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Lawsuit: Virginia police officers threatened man during stop
(04-11-2021, 11:02 PM)Benton Wrote: Ok, you want a real response instead of the sarcasm this kind of absurdity needs? The kind of sarcasm demanded by this?

The cops should've been fired.

Interesting, I'm sure you'll substantiate this point.

Quote:They initiatedd a stop because they couldn't see his license plate. He slowed down, put on his signal indicating he was pulling over and in about a minute and a half, had his vehicle pulled into a well lit parking lot. How did the cops respond?

A minute and a half is a long time to drive after being lit up.  Try running in place for a minute and a half and then tell me if it's a long time or not.

Quote:With guns out and threats of violence. When he indicated he was trying to comply with conflicting commands given by the two officers, more threats of violence by them.

This is a bullshit characterization of what actually occurred.  The initial officer ordered him to put his hands out of the window how many times before he finally complied?  It was at least around ten times.  Would it take you more than two to finally do what you're being instructed to do?  The "threats" of violence, which consisted of one statement (ride the lightning), only occurred after this dude actively refused to do what he was instructed to do.  He even tried to play the "I'm a veteran" card, like that excuses him from actually following a lawful order.

Quote:If they did it based on training, their training is flawed and they shouldn't be handling interactions with the general public, and should be fired. If they did it because they have emotional issues that prevent them from handling interactions with the public, they should be fired.

Yeah, you honestly sound like the people on Twitter.  Let me clue you in, because you're completely wrong on this one.  If you are stopped by the police follow their instructions.  He refused to exit the vehicle after being ordered to do so, stating he did not have to.  This is 100% wrong.  By law you must exit your vehicle if ordered to do so.  You want to get twisted out of shape because of one statement by one of those officers, where is your condemnation for repeatedly refusing to follow a lawful order?

Quote:People should have respect for interactions with officers, but that's a two way street. If every time a cop pulled me over he came at me with a loaded firearm drawn, I'd stop pulling over. And no, that's not sarcasm.

How about this, next time you get pulled over refuse to do so for a minute and a half.  The when you finally do stop refuse to follow the officer's instructions.  I can guarantee you your experience will mirror this one.  Honestly, the fact that a normally rational person like yourself can have such a head in the ground position on this only shows how shitty things are for LEO's right now.  Enjoy the skyrocketing crime rates while people condemn law enforcement for doing their job.

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RE: Lawsuit: Virginia police officers threatened man during stop - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 04-12-2021, 01:13 AM

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