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Border Crossings On Pace For Two-Decade High
The LA Times is reporting that border crossings are on pace for a two-decade high because people see the end of the Trump administration has opened the border.

The LA Times is normally a left-leaning outlet, so it speaks volumes that they're criticizing Biden. I saw an article today (or maybe it was a video) that said that even some liberal news outlets are turning on Biden now. I haven't looked into it and obviously not all because some outlets will protect liberals to the bitter end, but it spoke loudly to me.

Trump was taking a stance on immigration, which Democrats don't seem to want to take a firm stance on real issues, especially with Biden as President, which the rest of the world seems to be seeing:

Quote:A lot of them think that now that Trump is gone, if they arrive with children it will be easy to cross into the United States,” said Gabriel Romero, a Franciscan priest who runs a shelter in southern Mexico that assisted about 6,000 migrants during January and February — compared with 4,000 all of last year.

“Easy” is an exaggeration, but there is some truth to the rumors.

When people are being apprehended, it seems like Biden has put nothing in place to handle all fo the immigrants:

Quote:“The system is just really overwhelmed right now,” said Leecia Welch, an attorney at the Oakland-based National Center for Youth Law who recently interviewed 20 unaccompanied minors held on the border.

One child hadn’t showered in six days, she said. Many said they were only allowed outside every few days, for 20 minutes.

The fact that unaccompanied minors are being allowed into the U.S. for the first time in months has helped fuel rumors that the border is open to children.

There's more in the article, but you get the idea.

Those seem like human rights violations when Trump was being bashed for separating children from their families, which Biden is still doing and much worse, so why is there no outcry? Why are people not calling Biden a ruthless animal?

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Border Crossings On Pace For Two-Decade High - BFritz21 - 03-21-2021, 12:50 AM

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