Poll: Which Jersey Will You Buy?
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Which Jersey Are You Going To Buy?!
(05-05-2021, 08:23 AM)BigPapaKain Wrote: That's the single most idiotic thing I've read on this message board, and I see the shit that gets posted over in P and R.

You don't financially support a company when it does shit you disagree with. You don't financially support a team when they don't make real attempts at putting a better team together. You hold them both accountable the only way the consumer can - with your money - until they prove that they've changed their practices or are actually committed to winning games.

Calling people fairweather fans because they don't buy ugly ass new jerseys of a team that hasn't won a playoff game in 30 ***** years - miss me with that bullshit. You come off like those Browns fans from 20 years ago - "tHiS yEaR iS oUr YeAr I cAn FeEl iT'. 

Nah man - our coaching staff has won a grand total of 6 games in 2 years and let Burrow get his knee shredded after 11 games, telling us that the offensive line is fine. They have done nothing to earn any money from any of us.

Maybe you misread what I wrote in plain English. Let me knock this out in crayon for you so you can better understand.....

YoU aRe A faIr wEAthR faN. nOt BecAUse YOu arE nOt BuYIng a jErsEy, bUt bEcAUsE yoU arE nOt bUyIng A jERsY UNTIL THEY WIN.

The "not give the Bengals money" thing is idiotic and, to the little degree that it's not... it becomes self defeating.

The Bengals make nearly all of their money from TV deals. Jersey sales is a pittance. But, you want them to do better on the field? That requires players... that cost money. So, you want to not give the Bengals any money... while asking for them to.... do something that requires money. SMART

You must not go to games.... and try to be the 12th man to help them win. You know... actually influence the result you want .... SMART.

You must not watch them on TV, either, because THAT is what gives the Bengals the real $$$$. Ratings = Advertising $$$s.

And no looking at Bilboards around NFL vities or NFL Websites. ESPECIALLY Bengals websites or.... Heyyyyy, wait a minute!!!!!!

^ "I won't spend money because Bengals lose and they don't deserve money".... idiotic, ironic, and impossible to do in every way. Yet, here you are telling me I wrote something idiotic? Oooooooook.

But, don't worry. You won't have to buy a new jersey. I will do it for you. #21 Fairweather once they start winning.

You even called the new uniforms "ugly ass". Can the Bengals do nothing right in your eyes? Well, unless they "win a playoff game". You are so emotionally broken.... BY A FOOTBALL TEAM YOU DON'T PLAY ON OR WORK FOR.... that you can't even like it when they change uniforms.

I'll throw in a box of tissues and vagisil with the jersey to help you heal up. I'm sure you'll be out there pimping your Bengals fandom hard once they start winning. Don't want anyone to identify you because you're itching your crotch walking around PBS yelling Who Dey... once they start winning... because you're "such a fan". 

Team has had 4 tough years (2 of which are during a total rebuild) after going to the playoffs 5 straight and you're just out here throwing a ***** fit.


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RE: Which Jersey Are You Going To Buy?! - PDub80 - 05-05-2021, 09:20 AM

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