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Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler
(03-26-2021, 04:30 PM)fredtoast Wrote: You are moving the goalposts so fast I can't keep up.

First you talk about how waiting a long time to have a press conference is proof of senility.  Then I showed you that Trump did the exact same thing.

So you moved the goalpost to Biden not making ANY public appearances.  Then when I threatened to show how ridiculous  that comment was you moved the goalposts again to "doing something".  

So what exactly do you mean by doing something?  Making public comments?  Addressing groups of people?  What exactly are you claiming Trump was doing that Biden has not been doing?

Answering questions to the public.  

Trump did things in the first 100 days that were other than signing things where people told him to sign when he had no clue what he was signing, which is what was and is happening with Biden.

Day 1: signed an order to find ways to ease the burden of Obamacare.

Day 2: Made an appearance at the CIA and expressed his support for them.

Skipping ahead to day 22 on February 10tj, Trump has a joint news conference with the Japanese Prime Minister.  You think Biden's handlers would let him do anything like that?

You may disagree with his Tweets, but at least he was always Tweeting and letting the world know what was going on.

Actually, here's a list of Trump's first 100 days.

How much has Biden even left the White House?

Also, I didn't move the goalposts; you're just trying to play with words like you always do.

Trump didn't do the exact same thing.  Trump was out doing things and would answer questions.

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RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - BFritz21 - 03-26-2021, 05:14 PM

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