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Transgender vets now have a VA clinic

Mind you this is the same Houston Mayor who ordered all preachers to turnover their sermons to her office for review.

I hope they try and picket the super bowl lol. Let's see how many they can muster up for that .... No Texan is boycotting football.

Quote:The fight for HERO began last year in May, when a law was first established by the Houston City Council, effectively banning discrimination in housing, employment, public accommodations and city services based on race, religion, age, disability, military status, sexual orientation, gender identity and other characteristics.

Conservative groups, mainly led by religious leaders, launched an effort to force a repeal of the law, mainly through emotional ads under the slogan "No Men in Women's Bathrooms," suggesting that allowing transgender people to use the sex-specific bathroom reflecting their gender identity would allow sexual predators to camp out in women’s restrooms.

This past July, the Texas Supreme Court ordered the city to either repeal the law or place it on the ballot.

Anti-HERO activist Jared Woodfill said this is Houstonians’ "no" to men in women's bathrooms, Houston Public Media reported.

"This is what the mayor was afraid of," Woodfill said of the ballot referendum. "This is why she tried so hard to keep it from the people, because she knew if the people had an opportunity to exercise their voice on this through their vote, they would overwhelmingly reject it."

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Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - StLucieBengal - 11-05-2015, 01:03 AM

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