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Storming Of The Capitol Building
(02-24-2021, 01:57 PM)GMDino Wrote: I'm glad Trumpism went away with is loss so gqp people like Johnson don't continue to push conspiracies and outright lies jsut to cover for Trump and his supporters.

Yeah, indeed, so good to see it gone. Phew. Was worried for a second there.

The thing I'd disagree with in the article is the phrase "he actually wants people to believe this". I don't think that's accurate. He doesn't want people to believe it, he just wants people to repeat it anyway. It only astonishes those that still think truth matters. It does not in a religious dispute, which this is.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
Side note, if the people cheering on Trump and decked out in Trump attire and flags at the capitol weren't really Trump supporters, is it possible all the Trump supporters at his huge rallies that prove he couldn't have lost to Biden weren't Trump supporters either?

Is it possible liberals have just trolled Trump into thinking he has a rabid fanbase? Is Trump 2020 the ultimate "Bronx Cheer" recipient?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-24-2021, 01:45 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Probably your constant dismissal of any violence perpetrated by Antifa or your accusations of "both sides do it" whenever the topic is brought up.


There are no external examples (i.e., in the forum record) of the my "constant dismissal of any violence perpetrated by Antifa" that you could cite.

And I didn't think I was known for arguing "both sides do it."  Rather the opposite.

So it appears you were not reacting to Johnson's revision of the Capitol siege, which my parody addressed (it was a parody, right?),

but some other issues you believed you saw in the post.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-24-2021, 05:53 PM)Dill Wrote: There are no external examples (i.e., in the forum record) of the my "constant dismissal of any violence perpetrated by Antifa" that you could cite.

Somehow I doubt that.

Quote:And I didn't think I was known for arguing "both sides do it."  Rather the opposite.

Look who just caught up!

Quote:So it appears you were not reacting to Johnson's revision of the Capitol siege, which my parody addressed (it was a parody, right?),

but some other issues you believed you saw in the post.

No.  You consistently ignore or excuse violence from those sharing your political bent and focus solely on the violence committed by those who do not.  Just pointing it out for others to see.
(02-24-2021, 05:53 PM)Dill Wrote: There are no external examples (i.e., in the forum record) of the my "constant dismissal of any violence perpetrated by Antifa" that you could cite.

And I didn't think I was known for arguing "both sides do it."  Rather the opposite.

So it appears you were not reacting to Johnson's revision of the Capitol siege, which my parody addressed (it was a parody, right?),

but some other issues you believed you saw in the post.

Of course there are no examples or they would be quoted.

Mind you other people will be directly accused of being "dishonest and will always try and make it seem like you said something you did not".

It's why I choose not to engage.  

To the topic at hand there is no proof of what Johnson was rambling about.  It's sad that we even have to have that part of the conversation.  But there just can't be a discussion of an actual event without others trying to do a "what about" to make their side seem better.

It's sad.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-24-2021, 06:10 PM)GMDino Wrote: Of course there are no examples or they would be quoted.

Sure there are.  But it wouldn't matter if they were because you and your buddies would ignore them.

Quote:Mind you other people will be directly accused of being "dishonest and will always try and make it seem like you said something you did not".

If you mean, Fred, absolutely.  His reputation is exceedingly poor outside your lunch room table.

Quote:It's why I choose not to engage.  

I'd get tired of being constantly proven wrong too.

Quote:It's sad.

Yes, it is, just not in the way you think.   Smirk

BTW, can you stop with your gif sigs?  You're the only person who uses them and it's obnoxious as hell.  It's the equivalent of wearing shorts with a belt and a tucked in shirt while simultaneously wearing sandals with socks.  All of which I can absolutely see you doing.  Smirk
(02-24-2021, 06:06 PM)Sociopathicsteelerfan Wrote: Somehow I doubt that.
Look who just caught up!
No.  You consistently ignore or excuse violence from those sharing your political bent and focus solely on the violence committed by those who do not.  Just pointing it out for others to see.

LOL  WHAT is here for others "to see"? 

Certainly no "excusing violence" of any kind. 

Without evidence, unsupported accusations "point out" nothing.

And repeating such accusations does not make them true.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-24-2021, 11:02 PM)Dill Wrote: It's a lot harder to ignore quoted evidence than empty accusations. 

If you are willing to accuse, you ought to be willing to back these claims up. 
No way you can do that without obvious misconstruction.

So Dino got it right--You don't because you can't.

If you got nothin' else, go after his gifs.

Seriously personal insults should be beneath people on here.  Like I remember one of our former posters constantly reminding others to avoid it so we could have a nice forum but then *poof*.

I'd rather talk about the events of January 6th and how the gqp is intent on covering up everything about it.

And this:

Quote:FBI investigating phone records of lawmakers on day of Capitol insurrection: report

Tom Boggioni
February 22, 2021
 [url=] [/url]   

[Image: img.jpg?width=1200&height=675]

(Screenshot via

According to a report from The Intercept, the FBI has accessed and secured phone records of members of Congress and others who were in the Capitol building on Jan. 6th as supporters of former Donald Trump stormed and then trashed the halls of Congress.

