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Continued Trump Administration Fallout
(05-05-2021, 09:16 PM)hollodero Wrote: As someone with his share of Nazis in his family history, I have to refrain from holding her father's sins against her. Also, I am more than content with her own sins anyway. She did keep her mouth shut and rose in the ranks of the party she now suddenly deems to be at a moral crossroads and in danger of going down a dark path, as if there were no signs for that in the years before. I have no sorrow for her whatsoever, and I don't really believe she is genuine; if she were, she'd be long gone.

A friend of my sister's grandfather was in the Waffen SS.  Sincerely nice guy, and he was a conscripted member, not a volunteer (I also get that age tends to mellow a person quite a bit).  So I don't, as I said, usually ascribe to the sins of the father.  Liz Cheney is different because I see little difference between her and her father's politics, just their power levels.

Quote:I feel she just made a strategic mistake and fell into a trap in these few weeks after the Capitol storming where many for whatever reason seemed to believe Trump is actually tarnished and done now. She saw an opportunity to come out ahead in that situation and jumped the gun with her impeachment vote and her oh so brave stance of being pro law and democracy and not liking Capitol storms. And now, after it became clear that Trump is anything but gone and everyone is back to lining up behind him to kiss His High Moronity's ass, she's stuck on a position no longer feasible within her party any longer.

There's definitely some truth to this.  I don't agree with the degree of Trump's influence going forward, but your position does appear to be the more correct at this point in time.

Quote:To say something nice, at least she's not Lindsey "I am sooo done with this now" Graham. She did not go full 180 and held her probably career-ending course instead, which maybe deserves some respect. I wouldn't go as far as to call it principled, because see above, a principled person would not be there in the first place, and probably also would not have gone down the "these Peter Strzok text messages might amount to treason and coup-planning" road.

I'd probably have more respect for it if she didn't have innumerable fall back positions.  It's easy to tale a stand, even if it's late in the game, when you have the family connections and wealth she has.

Quote:Btw. I wonder who is on that top three pieces of shit list of yours. I mean, Trump has to be on that too... right? Nixon? Just three seems so narrow so soon...

I'd honestly have to give it some thought.  For me Trump was, especially before the "Big Lie" way more bluster than substance.  I've made the point here several times that George W. was a far more destructive and dangerous POTUS than Trump.  I suppose whether he, Trump, appears on the list depends on how much you think his actions have endangered the US system.  Nixon?  Not even close.  He was underhanded, and certainly not adverse to skullduggery, but he was a brilliant man and a superb POTUS from the foreign policy aspect of the position.  Also, consider what a shitshow he inherited from Kennedy/LBJ.  While he certainly deserves much of the criticism he gets, he's not even close to top three IMO.

I'd put George Wallace in the top three.  He was so dedicated to racism and segregation that he basically made it a foundation of his "party platform".  He actually won 46 Electoral College votes.  To put it in German/Austrian terms, it's like a politician went closer to National Socialism than AfD, by a lot, and yet still won Anhalt, Thuringen, Saxony and Brandenburg.  John Tyler would certainly be in the conversation.  Jessie Helms and Strom Thurmond are some modern examples.  I'd honestly have to give it some thought, but I'd definitely put Dick Cheney and George Wallace in there.  But I also sincerely believe that Dick Cheney was the real POTUS for probably the first six years of the W. administration.  He orchestrated the deaths of hundreds of thousand, and destabilized a region to this day, with bullshit lies so he could enrich himself and his friends.  If there is a hell he's being spit roasted for eternity, and not with a stick, if you get what I mean.

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RE: Continued Trump Administration Fallout - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 05-05-2021, 09:49 PM

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