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The Left Is Cancelling Dr Seuss
(03-04-2021, 03:32 PM)hollodero Wrote: I don't want to judge one way or another. But racial stereotypes, and spreading them, is probably considered inherently harmful. Said stereotypes could make many people's life harder, aka "is harmful", when people are confronted with them, judged because of them or denied their chances because of them.

Again, not passing judgment beyond that remark. I'm just here to get alternative explanations for that "Sam-I-Am" thing.

Maybe i'm just an insensitive asshole, but there is no picture you could put in a book about my whiteness, Old white guyness, white fragility, white people just suck, etc, that I would give a crap about.  I'd just laugh and move on.  

I mean, if you haven't noticed, being white is the new black.  Undoing whiteness, white privilege, white fragility, whites suck, old white guys, white dudes on the news groveling like little bitches for forgiveness about being white, etc, etc.  That's some pretty racist stuff.
(03-04-2021, 03:44 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: Explaining why racism is harmful, especially racism that is literally targeted towards children who could then grow up to believe and propagate those stereotypes and racist images, is not something I'm going to waste my time doing.

You need to stop being so blatant about your trolling. It's too obvious. No one is this stupid.

Because I am sure kids reading those books thought "racism".  Whatever.
(03-04-2021, 03:49 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Maybe i'm just an insensitive asshole, but there is no picture you could put in a book about my whiteness, Old white guyness, white fragility, white people just suck, etc, that I would give a crap about.  I'd just laugh and move on.  

Exactly.  This is because you have never been the victim of oppression based on your race.

That is what they call "white privilege".  When you have never been a victim you don't care.
(03-04-2021, 03:51 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Because I am sure kids reading those books thought "racism".  Whatever.


Kids don't read into that stuff.  The kids look at the cartoons and rhymes but, like everything, the left looks for reasons to be offended, yet has no problem with men thinking they are women and showering with teenage girls and grown women at the gym.
(03-04-2021, 03:56 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Exactly.  

Kids don't read into that stuff.  They cartoons and rhymes but, like everything, the left looks for reasons to be offended, yet has no problem with men thinking they are women and showering with teenage girls and grown women at the gym.

You just had to go back to transphobia, didn't you? XD
(03-04-2021, 03:57 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: You just had to go back to transphobia, didn't you? XD

1  How is that transphobic?

2  I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of the left.
(03-04-2021, 03:56 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Exactly.  

Kids don't read into that stuff. 
Where did you get your degree in child psychology there, doctor?
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-04-2021, 03:58 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: 1  How is that transphobic?

2  I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of the left.

"yet has no problem with men thinking they are women and showering with teenage girls and grown women at the gym."

I really hope I don't have to explain to you that saying trans women are "men thinking they are women" is transphobic.

Do I?
(03-04-2021, 02:43 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: The cynic in me doubts the sincerity in pretty much every single move like this (when a company/organization acts on their own or first).

Take the Mr. Potato news a week or so ago.  For those that don't know, the parent company of Mr. Potato Head decided to change the name of the line to "Potato Head", which I still think consists of a Mr. and Mrs. (and some others???).  

I forget the stated reason for this by it was probably in the name of inclusion or something their marketing and PR department's came up with.  This got SO much traction in the news.

Did anyone call for this?  (I don't know and frankly, I don't care)  But I think we can assume their wasn't a mob of people outside of Hasboro's headquarters, or there weren''t more than a few hundred weirdos on Twitter leading the charge.

So why did they do it?  Why did they "cave".  Well the answer is, they didn't cave.  This was all a coordinated stunt.

On any given day, how many people are engaging in Mr. Potato Head talk?  How many are considering buying one?  (I don't know, maybe a few hundred????)

Well, guess what?  With Mr. Potato entering into identity politics in one single day the name "Mr. Potato Head" was uttered in millions of households.  A charater I honestly kinda forgot even existed was on numerous websites, and talked about on numerous shows.  Mr. Potato Head just got millions of dollars of free advertisement, and was the talk of the town (you can't buy this amount of attention)

Long story short, Mr. Potato Head changing to Potato Head was a smart business move, and it was most likely intentionally made with that in mind, not being more inclusive.

I kinda feel the same way here.  Dr. Seuss was on a bunch of best seller lists yesterday.  The timing of this, along with his birthday, seems like great marketing.   Is it cyncical of me to realize that more money is being made here, and that might drive these decision more than removing "problematic" material?

