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Video Looks Like Election Fraud In Georgia......
Joe Biden is up 7 million votes and nearly 70 electoral votes, this election was not close in any way. No magic briefcase, or cart, or whatever they come up with next is changing that. I look forward to Trump continuing to gut the Republican party in the years to come. Maybe his greatest contribution to the country will be creating a viable 3rd party for all the whack jobs to congregate at. He has amassed a cult, one that is too valuable to him to simply give up.
Trump and his parasitic offspring will continue to play his base like a fiddle for years to come. Go right ahead and contribute to his "Stop the Steal!" fundraiser that is actually going to pay off his campaign debt and line his own pockets. You are being conned, idiots.
Everything in this post is my fault.
(12-04-2020, 11:24 AM)GMDino Wrote: As usual you said much more nicely what I've been saying:  They sold their soul/held their nose whatever to support Trump and now that he lost they can't admit it to themselves.

They got nothing for it and now they can't process life before they just believed everything he said.

Unless they are ok with just being completely delusional, admitting that Trump was duped out of Georgia requires admitting that many high ranking GOP officials are helping Biden, a man republicans are quick to paint as a dangerous and mentally deficient candidate, steal the presidency.

If you take stuff like this outlined by the OP at face value then you have to ask what republicans are going to do in response to their own political party cheating in order to help Joe Biden become the president.  Why Trump supporters aren't burning their registration cards and vowing to never support the GOP ever again is beyond me.

Red state Georgia, its republican governor and republican secretary of state are cheating in order to help Joe Biden ruin this country and republican Trump supporters are just going to let it happen?  What a joke.  Republicans have joined up with democrats to deny a second, legally-obtained Trump term to the people and hey, let's just stay republicans, who cares if they cheated their own voter base,  right?

I don't get it.  If the OP is still a republican after seeing this video then he can expect 2024 to go the same way.  Trump runs as a republican and the GOP helps the democrats get Kamala Harris or some other liberal into office in another rigged election.  Trump and his supporters need to call out republicans, denounce the party for what it is, and break away from the corrupt two-party system we have in this country.

Hell, Trump shouldn't even run for re-election here when there are plenty of other countries on this earth that actually value the will of the people and won't let BOTH PARTIES cheat him out of election.
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Republican election official explains that these are ballots that were being scanned after they were hand counted in the presence of observers (who were not told to leave).

The Hodges Twins are clowns who realized that there's a market with white conservatives for Black Trump supporters on social media, hence why they repeat such idiotic falsehoods. The gravy train is leaving office.
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Here's a fact check from local media:
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(12-04-2020, 04:20 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Here's a fact check from local media:

It's almost as if people shouldn't just listen to every random video on social media or any partisan hack looking for attention and think that it is a well vetted source. It's almost like journalistic standards, things that media outlets such as major newspapers, wire agencies, and others adhere to are helpful in their investigative rigor despite being denigrated by people who listen to a couple of shmucks in their mom's basement.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
(12-04-2020, 05:22 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: It's almost as if people shouldn't just listen to every random video on social media or any partisan hack looking for attention and think that it is a well vetted source. It's almost like journalistic standards, things that media outlets such as major newspapers, wire agencies, and others adhere to are helpful in their investigative rigor despite being denigrated by people who listen to a couple of shmucks in their mom's basement.

In 1964 Simon and Garfunkel sang that the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls.  Is it so hard to believe they are now found on parler and YouTube? Ninja

All joking aside, so much conspiracy bs is coming from the ultra rich and people of power that I can't quite grasp how stuff can simultaneously come from an omnipotent source that is also seen as a scrappy underdog being silenced by an unfair and all powerful society. 
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(12-04-2020, 05:22 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: It's almost as if people shouldn't just listen to every random video on social media or any partisan hack looking for attention and think that it is a well vetted source. It's almost like journalistic standards, things that media outlets such as major newspapers, wire agencies, and others adhere to are helpful in their investigative rigor despite being denigrated by people who listen to a couple of shmucks in their mom's basement.

Maybe guys who do fitness videos aren’t the best source for news and political commentary
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

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(12-04-2020, 06:44 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Maybe guys who do fitness videos aren’t the best source for news and political commentary

I'm into crate full of fake Biden ballots into the GA voting system, amirite?

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Yea this is crazy. I hope Georgia republican voters are taking note.

Georgia republican election officials coming out saying this is “normal” behavior. Ha. Poll workers working and handling ballots and stuff. Absolutely crazy. Republicans need to listen to the Qmoron leaders. Boycott this senate runoff election. The whole system is corrupt. Why even vote?

From the latest court defeat of Trump and his allies, this judge basically called out what this is all about. While I appreciate that being said, it's time the courts start punishing those who's objectives are obvious and nefarious.

[Image: EoozBbDXcAA8_dT?format=png&name=900x900]
(12-04-2020, 10:11 AM)Belsnickel Wrote: This is also something that occurred on November 3, according to the timestamp. There have been, what, two recounts in Georgia since then that also verified Biden won the state?

