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Just a stupid question about guns for a Sunday night
Had a friend pointing a gun directly at another friends face finger on the trigger ready to pull swearing it wasn’t loaded. For whatever reason decided to test his theory it wasn’t loaded by pointing it at the closet and blew a hole in the back of his closet.

There was a riflemen in my company that was a total moron. When we got to Afghanistan his squad leader with the rest of the platoons backing took every magazine but one from him. It was the live fire rushing drill that was the icing on the cake. Where we work our way closer to the objective, every other person rushes while the ones not rushing cover fire. Well he never moved and just kept firing. With everybody else moving in and him still way in the back shooting his little heart out things got way to close for comfort. He ended up joining the Army once he got out of the USMC and my already low opinion of the Army has forever been brought even lower.

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RE: Just a stupid question about guns for a Sunday night - NATI BENGALS - 03-22-2021, 07:25 PM

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