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The Left Is Cancelling Dr Seuss
(03-03-2021, 10:07 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: I don't need some woke, offended by everything, soft, weak pieces of s@!t deciding what I can and cannot live without seeing.  We are such a bunch of P@#$%'s.

All you need to do is buy their company and print it yourself. 
[Image: ulVdgX6.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-03-2021, 12:51 AM)KillerGoose Wrote: There is absolutely nothing in that article, or any other article, to suggest that the left is doing any of this. The decision was made by the business themselves after hearing feedback from teachers, academics and specialists. We know nothing about their political affiliations. You assuming the political affiliation of these people is just silly. You’re making yourself mad, really.

There is no evidence for what you’re saying.

And who makes up a large portion of those professions?  I'd bet money that business (the people who run it) didn't vote right.
(03-02-2021, 11:35 PM)Benton Wrote:

Where da left?

I mean, seriously, this is a private entity profiting from those stories opting not to print some. That's a far right move. Meanwhile, far lefties in public education are passing out Dr. Seuss books on Read Across America day like it's Fahrenheit 451 Day.

Do you want radical liberals deciding who gets to read what (which would be more Seuss) or do you want to support capitalist enterprises  making those decisions (which means allowing private businesses and entities to silence Seuss)?

Jesus I hope not.
“History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure.”-Thurgood Marshall

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-03-2021, 10:14 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: And who makes up a large portion of those professions?  I'd bet money that business (the people who run it) didn't vote right.

Unless Joe Biden made them do it what is the point of making stuff like this the focal point of Biden vs Trump II?  Isn't that what it all comes down to?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Side note, all of these banned books are here on a shelf near me. If you want to stick it to the liberals I'll sell them to you for $10k each. PM me for payment info.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-03-2021, 10:09 AM)Mickeypoo Wrote: I would be very curious to see how those people that run that business voted.

Apparently they voted to remove the books in question from publication.
(03-03-2021, 07:08 AM)Tiger Teeth Wrote: Cancel safety at the Capitol Building...

Walls are racist.....
(03-03-2021, 10:09 AM)Nately120 Wrote: Always have been if that is your metric.  Stuff has been being cancelled your whole life.  Why wake up and be outraged now?

I'm not outraged.  I just think it's funny how weak people are mentally.
(03-03-2021, 10:20 AM)Nately120 Wrote: Unless Joe Biden made them do it what is the point of making stuff like this the focal point of Biden vs Trump II?  Isn't that what it all comes down to?

I actually support Biden and hope he does well even though I didn't vote for him.  He is our Prez right now and to root against him is to root against our Country.  I am not left or right.  I look at each issue and have my opinion.  I agree the right cancels stuff also.  I don't like any of it.

I can't stand anybody who gets easily offended.  Just shows a mental weakness imo.
(03-03-2021, 11:17 AM)BigPapaKain Wrote: Apparently they voted to remove the books in question from publication.

You know what I mean.......
(03-03-2021, 12:12 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: I'm not outraged.  I just think it's funny how weak people are mentally.

I'm genuinely curious about why this is considered weak. If people choose to stop taking part in the perpetuation of racial stereotypes that have long played a role in the continue marginalization of these communities, why is that weak? Is having concern for societal ills a weak thing? I truly don't understand the logic. It's almost as if the word is chosen for situations like these as some form of projection to make people who don't understand the issue completely somehow feel better about their position in society.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
The Right invented cancel culture. Song lyrics. Unwed mothers in TV series (Murphy Brown). Violent video games. Gay couples on TV. Kneeling during national anthem. They were offended by everything.

Bunch of crybaby snowflakes.
(03-03-2021, 12:45 PM)fredtoast Wrote: The Right invented culture. Song lyrics. Unewed mothers in TV series (Murphy Brown). Violent video games. Gay couples on TV. Kneeling during national anthem. They were offended by everything.

Bunch of crybaby snowflakes.

That really is the irony right? We just had a President who would tell his cult to "cancel" anyone or business that stood against him. He just spoke at an event that covered "cancel culture" and actually "cancelled" one of the speakers because they didn't like some past comments. They literally are trying to cancel anyone in their party who thought differently at all in terms of the former President's role in the insurrection! 

Conservatism today is tightly intertwined with hyper-masculinity. They feel like because they are "old school" they are tougher and they like to push that narrative by framing change as "cancelling", however, when they do it it's "exercising rights" or "voicing displeasure". When you see democrats described with anti-masculine terms like "whiney", "snowflakes" and "weak" it is about a desire to exert some sort of dominance. They like to talk about the changes taking away "what made America great", but in the 1960s there was someone just like them telling people that everything going on then was robbing America of everything that made it great. This is nothing new, it's just that the hypermasculinity piece is being played a bit stronger right now.
(03-03-2021, 12:57 PM)Au165 Wrote: That really is the irony right? We just had a President who would tell his cult to "cancel" anyone or business that stood against him. He just spoke at an event that covered "cancel culture" and actually "cancelled" one of the speakers because they didn't like some past comments. They literally are trying to cancel anyone in their party who thought differently at all in terms of the former President's role in the insurrection! 

Conservatism today is tightly intertwined with hyper-masculinity. They feel like because they are "old school" and therefore they are tougher and they like to push that narrative by framing change as "cancelling", however, when they do it it's "exercising rights" or "voicing displeasure". When you see democrats described with anti-masculine terms like "whiney", "snowflakes" and "weak" it is about a desire to exert some sort of dominance. They like to talk about the changes taking away "what made America great", but the irony is in say the 1960's there was someone just like them telling people that everything going on then was robbing America of everything that made it great. 