Speaking with website's Ken Klippenstein and Eric Lichtblau, a former FBI agent stated the agency is "searching cell towers and phones pinging off cell sites in the area to determine visitors to the Capitol," on the day lawmakers fled for their lives.

The report states, "In the hours and days after the Capitol riot, the FBI relied in some cases on emergency orders that do not require court authorization in order to quickly secure actual communications from people who were identified at the crime scene. Investigators have also relied on data 'dumps' from cellphone towers in the area to provide a map of who was there, allowing them to trace call records — but not content — from the phones."

Some members of Congress -- including Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) -- have been accused of giving tours of the Capitol building on the day before Donald Trump addressed a "Stop the Steal" rally that culminated with the assault on Congress as the Senate sought to certify the Electoral College votes making Joe Biden the 46th president of the United States.

While the report does not specify which lawmakers are being scrutinized, it does reveal that "The data is also being used to map links between suspects, which include members of Congress."

"Federal authorities have used the emergency orders in combination with signed court orders under the so-called pen/trap exception to the Stored Communications Act to try to determine who was present at the time that the Capitol was breached, the source said. In some cases, the Justice Department has used these and other 'hybrid' court orders to collect actual content from cellphones, like text messages and other communications, in building cases against the rioters," the Intercept is reporting, adding, "The collection effort has been met with little resistance from telecom providers asked to turn over voluminous data on the activity that day."

A previous report from AZCentral revealed that two Arizona Republicans who were in Washington D.C. on Jan 6th -- Rep. Mark Finchem (R-Oro Valley) and then-Rep. Anthony Kern (R-Glendale) -- previously refused to voluntarily turn over their phone records.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(02-24-2021, 06:10 PM)GMDino Wrote:  To the topic at hand there is no proof of what Johnson was rambling about.  It's sad that we even have to have that part of the conversation.  But there just can't be a discussion of an actual event without others trying to do a "what about" to make their side seem better.

Yes, somebody missed the point. 

--saw the word "ANTIFA" and free-associated an equation between right and left wing violence that had to be "called out." 

Back to the topic of Right wing Trump supporters revising what happened on Jan. 6:

Last night Tucker Carlson flew the banner "Left disinformation campaign" across the screen, 
by which he meant MSM discussion/concern over the Qanon conspiracy which motivated may who stormed the Capitol.

He claimed he and his staff could find not any QAnon person, nor any QAnon Website--hence QAnon did not exist!

The clip that quickly traveled across social media was bizarre, as is often the case with clips that travel quickly across social media. Here was Tucker Carlson, the brightest star in Fox News’s prime-time opinion lineup, seemingly denying that QAnon exists.

“So it’s worth finding out where the public is getting all this false information — this ‘disinformation,’ as we’ll call it,” Carlson says in the clip from his show on Tuesday night. “So we checked. We spent all day trying to locate the famous QAnon, which in the end we learned is not even a website. If it’s out there, we could not find it.”...

Fox News maintains that Carlson wasn’t literally looking for QAnon but was, instead, saying that CNN and others in the media do more damage than QAnon — a far more toxic and ridiculous claim.

Carlson was making a joke about how the “disinformation” that the mainstream media laments doesn’t have a centralized source, while the media’s own disinformation does. But the root of the joke was deeply ironic, given that it sat squarely in a sweeping effort by Carlson to offer disinformation about one of his favorite targets of scorn: concern about systemic racism in the United States.

In broad strokes, Carlson’s argument was one that itself could have come from a fervent QAnon adherent.

“Freelance thinking is what they hate most; it’s a threat to their monopoly,” he said of the media. “They can’t say that out loud, so instead they call it ‘disinformation.’ ” He asked viewers to imagine working as a mechanic when GM produced a car that can be easily repaired at home.

QAnon conspiracy is "freelance thinking," which concerns the MSM only because it breaks some "monopoly"? 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-24-2021, 11:13 PM)GMDino Wrote: Seriously personal insults should be beneath people on here.  Like I remember one of our former posters constantly reminding others to avoid it so we could have a nice forum but then *poof*.

Some members of Congress -- including Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) -- have been accused of giving tours of the Capitol building on the day before Donald Trump addressed a "Stop the Steal" rally that culminated with the assault on Congress as the Senate sought to certify the Electoral College votes making Joe Biden the 46th president of the United States.

While the report does not specify which lawmakers are being scrutinized, it does reveal that "The data is also being used to map links between suspects, which include members of Congress."

Tucker was railing about this too--the FBI capturing Congressional communications without authorization!

What kind of "investigation" of the Capitol insurrection are we going to get if Boebert and friends get a say in what gets investigated and how far?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(02-24-2021, 10:55 PM)Dill Wrote: And repeating such accusations does not make them true.

Ay dios mio, the irony.
(02-24-2021, 11:27 PM)Dill Wrote: Tucker was railing about this too--the FBI capturing Congressional communications without authorization!

