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Teen girl in Columbus killed by police
I will give you 100% true story about my news consumption.

About 8 months before Trumps election I couldn't even tell you the difference between Rep/Dem/Con/Lib. I mean literally had no clue. I would always go to to see what was going on, but never paid too much attention to the political stuff.

When Trump decided to run for Prez and CNN started covering him I became interested to see if someone like that could pull it off. Plus I liked the USA 1st message. Wanting to put your own Country first and do what is best for your own people just makes sense to me.

While watching and reading coverage I started learning a little about politics. I still had no idea media outlets were bias or that some would turn into parts of the RNC/DNC.....IE propaganda. I was still looking at and watching CNN exclusively.

As time went on I started to feel like the coverage was getting extremely negative and hostile. I started googling and found different news orgs to check out. CNN got so bad that I found myself searching for something I thought would be more neutral. I happened on FOX and they were not nearly as hostile toward Trump. Remember, I am just learning that there are even biases in the news and what Reps/Dems/Cons/Libs are.

I grew up when there was no 24/7 news cycle and the nightly news my parents would have on was straight news and no opinion and was only on for about an hour.

So I started watching Fox because they seemed far less hostile and even though I could tell they exaggerated some of the things they were talking about, but I could parse that out and see the point they were trying to make, whereas CNN came off as hateful/mean/hostile. Again, my opinion was pretty unbiased as I was just learning the differences politically.

About 3 months before the election things, to me, were just out of control in general. News orgs, society, etc. So I just stopped paying to much attention to the news. And now here I am. I have learned a lot following the drama for over 4 years, but it was time to disconnect.

IMO we are never going to be unified again and things will only get worse until the Country fails. When you are a white dude making it seem racist that the 1st 3 draft picks are white, then we are past the point of no return as far as i'm concerned.

I don't think any particular way because of Fox or CNN or because I am a Lib or a Con. I just go with what feels right. That is why I am always complaining about being put in boxes.

As an example, I am not against illegal immigration because Fox or CNN tells me to go one way or the other. I am against illegal immigration because to me it does nothing positive for our Country or us a citizens. There is a right way to come in. That's me, not a news org giving me talking points. To me it just seems like common sense to build walls and protect the border by any means. I don't mean for this to become another discussion, just using it as one example.

Anyway, if you got this far in my rambling congrats, here is a gold star! lol.

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RE: Teen girl in Columbus killed by police - Mickeypoo - 04-28-2021, 02:08 PM

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