Why does everything have to be right or left?  

Why is someone who supported Trumps policies over H. Clinton now a "cult member"?
(03-03-2021, 09:01 AM)Nately120 Wrote: This is getting ridiculous?  52 years ago people were trying to get Sesame Street pulled for glorifying a multi cultural neighborhood.  Before that people were trying to cancel Elvis and The Beatles.  Before that Amos and Andy and Al Jolson and blackface fell out of favor. 

The notion that people getting offended is a new concept is just laughable.  Stuff is always being labeled as dangerous and offensive.  This ain't new. 

Oh and I forgot, the guy who played Ronald McDonald in the 70s and Johnny Mathis were both cancelled in the 70s because they were gay.  But hey let's pretend this is some new liberal conspiracy and make it the focus of politics now. 

And there were people who were upset by these attempts/actions.  Right now the cancelling is coming largely from the far left, hence the complaints about it are largely coming from right leaning people.

(03-03-2021, 09:45 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Why do conservatives hate the free market?

A toy company drops "Mr." from the brand name (but keeps it for the character) and they're mad.

A publishers decides to not publish 6 of their own books and they're mad.

A billion dollar company fires an employee and they're mad.

They now want an official investigation into "cancel culture". What are they going to do, force the companies to print books that the company has decided to stop printing?

I think for many it's the pandering to a small, very loud, group of people who wield influence far beyond what they should.  I will concede that it's currently a right leaning issue because that small, very loud, group of people are very far left leaning.

(03-03-2021, 09:47 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: Remember when conservatives wanted to cancel rap music and video games?

Hell, I'm old enough to remember the PMRC, headed by Al Gore's wife.  People love a good wedge issue to gin up panic/fear/disgust.  I think what makes today different is that social media gives the ability to generate this inane outrage about anything at a moments notice.  There's a very good reason that very smart people like Dave Chappelle, Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, Jerry Seinfeld and Norm MacDonald have called out this behavior and trend.

The cancelling of these Dr. Seuss books is a preemptive move on the part of the foundation that owns the rights so they don't become the next target and they get some positive PR out of it.  As I said earlier, I'd have zero issue with replacing the offensive imagery, but that's not really the point.  As I stated above, I think it's the pandering to the screeching social media mob that is bothering people because one has to wonder what is the endgame and how far will it go.  Yes, I realize that sounds crazy in a thread about Dr. Seuss books, but we all know this is not even remotely confined to this one event.
(03-03-2021, 12:59 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Why does everything have to be right or left?  

Why is someone who supported Trumps policies over H. Clinton now a "cult member"?

Didn't you say "I wonder how the people who run the business voted"? Aren't you insinuating that they are "Left" with that statement? Seems like you were all in on "left or right" early in this topic. By the way, the topic is in fact titled "The left is canceling Dr. Seuss".

They aren't. Those who attacked people on social media, or in person, at his request are cult members. The mob of people who showed up at a rally at his request to stop a fictional "steal" from occurring, and later stormed the capital, are cult members. The people who six months after he lost a fair and legal election, are still flying flags with his name on them are cult members. Finally, and my favorite, the people who went to CPAC to worship a literal golden statue of the guy...are cult members.
(03-03-2021, 12:25 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I'm genuinely curious about why this is considered weak. If people choose to stop taking part in the perpetuation of racial stereotypes that have long played a role in the continue marginalization of these communities, why is that weak? Is having concern for societal ills a weak thing? I truly don't understand the logic. It's almost as if the word is chosen for situations like these as some form of projection to make people who don't understand the issue completely somehow feel better about their position in society.

It's an illustration in a book from how many years ago.  We don't need to rewrite/change every little thing that someone may find offensive.  It's ridiculous and weak minded.  Work on being better in the future, not trying to change the past.
(03-03-2021, 01:05 PM)Au165 Wrote: Didn't you say "I wonder how the people who run the business voted"? Aren't you insinuating that they are "Left" with that statement? Seems like you were all in on "left or right" early in this topic.

They aren't. Those who attacked people on social media, or in person, at his request are cult members. The mob of people who showed up at a rally at his request to stop a fictional "steal" from occurring are cult members. The people who 6 months after he lost a fairly and legal election, still flying flags with his name on them are cult members. Finally, and my favorite, the people who went to CPAC to worship a literal golden statue of the guy...are cult members.

That was in response to the conversation.  I don't really like labels like left and right/liberal and conservative.  I don't like putting people in boxes.  We are all humans on Earth.  I lean and think different ways depending on the topic.  People on the right are just as guilty, but those particular professions have a strong tendency to lean very left.
(03-03-2021, 01:08 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: That was in response to the conversation.  I don't really like labels like left and right/liberal and conservative.  I lean and think different ways depending on the topic.  People on the right are just as guilty, but those particular professions have a strong tendency to lean very left.

You just spoke out of both sides of your mouth. You just said you "don't really like labels like left and right"...then said, "Those particular professions have a strong tendency to lean very left".
(03-03-2021, 01:05 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: It's an illustration in a book from how many years ago.  We don't need to rewrite/change every little thing that someone may find offensive.  It's ridiculous and weak minded.  Work on being better in the future, not trying to change the past.

How are they rewriting or changing history? They are stopping the printing of these books and sale of these books from their publication company from this point going forward. They aren't telling people to burn the old copies or dump them into the ocean or anything. They are choosing not to perpetuate the problematic imagery.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR

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