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The Left Is Cancelling Dr Seuss
(03-04-2021, 04:12 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Kids don't care about racist images in a book and kids also don't care about seeing penises in the gym shower.  It is a fact.

Then why are you and all of the left calling for the images to be removed?
(03-04-2021, 03:49 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: I mean, if you haven't noticed, being white is the new black.  

Actually no it isn't.

there are not dozens of studies proving that white people are being discriminated against by police, employers, and landlords based on their race.
(03-04-2021, 04:18 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Then why are you and all of the left calling for the images to be removed?

That was sarcasm used to show how your logic fails.

You can't say something is true just because you want to believe it.
(03-04-2021, 04:18 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Then why are you and all of the left calling for the images to be removed?

I am not.  All of the left is not.

Try to land on planet earth and maybe you can have an actual fruitful discussion on here.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-04-2021, 04:10 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: Yes you do because I am not expressing dislike or prejudice but rather stating a fact.

Yes you are.

A trans woman says "I am a woman. Please respect my identity as a woman."

And you say "I do not respect your identity as a woman. You are a man with a mental disease."

Do you know what the word "prejudice" even means?
Quote:"harm or injury that results or may result from some action or judgment."

Denying someone's identity is, by definition, a judgment that may result in harm or injury to them, especially if a trans woman were in a woman's gym locker room and some people decide to "teach her a lesson" about what gender she "actually" is.

Hate crimes against trans people (especially trans women) are a real thing and it's your attitude that they are not really women that is responsible for the vast majority of those hate crimes.

You can lay in bed at night and tell yourself that you aren't transphobic, you're just the guy who sees things "how they truly are."

But you're not.

You and people like you are making the world an objectively worse place with your failure to understand human decency and compassion in the face of a group of people's right to live peacefully in this world with you.

And I hope someday you realize that.
(03-04-2021, 04:12 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Kids don't care about racist images in a book and kids also don't care about seeing penises in the gym shower.  It is a fact.

I'm confused by this because they both don't make sense as sarcasm and they both don't make sense as truth.
(03-04-2021, 04:09 PM)hollodero Wrote: Well, being white does not create a stereotype that might influence your live in a significantly disadvanatageous way.

Sure, if you want to play basketball, some might say that you can't jump.

Blacks have a history of slavery that still manifests itself in getting a significantly worse start in life, a hopeless one in many cases. Add in a significantly higher chance to fall victim of a crime, be shot by police, raided by police or getting imprisoned and so on. Blacks still get diminshed often, talked down to, demonstrably have a harder time to achieve anything, and there is still much racial stereotyping going on that is apparently harmful to their life.
You white dude, on the other hand, will get called privileged by someone on TV at times. Yeah, that's really awful too.

I agree that some expressions of white guilt are weird to see.

The reason behind a lot of what you stated is that a majority of blacks live in high crime, low income areas.  The question is why and how do you break that cycle?
(03-04-2021, 04:25 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: I'm confused by this because they both don't make sense as sarcasm and they both don't make sense as truth.

I'm confused why I keep arguing with you. 
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-04-2021, 04:25 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: I'm confused by this because they both don't make sense as sarcasm and they both don't make sense as truth.

The point is that something is not true just because you want to believe it.

In fact, I guarantee I can predict which statement you feel is true and which you feel is sarcastic.  And it is not based on any "fact" instead it is based on what you want to believe.
(03-04-2021, 04:24 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: Yes you are.

A trans woman says "I am a woman. Please respect my identity as a woman."

And you say "I do not respect your identity as a woman. You are a man with a mental disease."

Do you know what the word "prejudice" even means?

Denying someone's identity is, by definition, a judgment that may result in harm or injury to them, especially if a trans woman were in a woman's gym locker room and some people decide to "teach her a lesson" about what gender she "actually" is.

Hate crimes against trans people (especially trans women) are a real thing and it's your attitude that they are not really women that is responsible for the vast majority of those hate crimes.

You can lay in bed at night and tell yourself that you aren't transphobic, you're just the guy who sees things "how they truly are."

But you're not.

You and people like you are making the world an objectively worse place with your failure to understand human decency and compassion in the face of a group of people's right to live peacefully in this world with you.

And I hope someday you realize that.

I know I'm not transphobic!

A man has a penis and a woman has a vagina.  You can't suddenly make up subjective definitions to objective objects.  

I respect a trans woman saying she is a woman and I will respect her as such, but that does not change the objective reality.
(03-04-2021, 04:12 PM)Nately120 Wrote: Kids don't care about racist images in a book and kids also don't care about seeing penises in the gym shower.  It is a fact.

Oh, i'm pretty sure you are wrong about that.  lol. 
(03-04-2021, 04:33 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: I know I'm not transphobic!

A man has a penis and a woman has a vagina.  You can't suddenly make up subjective definitions to objective objects.  

I respect a trans woman saying she is a woman and I will respect her as such, but that does not change the objective reality.

Like I said, someday I hope you realize how hateful you are and reform.
(03-04-2021, 04:09 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: Here's the thing about stunts like the potato head thing.

The right getting outraged over it is literally why companies do it.

IF the right just ignored that, as they should, companies would stop doing it.

Because outrage generates clicks. And the left, who would otherwise probably not care at all about a corporate marketing stunt, now have to say calling a toy potato "potato head" rather than "Mr. Potato Head" is not something worth getting outraged over.

Then the right gets outrages that they're "Being silenced" and the cycle repeats.

And these potato toys, something I haven't even given a single thought to outside of the Toy Story Series in nearly 20 years, are now suddenly getting weeks worth of attention.

