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Forum reset
I am asking for a forum reset from all of the regulars in this forum. Things have just gotten ridiculous. I, as much as anybody, am to blame and will strive to make this a more civil forum. These are my suggestions:

From this day forward do not attack a poster in a hateful manner

Do not bring up things from the previous threads that have absolutely nothing to do with the OP

Strive to respect each other. Every regular member of this forum is intelligent

Call out anybody that violates the spirit of this forum whether you agree with their thoughts or not

Review the CoC and try to abide by it

We said we would moderate ourselves here and we have failed. The Mods have rightly taken a more firm stance in this forum. This place has turned into a place where the only reason folks post (me included) is to try to belittle another poster. We did it in the past but lately it has just gotten uglier.

Please reply if you agree or not and add your suggestions (assuming stop starting whinny threads will be #1)
Finally, I ask that Bengalzona become the new PnR Mod. We disagree on most everything, but I’ve never seen him attack anyone.
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I'm in....reluctantly. Is this a trick? Where's that nervous looking smiley?

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I am in too. And I second Bengalzona. He seems like a fair dude.
(11-02-2015, 01:19 AM)bfine32 Wrote: I am asking for a forum reset from all of the regulars in this forum. Things have just gotten ridiculous. I, as much as anybody, am to blame and will strive to make this a more civil forum. These are my suggestions:

Got it.  Now that you're greatly contributed to a toxic atmosphere you want the ability to hit the reset button to allow yourself the ability to judge others henceforth from a standard that you've been unable to abide by yourself to this point.  How noble of you.

Quote:From this day forward do not attack a poster in a hateful manner

What exactly is a "hateful manner"  Is calling a group of people "*****" hateful?  How about calling all muslims "savages"?  Or does such courtesy only extend to the posters themselves?

Quote:Do not bring up things from the previous threads that have absolutely nothing to do with the OP

Ahh, the, "do not bring all the horrible things I've posted in the past into this argument" codicil.  Sorry, we shouldn't be forced to forget your past bigotry in the current thread.  You made your past now live with it.  It's called accountability, be an adult and deal with it.

Quote:Strive to respect each other. Every regular member of this forum is intelligent

Sorry, no.  Not every member of this forum is intelligent.  Given your libertarian professions I'd think you'd be against this kind of participant trophy.  I guess I'll chalk it up to your current agenda.  I'll summarize thusly; I will not respect the odious opinions of others.  If a Klan member or a member of Isis professes their vile ideology on this board I will not respect it.  Please allow me the freedom as an American to express my disgust for a, as I view it, disgusting opinion.

Quote:Call out anybody that violates the spirit of this forum whether you agree with their thoughts or not

Review the CoC and try to abide by it

I find it charming that you wish to adhere to there rules now as you've frequently violated them yourself.  There's nothing worse in this world than the "reformed" sinner who now judges others.

Quote:We said we would moderate ourselves here and we have failed. The Mods have rightly taken a more firm stance in this forum. This place has turned into a place where the only reason folks post (me included) is to try to belittle another poster. We did it in the past but lately it has just gotten uglier.

How have we failed?  Because some of the posters in this forum possess such thin skin and feeble convictions that they feel the need to tattle about the, especially for the internet, incredibly tame forms of disapproval expressed in this forum?  If you are so fragile that any of the banter in this forum has bruised you then I'd suggest avoiding the internet altogether.  I've seen nothing that would warrant such draconian, and imminently stifling,restrictions in this forum.  None at all.

Quote:Please reply if you agree or not and add your suggestions (assuming stop starting whinny threads will be #1)

Maybe please stop whiny threads?

Quote:Finally, I ask that Bengalzona become the new PnR Mod. We disagree on most everything, but I’ve never seen him attack anyone.

Finally a point of consensus.  I have a lot of respect for 'Zona.  Sadly, for you, I doubt he'd be on board with your borderline totalitarian view of what should be allowed to be stated or not.  However, I still agree with the sentiment.
So anybody know what happened to lucie? Confused

I haven't been on all day and he was here last night.
In related news the Detroit Lions have asked if we can all start this NFL season over again, except this time they want all the other teams to not beat up on them so much.
I hope everybody that posts here continues to do so and I hope other members join in as they become eligible.

With that said, PnR isn't for the faint of heart and should be treated as such. While I believe 'Zona would be a fine moderator, I don't think moderating this forum is the answer. In fact, I believe this forum should go unmoderated, where nearly anything goes and all complaints are ignored. The best way to avoid being offended down here is to avoid the forum altogether. I'm definitely not suggesting anyone do that, as I prefer activity and controversy, but avoidance is the best form of 'self' -- moderating.

