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Is Biden A Hypocrite Or Did He Just Forget?
(05-04-2021, 12:00 PM)hollodero Wrote: To be fair though, everything anyone could ever say makes you know that. This sentence refers to your particular reality-proof stubbornness and hence can be seen as personal attack if you wish; my former response was not an attack. It just reflected my opinion that your threads are particularly vile and go nowhere but down. And I have multiple examples to back that opinion up.

As for your own sake, you are in the wrong board to discuss politics if you only seek affirmation and acclaim for your extreme views. No sarcasm, you'd be better served on the Breitbart forum really. There you can describe anyone who isn't 100% Trump and does not detest Biden as being wrong, awful or mentally ill, and you'd get the applause for that you're seeking here to no avail. 

Btw. @masonbengalsfan this is not about rejecting any critizism of Biden. It is about rejecting critizism of Biden that is based on faulty interpretation (eg. equating travel restrictions and leaving out the words sourrounding that action, which were the whole issue with Trump's China attitude to begin with), selective perception or pure partisanship and prejudice. Eg. it is about rejecting critizism of Biden that claims Biden has dementia, is mentally gone or is a racist using the n-word and whatnot. And I know that you know that full well and still pour gasoline on that fire... just saying.

I am aware though that I might just break my own suggestion, I rather regard it as a clarification though. For anyone responding here, have fun in this programmed desaster of a thread.

 I don't remember ever posting anything in those threads mentioning Biden having dementia, comparisons to Hitler or using the n-word other than to say they were wrong if I posted in them at all.... just saying...

 Do I think he's a crooked old bastard that's been in Washingon way too long, portrayed himself as a moderate to get elected & then caved too his far left. You bet I do.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

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RE: Is Biden A Hypocrite Or Did He Just Forget? - masonbengals fan - 05-04-2021, 12:45 PM

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