And Brad's point isn't entitely lost on me. Not at all.  Regardless of who actually did the cancelling, or what drove the decision, I don't think you can argue this all getting a little ridiculous.

From Mark Twain to Dr. Seuss, to the Sound of Music, to the Muppets (yes, the Muppets), this seems now seems neverending.  I even saw something the other day that some movie channel (TCM???) was going to run a marathon of movies that feature "problematic" material and they were going to have a segment before each one to discuss it.  

One of those movies was Psycho.  Why?  Because Norman Bates is dressed up as his mother later in the movie and this makes trans people seem unstable (I'm paraphrasing).  Forget the fact that Bates isn't trans at all it's mentioned he has borderline personality disorder.

Anways, I'll just wrap up here....  I don't think any of these companies do anything that doesn't result in their best interest.  And too many people get caught up in the sides of it, while they laugh all the way to the bank.

PS How in the hell has the Toxic Avenger not been cancelled?  It today's political climate, simply viewing should probably result in some calls for prison time.  You wanna talk about offensive (and hliarious)???  Wink

Yes peoples faux outrage is getting ridiculous.  Some people just like to sit around and complain about stuff that doesn't matter -- for whatever reason.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-04-2021, 04:03 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Where did you get your degree in child psychology there, doctor?

It's called common sense, which I know is a foreign concept to the left now.
(03-04-2021, 04:05 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: It's called common sense, which I know is a foreign concept to the left now.

Your dismissal of racial imagery upon the possible indoctrination of children is hardly a statement of fact.  Oh wait, we live in the USA now where everyone is special and people are allowed to pretend there are experts in fields where they have no experience, that's right.

Ok fine, I have to admit your uneducated conjecture is just as good as any enlightened opinion.  My bad.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-04-2021, 03:56 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Kids don't read into that stuff.  The kids look at the cartoons and rhymes but, like everything, the left looks for reasons to be offended, yet has no problem with men thinking they are women and showering with teenage girls and grown women at the gym.

You still do not understand this issue and they way the public perceives  it.  Most educated people have no problem with gender dysphoria and do not want to punish people for this condition.  Yet a large majority of people still have problems with transgender adults using common showers (NOT public bathrooms).

And if you think children are immune from racial stereotyping you are clueless.
(03-04-2021, 03:49 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Maybe i'm just an insensitive asshole, but there is no picture you could put in a book about my whiteness, Old white guyness, white fragility, white people just suck, etc, that I would give a crap about.  I'd just laugh and move on.  

Well, being white does not create a stereotype that might influence your live in a significantly disadvanatageous way.

Sure, if you want to play basketball, some might say that you can't jump.

(03-04-2021, 03:49 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: I mean, if you haven't noticed, being white is the new black.

Blacks have a history of slavery that still manifests itself in getting a significantly worse start in life, a hopeless one in many cases. Add in a significantly higher chance to fall victim of a crime, be shot by police, raided by police or getting imprisoned and so on. Blacks still get diminshed often, talked down to, demonstrably have a harder time to achieve anything, and there is still much racial stereotyping going on that is apparently harmful to their life.
You white dude, on the other hand, will get called privileged by someone on TV at times. Yeah, that's really awful too.

(03-04-2021, 03:49 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Undoing whiteness, white privilege, white fragility, whites suck, old white guys, white dudes on the news groveling like little bitches for forgiveness about being white, etc, etc.  That's some pretty racist stuff.

I agree that some expressions of white guilt are weird to see.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-04-2021, 02:43 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: The cynic in me doubts the sincerity in pretty much every single move like this (when a company/organization acts on their own or first).

Take the Mr. Potato news a week or so ago.  For those that don't know, the parent company of Mr. Potato Head decided to change the name of the line to "Potato Head", which I still think consists of a Mr. and Mrs. (and some others???).  

I forget the stated reason for this by it was probably in the name of inclusion or something their marketing and PR department's came up with.  This got SO much traction in the news.

Did anyone call for this?  (I don't know and frankly, I don't care)  But I think we can assume their wasn't a mob of people outside of Hasboro's headquarters, or there weren''t more than a few hundred weirdos on Twitter leading the charge.

So why did they do it?  Why did they "cave".  Well the answer is, they didn't cave.  This was all a coordinated stunt.

On any given day, how many people are engaging in Mr. Potato Head talk?  How many are considering buying one?  (I don't know, maybe a few hundred????)