What kind of "investigation" of the Capitol insurrection are we going to get if Boebert and friends get a say in what gets investigated and how far?

But Tucker and his staff tried REALLY HARD and can't find any Q-anon members.

They must be hiding behind the Antifa?

Lots of "rule of law" and "tough on crime" folks want to just look past the events of January 6th and we know why: They "know" that when they attack protest that white people and conservatives aren't nearly as bad as BLM and Antifa.  No need for even an investigation. Whatever
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Given my limited understand of these things I had heard that a lot of the "bigger" charges would come after they had people in custody, found them, etc.

I think we will see more details about this and who was behind it as we go forward obviously.

[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Hearings going on today and some in the gqp are having a hard time with reality.


[Image: giphy.gif]
Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
Delusional people.

Quote:Feds charge man who claimed he dressed up like Antifa and beat, stole gear from police during Capitol riot

(CNN)South Carolinian William Robert Norwood III is facing federal charges after allegedly telling a family member he assaulted and stole gear from police officers during the Capitol riot.

"I'm dressing in all black," Norwood wrote under the name "Robbie" on January 5, the day before the riot and insurrection, according to text messages cited in an FBI affidavit. "I'll look just like ANTIFA. I'll get away with anything."

After the riot on January 6, additional text messages obtained by the FBI show Norwood claimed he tested his theory.

FBI Director Wray knocks down conspiracy theory that January 6 rioters were 'fake Trump protesters'

"I got away with things that others were shot or arrested for," Norwood wrote, according to the affidavit.

Norwood repeatedly claimed in the text messages the only reason why police allowed him to assault him was because he was dressed like Antifa.

"I fought 4 cops, they did nothing," Norwood went onto say, according to the affidavit. "When I put my red hat on, they pepper balled me."

He also claimed that he witnessed Ashli Babbitt being shot, saying that the police officer, "allowed 'ANTIFA Trump supporters' to assault him."
[Image: 210302143119-william-robert-norwood-exlarge-169.jpg]
Norwood went onto to claim that he was "one of them" that assaulted the officer.

Norwood has been charged with theft of government property, obstruction of Congress, disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds and knowingly entering a restricted building.

An attorney for Norwood was not listed in court records.


Proud Boys nominated man to hold 'war powers' and lead January 6 attack, Justice Department says

The affidavit described a text that investigators say Norwood claimed he disarmed a police officer and, "got a nice helmet and body armor." A selfie photo obtained by the FBI depicts what investigators say is Norwood, "wearing what appears to be a US Capitol Police tactical vest underneath a zipped up camouflage jacket."

Even though he had just claimed he assaulted four police officers, in the same text thread obtained by the FBI, Norwood also claimed that he "saved several cops from being killed by Antifa."

"I defended them after they assaulted me," he said, according to the affidavit.

During the course of the text conversation, a family member confronted Norwood about his claims, and hypocrisy.

"Robbie literally bragged about pretending to be this mysterious Antifa y'all go on and on about, and then you say no no REAL antifa did this," a family member respond, according to the FBI affidavit. "You admitted to going and being something you're accusing other people of being. And then got mad and blamed others for the same thing you did. What the actual f--k is wrong with you?"

Norwood responded saying in part that, "the one cop who deserved it, got it."

"I'm anti s--tty cop," he explained, according to the affidavit. "The cops who acted s--tty, got exactly what they deserved. The ones who were cool got help."

[url=]DOJ charges man who allegedly sprayed chemicals at cops in Capitol riot

Except that when Norwood was interviewed by the FBI on January 22, the affidavit indicates that his story appeared to change drastically.

When asked about his claims of assaulting police officers, FBI investigators write in the affidavit that Norwood, "denied assaulting law enforcement officers, and claimed that any statements he made in text messages were meant to make NORWOOD sound tough."

He repeated his claims that he helped protect police officers from being assaulted, according to the affidavit. FBI investigators also said that Norwood admitted he took some a police helmet and vest, "from a pile of equipment." Norwood told investigators he left the equipment in the hotel room of an Ohio couple they met outside the Capitol building.

FBI investigators say he admitted to entering the Capitol after two US Capitol Police officers were, "waving people inside" and that he wanted to leave, but was prevented because of the crowd.
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Your anger and ego will always reveal your true self.
(03-03-2021, 05:58 PM)Au165 Wrote:

If it walks like a duck.

I was having an interesting thought at the end of this clip. Think back to four years ago, when those on the left side of the aisle were being mocked, and were being told we were trying to delegitimize the president even though that wasn't what any of us were saying. None of us disputed the outcomes of the election (that I am aware of) but yet we were told we were, were mocked for it, and told to "get over it."

Now, we have a not-insignificant portion of the country that is doing that very thing, and they are the ones that were mocking the left four years ago! It's just baffling how much irony exists in this whole situation.
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"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR
Also, just saw this:

Apparently, security threats have caused the Capitol Police to request the continued presence of the ARNG. That is concerning.
"A great democracy has got to be progressive, or it will soon cease to be either great or a democracy..." - TR

"The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little." - FDR

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