In short: Outrage culture is invented by the right because they have no actual policies to talk about (their entire CPAC was just meaningless virtue signaling towards "cancel culture," whatever the hell that is), and companies are steering into it HARD because they know they'll get signal boosted for weeks just by doing a simple, meaningless gesture of "hey guys, I'm not racist."

If the right just didn't fall for it every single time, the corporations who stand to profit from free marketing would stop doing it.

So, I agree with this.

If the "right" didn't fall for it then a lot of stunts like this would not result in anywhere near the amount of the coverage.  But...but  if there weren't other similar examples of this occuring, where the "left" (.0001% of the actual population, who seemingly only exist on Twitter) actually bullied some company or product then this climate wouldn't exist for these companies to exploit.

I'm not saying this to say that aren't things that need to be addressed, or discussed, or "canceled", I'm just pointing out that we've reached a point where it's all become a tad bit absurd.  Because of this, products like Mr. Potato Head can come in, insert themself into the conversation, and exploit it.

Again, I'm not trying to say certain things haven't been worthy of change.  I'm just pointing out that some of those things, that were not simple marketing, have created a climate where people will hear about Mr. Potato Head, and have to think a little bit about what it is that is actually going on with the decision.
(03-04-2021, 04:33 PM)BFritz21 Wrote: I know I'm not transphobic!

A man has a penis and a woman has a vagina.  You can't suddenly make up subjective definitions to objective objects.  

I respect a trans woman saying she is a woman and I will respect her as such, but that does not change the objective reality.

The difference between "sex" and "gender identity" has been explained to you a thousand times, but you refuse to acknowledge it.  

You oppose any attempt to recognize gender dysphoria.  You have big problems with people experiencing gender dysphoria.  You just attacked "the left" for "not having a problem" with people experiencing gender dysphoria.

That makes you transphobic.
(03-04-2021, 04:37 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: So, I agree with this.

If the "right" didn't fall for it then a lot of stunts like this would not result in anywhere near the amount of the coverage.  But...but  if there weren't other similar examples of this occuring, where the "left" (.0001% of the actual population, who seemingly only exist on Twitter) actually bullied some company or product then this climate wouldn't exist for these companies to exploit.

I'm not saying this to say that aren't things that need to be addressed, or discussed, or "canceled", I'm just pointing out that we've reached a point where it's all become a tad bit absurd.  Because of this, products like Mr. Potato Head can come in, insert themself into the conversation, and exploit it.

Again, I'm not trying to say certain things haven't been worthy of change.  I'm just pointing out that some of those things, that were not simple marketing, have created a climate where people will hear about Mr. Potato Head, and have to think a little bit about what it is that is actually going on with the decision.

There are very few things more vacuous than a corporation coming in and claiming to be "woke" because they know it will increase their profit margins due to the free marketing they get from both sides (the right attacking it and the left defending and/or demanding it). There's no such thing as bad publicity never shines more true than in cases like this.

The one thing I will say about corporate marketing stunts co-opting "woke" culture is that, whether we like it or not, the fact that corporations have decided that it is more profitable to be accepting (I.E. align with the left, generally speaking) than to not is an objectively good thing for society.

You know how they always say you know a meme is dead when corporations start using the meme with their corporate twitter accounts?

I think a similar thing can be said about social causes. You know a social cause has been successful when corporations are comfortable signaling towards that social cause, because they know that it will either not hurt their profits or will greatly increase their profits.

That's a really good message to have out in the world with so much hate and so much prejudice. We're on the winning side of the "culture war" and people who defend racism and sexism are just the minority screaming hopelessly into the dark and expanding void.
(03-04-2021, 04:14 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You do not understand the difference between "sex" and "gender identification".

And I doubt you have ever even heard the term "gender dysphoria".

Educate yourself.

I know what Gender Dysphoria is.

I also know men cannot actually turn into woman and vise versa.

They can pretend to, to feel better about themselves or to try and satisfy the mental disfunction, but it is still just pretend.  You are born what you are.

I certainly feel bad for people that have a psychological/mental problem with the sex they are born as.
(03-04-2021, 04:24 PM)Crazyjdawg Wrote: Yes you are.

A trans woman says "I am a woman. Please respect my identity as a woman."

And you say "I do not respect your identity as a woman. You are a man with a mental disease."

Do you know what the word "prejudice" even means?

Denying someone's identity is, by definition, a judgment that may result in harm or injury to them, especially if a trans woman were in a woman's gym locker room and some people decide to "teach her a lesson" about what gender she "actually" is.

Hate crimes against trans people (especially trans women) are a real thing and it's your attitude that they are not really women that is responsible for the vast majority of those hate crimes.

You can lay in bed at night and tell yourself that you aren't transphobic, you're just the guy who sees things "how they truly are."

But you're not.

You and people like you are making the world an objectively worse place with your failure to understand human decency and compassion in the face of a group of people's right to live peacefully in this world with you.

And I hope someday you realize that.

I can believe that men and woman cannot become the opposite sex and at the same time respect the person that is pretending to do so.
So much back and forth when it's easier to just let people be free, damn it.
[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]
(03-04-2021, 04:49 PM)Mickeypoo Wrote: I can believe that men and woman cannot become the opposite sex and at the same time respect the person that is pretending to do so.

It sounds like you don't know what "respect" is. Or you're just a troll.

It's a toss up, as far as I can tell.
Today's (Not So) Fun Fact: You can still buy Mein Kampf on Amazon.

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