Well, guess what?  With Mr. Potato entering into identity politics in one single day the name "Mr. Potato Head" was uttered in millions of households.  A charater I honestly kinda forgot even existed was on numerous websites, and talked about on numerous shows.  Mr. Potato Head just got millions of dollars of free advertisement, and was the talk of the town (you can't buy this amount of attention)

Long story short, Mr. Potato Head changing to Potato Head was a smart business move, and it was most likely intentionally made with that in mind, not being more inclusive.

I kinda feel the same way here.  Dr. Seuss was on a bunch of best seller lists yesterday.  The timing of this, along with his birthday, seems like great marketing.   Is it cyncical of me to realize that more money is being made here, and that might drive these decision more than removing "problematic" material?

And Brad's point isn't entitely lost on me. Not at all.  Regardless of who actually did the cancelling, or what drove the decision, I don't think you can argue this all getting a little ridiculous.

From Mark Twain to Dr. Seuss, to the Sound of Music, to the Muppets (yes, the Muppets), this seems now seems neverending.  I even saw something the other day that some movie channel (TCM???) was going to run a marathon of movies that feature "problematic" material and they were going to have a segment before each one to discuss it.  

One of those movies was Psycho.  Why?  Because Norman Bates is dressed up as his mother later in the movie and this makes trans people seem unstable (I'm paraphrasing).  Forget the fact that Bates isn't trans at all it's mentioned he has borderline personality disorder.

Anways, I'll just wrap up here....  I don't think any of these companies do anything that doesn't result in their best interest.  And too many people get caught up in the sides of it, while they laugh all the way to the bank.

PS How in the hell has the Toxic Avenger not been cancelled?  It today's political climate, simply viewing should probably result in some calls for prison time.  You wanna talk about offensive (and hliarious)???  Wink

Here's the thing about stunts like the potato head thing.

The right getting outraged over it is literally why companies do it.

IF the right just ignored that, as they should, companies would stop doing it.

Because outrage generates clicks. And the left, who would otherwise probably not care at all about a corporate marketing stunt, now have to say calling a toy potato "potato head" rather than "Mr. Potato Head" is not something worth getting outraged over.

Then the right gets outrages that they're "Being silenced" and the cycle repeats.

And these potato toys, something I haven't even given a single thought to outside of the Toy Story Series in nearly 20 years, are now suddenly getting weeks worth of attention.

In short: Outrage culture is invented by the right because they have no actual policies to talk about (their entire CPAC was just meaningless virtue signaling towards "cancel culture," whatever the hell that is), and companies are steering into it HARD because they know they'll get signal boosted for weeks just by doing a simple, meaningless gesture of "hey guys, I'm not racist."

If the right just didn't fall for it every single time, the corporations who stand to profit from free marketing would stop doing it.
(03-04-2021, 04:04 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: "yet has no problem with men thinking they are women and showering with teenage girls and grown women at the gym."

I really hope I don't have to explain to you that saying trans women are "men thinking they are women" is transphobic.

Do I?

Yes you do because I am not expressing dislike or prejudice but rather stating a fact.
(03-04-2021, 04:04 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: "yet has no problem with men thinking they are women and showering with teenage girls and grown women at the gym."

I really hope I don't have to explain to you that saying trans women are "men thinking they are women" is transphobic.

Do I?
Men cannot turn into women and vise versa.  

And that is exactly what they do, think they are something they are not. That is not phobic anything.
(03-04-2021, 04:05 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: It's called common sense, which I know is a foreign concept to the left now.

There is nothing "common sense" at all about claiming that children are immune from racial stereotypes.  In fact there are hundreds of scientific studies that prove you are clueless.

Your type of "common sense" is the type used to prove that the earth can't be round because the people on the bottom would fall off.
(03-04-2021, 04:11 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Men cannot turn into women and vise versa.  

And that is exactly what they do, think they are something they are not. That is not phobic anything.

Kids don't care about racist images in a book and kids also don't care about seeing penises in the gym shower.  It is a fact.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-04-2021, 04:11 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: Men cannot turn into women and vise versa.  

And that is exactly what they do, think they are something they are not. That is not phobic anything.

You do not understand the difference between "sex" and "gender identification".

And I doubt you have ever even heard the term "gender dysphoria".

Educate yourself.
(03-04-2021, 04:12 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Kids don't care about racist images in a book and kids also don't care about seeing penises in the gym shower.  It is a fact.


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