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Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler
(03-28-2021, 11:54 AM)KillerGoose Wrote: Well, to begin with, I already posted my thoughts and opinions on the actual topic of this thread a page or two back. You chose to ignore that, which is very typical of you. That’s my main basis for that statement; you don’t come into this area of the website for rational or logical conversation. You come in to say Biden sucks and then get into spats with posters about things not even remotely related to the topic you posted. Like you’re doing here.

To be more direct on what we are talking about now, if you lack the intellectual capacity to understand why it is humorous to claim that you “look into what is posted” and then follow that up with claiming that you “stopped reading after the third line”, I don’t know what to tell you.

I’m not saying that you should inspect everything that Fred reads. I’m saying that making the claim that you check everything that is posted while simultaneously claiming you didn’t even read 10% of what was posted is comical. It doesn’t mean that you’re being stupid because there are plenty of times where I have started reading something and then just found it wasn’t worth the effort to finish. I am also not claiming that I read whatever that was, or looked into whatever that was.

This is a lot of explaining for something that I found funny and shouldn’t be this difficult to understand. I don’t even know why I am explaining this.

How many times do I have to explain this:  if the 66% fo the first three "examples" that Fred posts are false, why would anyone waste the time to read the rest, especially when Fred has been known to post false links before?  (I know he'll try to get me banned for that, so I apologize to the mods, but I'm not bashing or attacking him, I'm just stating facts.)

A good debater starts off their argument with strong facts and finishes strong, so why would I bother to think the rest of the links had anything worthwhile if 2 of the first 3 were wrong?

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RE: Border Crisis- Biden's Worse Than Hitler - BFritz21 - 03-28-2021, 02:16 PM

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