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Trans Youth Speaks Out As Alabama Debates Banning Medical Treatment
(03-30-2021, 11:07 AM)BmorePat87 Wrote: I responded to the topic of the thread, not the responses made by anyone in it.

I see. 

Quote:However, if you want me to I will address your post. I think jumping into a discussion centered around what medical decisions a family can make by reframing it as only a question of minors making unilateral medical decisions and then comparing it to holding them criminal responsible is a really bizarre argument. The comparison is irrelevant to the conversation and only serves to distract from the issue by creating a false premise that needs to be answered. 

Well, much like my assumption about your post, you are making one about mine.  I took the opportunity to voice my opinion on the issue as a whole, not just the Alabama law.

Quote:You used a slippery slope argument, acknowledging the benefits of hormone therapy for teens before then focusing on extreme examples of teens trying to unilaterally make the decision or being peer pressured into being trans.

Yeah.  Aside from your mischaracterization of my second point.  This isn't a black and white issue and I think acknowledging that is important.

Quote:We're talking about a bill that would make it a felony to treat a teen with hormone therapy after the teen, their parent, their therapist, and their doctor decided it was appropriate. In reality, that's who is involved in this process. The bill would also require teachers to out trans kids to their parents, which would only serve to cause more harm to the child. 

I haven't seen a single person in this thread support this bill.  If what you're saying is that voicing legitimate concerns about this issue is analogous to supporting this extreme law then I don't know what to tell you.

Quote:The author of the bill admitted that he had never once spoken to a trans kid in his entire life. He didn't even know if hormone therapy was occurring for juveniles in Alabama. He just decided this was something he wanted to outlaw. As I said, the purpose of this law is to hurt trans people, not help them. 

Moving aware from the absolute harm of the the bill at its surface by presenting these rare what-if scenarios seemingly as a justification for it, is harmful rhetoric. It contributes to the narrative that trans juveniles lack agency, that they are incapable of knowing themselves, and that their feelings are transient.

Here's where I think you're a little to close to this issue.  I don't see having legitimate concerns about this issue as anything close to supporting this type of law.  It's almost like you're using your "slippery slope" argument, which you were against above, to label any discussion on the issue at all.

Quote:It also is better addressed through completely separate policy. There's a huge difference between "make it a felony and compel teachers to out students" and "ensure that the decision is made with consultation of a therapist and doctor". One method treats trans kids as subhuman. One respects their humanity. 

I completely agree, but no one in this thread has said anything close to supportive of this bill.

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RE: Trans Youth Speaks Out As Alabama Debates Banning Medical Treatment - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 03-30-2021, 11:51 AM

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