The recounts would include the “fake” ballots. What about the senate? This is just in response to your post, and not a belief that there was cheating.

Btw...there’s a Belsnickel in The Christmas Chronicles II. I don’t know if he’s like the traditional one. I only watched a little bit so far.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

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January 20th can't come soon enough. This election fraud nonsense is so tired.
(12-08-2020, 04:25 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: January 20th can't come soon enough. This election fraud nonsense is so tired.

Yeah, but there is a good chance Trump spends the next 4 years talking about how this election was rigged (like every other one he's been involved in) and how he's running in 2024 and then after that one we can hear how the 2024 election was rigged for the rest of his life (whether he wins or loses).
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-08-2020, 04:25 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: January 20th can't come soon enough. This election fraud nonsense is so tired.

Yeah I dont think anything is really going to get better after January 20th. The same dysfunction and hypocrisy will continue. Donald Trump will not go quietly into the night.

The spectre of Trump is going to loom large for at least the next 4 years.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-08-2020, 05:07 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Yeah, but there is a good chance Trump spends the next 4 years talking about how this election was rigged (like every other one he's been involved in) and how he's running in 2024 and then after that one we can hear how the 2024 election was rigged for the rest of his life (whether he wins or loses).

(12-08-2020, 05:11 PM)CKwi88 Wrote: Yeah I dont think anything is really going to get better after January 20th. The same dysfunction and hypocrisy will continue. Donald Trump will not go quietly into the night.

The spectre of Trump is going to loom large for at least the next 4 years.

Once he's out, it'll be interesting to see how the GOP moves forward. There's the rumor of Don Jr wanted to move into leadership at the NRA to remain a conservative fixture. The more news agencies give attention to Trump and co, the more they'll be in the public eye. If he fades, does the GOP look to move on or do they try to keep him in the conversation?

They went all in on the brand for 4 years and after a resounding rejection, do they try to rebrand or do they remain his party?
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(12-08-2020, 05:26 PM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Once he's out, it'll be interesting to see how the GOP moves forward. There's the rumor of Don Jr wanted to move into leadership at the NRA to remain a conservative fixture. The more news agencies give attention to Trump and co, the more they'll be in the public eye. If he fades, does the GOP look to move on or do they try to keep him in the conversation?

They went all in on the brand for 4 years and after a resounding rejection, do they try to rebrand or do they remain his party?

It depends on how they respond to this stuff once Trump is actually out of office and there is no more hope that he can reverse the 2020 election before it's too late.  I'm not sure you can run on "our democracy is rigged" since the GA runoff has already indicated people who buy into the rigging of the national election are starting to wonder why they should bother voting.  Convincing people elections are rigged and repeating it for 4 years might burn some people out, or just convince them that they shouldn't vote in a rigged election.

With that being said, regardless of what republican politicians and pundits say they have to realize that Trump lost the 2020 election.  Would a political party that is desperate to get back into power hang their hat on Trump in 2024?  Academically, we see that Trump had narrow victories in 2016 that flipped normally blue states and then Biden just held serve on them like any post-Reagan democrat would.  A narrow victory in 2016 doesn't make for a great candidate in 2014, does it?
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(12-08-2020, 05:11 PM)CKwi88 Wrote: Yeah I dont think anything is really going to get better after January 20th. The same dysfunction and hypocrisy will continue. Donald Trump will not go quietly into the night.

The spectre of Trump is going to loom large for at least the next 4 years.

But at least he'll likely be banned from Twitter for ToS violations (that Twitter has stated they've ignored because he's the president, but will not continue to ignore once he is no longer president) so we won't have to get a new article written about every fallacious and obviously false assertion he makes via tweet.

I also think the news will be less inclined to report on his rallies and events once he's no longer president (Ideally, they've learned their lesson from 2016 when they handed him millions of dollars worth of free publicity by reporting on every stupid thing he said and did on the campaign trail.)

I mean, he'll probably move over to Parler or something, but the news hopefully won't feel compelled to report on the nonsense that's going on over in that dark corner of the internet haha.
(12-08-2020, 05:40 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: But at least he'll likely be banned from Twitter for ToS violations (that Twitter has stated they've ignored because he's the president, but will not continue to ignore once he is no longer president) so we won't have to get a new article written about every fallacious and obviously false assertion he makes via tweet.

I also think the news will be less inclined to report on his rallies and events once he's no longer president (Ideally, they've learned their lesson from 2016 when they handed him millions of dollars worth of free publicity by reporting on every stupid thing he said and did on the campaign trail.)

I mean, he'll probably move over to Parler or something, but the news hopefully won't feel compelled to report on the nonsense that's going on over in that dark corner of the internet haha.

You can never rule out the "Trump effect" but in theory shouldn't democrats welcome the prospect of a 2024 candidate who:

1. lost the popular vote in 2016
2. lost the popular vote and electoral college in 2020
3. never had an approval rating above 49
4. will be 78 or so at the time of the election
5. will have spent a decade complaining that our democracy is rigged
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