These types of outlets just aren't ideal for 'fairness'. Things are bound to get personal and possibly a little outta hand. I think anyone that visits here should understand that.

We need to stop complaining in PnR. That should be the only pact we make with each other.
-That which we need most, will be found where we want to visit least.-
I would say that some of the responses to ignorance have been over the top. But quite frankly, when bigotry is displayed or someone is outright lying and is caught in it then I don't care if someone ends up with their feelings hurt. It's all fine and dandy to say we should have a civil discussion in here, but lying and bigotry are toxic to civil discourse as much as personal insults are. If we really want to get an even keel around here then it isn't just the ad hominem that needs to end.
(11-02-2015, 02:39 AM)RICHMONDBENGAL_07 Wrote: So anybody know what happened to lucie? Confused

I haven't been on all day and he was here last night.

I still don't know why he was banned.  P&R has no point without him.  Now it will just be a bunch of libs agreeing with each other.  No thanks.  I'll stick to football.  
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-02-2015, 10:34 AM)BonnieBengal Wrote: I still don't know why he was banned.  P&R has no point without him.  Now it will just be a bunch of libs agreeing with each other.  No thanks.  I'll stick to football.  

Yeah, because you were lighting this forum on fire prior to this.   Rolleyes
(11-02-2015, 10:34 AM)BonnieBengal Wrote: I still don't know why he was banned.  P&R has no point without him.  Now it will just be a bunch of libs agreeing with each other.  No thanks.  I'll stick to football.  

Nobody's stopping you from making dickish posts in his honor.
I'm gonna break every record they've got. I'm tellin' you right now. I don't know how I'm gonna do it, but it's goin' to get done.

- Ja'Marr Chase 
  April 2021
(11-02-2015, 06:01 AM)Devils Advocate Wrote: These types of outlets just aren't ideal for 'fairness'. Things are bound to get personal and possibly a little outta hand. I think anyone that visits here should understand that.

We need to stop complaining in PnR. That should be the only pact we make with each other.

I wish there was such a thing as double rep.
I've always tried to be civil. I've been busy and not posting much lately so I don't know exactly what's going on.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

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I'm good with you all discussing the direction of the board. I'll only interject to say stop the personal insults or I'll just lock the forum for the day so I can get some work done.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(11-02-2015, 11:37 AM)michaelsean Wrote: I've always tried to be civil.  I've been busy and not posting much lately so I don't know exactly what's going on.

It doesn't really matter if you were gone 1 day or 1 year, it's the same here.

Some want to discuss topics and exchange ideas/information, others want to nothing but belittle people with insults. 
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(11-02-2015, 11:37 AM)michaelsean Wrote: I've always tried to be civil.  

I find it refreshing when someone points out their own shortcomings.   Tongue
[Image: m6moCD1.png]

(11-02-2015, 11:48 AM)Benton Wrote: I'm good with you all discussing the direction of the board. I'll only interject to say stop the personal insults or I'll just lock the forum for the day so I can get some work done.

Jerk........ Ninja
[Image: m6moCD1.png]

(11-02-2015, 11:50 AM)Mike M (the other one) Wrote: It doesn't really matter if you were gone 1 day or 1 year, it's the same here.

Some want to discuss topics and exchange ideas/information, others want to nothing but belittle people with insults. 

And some point out that others ideas of "exchanging ideas/information" is generalizing a large group of people.  Those others also tend to take it personally when challenged about their "ideas/information".

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(11-02-2015, 11:48 AM)Benton Wrote: I'm good with you all discussing the direction of the board. I'll only interject to say stop the personal insults or I'll just lock the forum for the day so I can get some work done.

Here's my issue, but I don't want this to turn into a bickering fest and I just wanted to talk about this publicly because I think it's good for the boards to be able to see the outcome of the quick back and forth. I don't post in PnR on a lot of subjects because, well, I'm not as interested in politics as most down here, but I do enjoy debating some of the topics.

Here's an extreme version of what happens down here sometimes that I've seen...

PosterA: "I believe gay people are mentally ******** and people from X country are *slur*."

PosterB: in response to the above.... "you're a dumbass"

Now, I honestly think that most people can see which one of these comments is more offensive and worse for the state of a message board than the other, but I believe the mods and admins on here actually think that what PosterB had to say is the issue somehow. I just think there needs to be a clear "line" of what can and can't be said, even though I'm sure that's easier said than done. I can't see how insulting 1 person is worse than insulting thousands and thousands of people with something extremely offensive. IMO, either both or neither of the above things should be tolerated, I don't think it's fair for one or the other to be okay yet the other not allowed.

You can delete this if you wish, I just think that it may be a good idea to discuss this openly so maybe the regulars down here can see what the moderating team deems appropriate going forward.

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