nothing for it and now they can't process life before they just believed everything he said.

Unless they are ok with just being completely delusional, admitting that Trump was duped out of Georgia requires admitting that many high ranking GOP officials are helping Biden, a man republicans are quick to paint as a dangerous and mentally deficient candidate, steal the presidency.

If you take stuff like this outlined by the OP at face value then you have to ask what republicans are going to do in response to their own political party cheating in order to help Joe Biden become the president.  Why Trump supporters aren't burning their registration cards and vowing to never support the GOP ever again is beyond me.

Red state Georgia, its republican governor and republican secretary of state are cheating in order to help Joe Biden ruin this country and republican Trump supporters are just going to let it happen?  What a joke.  Republicans have joined up with democrats to deny a second, legally-obtained Trump term to the people and hey, let's just stay republicans, who cares if they cheated their own voter base,  right?

I don't get it.  If the OP is still a republican after seeing this video then he can expect 2024 to go the same way.  Trump runs as a republican and the GOP helps the democrats get Kamala Harris or some other liberal into office in another rigged election.  Trump and his supporters need to call out republicans, denounce the party for what it is, and break away from the corrupt two-party system we have in this country.

Hell, Trump shouldn't even run for re-election here when there are plenty of other countries on this earth that actually value the will of the people and won't let BOTH PARTIES cheat him out of election.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Remember when the "cart full of ballots in Michigan" was the smoking gun that proved fraud? Yea....that turned out to be camera equipment.
FYI this current "smoking gun" video is the headline story on
BTW if they have video of the ballots being removed from under the table then they also have video of them being placed there.

So where is that?
Oh look. One of Georgia's Republican senators (who's up for re-election next month) is now saying Biden won too.

The votes say Biden won.
The Secretary of State says Biden won.
The Governor says Biden won.
The election certifiers say Biden won.
The courts say Biden won.
One of the senators says Biden won.

Boy golly, nobody seems to be coming up Trump. And this is Red State Georgia!

Occam's Razor. Maybe there's no conspiracy at all. Maybe, at the end of the day, these claims of fraud are nothing more than the desperate attempts of a selfish man to hold onto power.

Trump's team claims that there is significant, indisputable voter fraud that could overturn the results of the election (A reminder that Biden currently holds a 7,000,000 popular vote lead over Trump. That's a lot of fraud!). Yet out of 40+ case filings in several battleground states, his team has yet to prove it. He's currently 1-40 in court. I repeat, HE'S LOST FORTY CASES AND IS ON TRACK TO LOSE FIFTY. If the fraud is so significant, if it's so indisputable, where is the ***** proof?

"Because Trump says so" is not evidence. It's not proof. If this is what his supporters are hanging their hats on then they need to wake the **** up. And to think they call liberals "sheep."
Everything in this post is my fault.

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