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New York attorney general seeks to dissolve NRA...
(05-12-2021, 12:26 PM)Au165 Wrote: An organization that admitted to committing crimes? Yes.

Which is absolutely not the same as a criminal organization.  Al Qaeda is a criminal organization, Los Zetas is a criminal organization, the Mexican Mafia is a criminal organization.  La Cosa Nostra is a criminal organization.

Quote:The prosecution is simply charging for crimes that are believed, or in this case admitted, to have occurred. If we removed her name from the charging documents and made them an assistant of hers do your concerns magically go away? It's a nice strawman argument but doesn't really make any sense since she is literally doing exactly what the law would call for in such a case...or, you know, doing her job.

The appearance of bias, or the idea that the justice system should be unbiased is hardly a straw man, it's a cornerstone of our judicial system.  That you don't get this is honestly unnerving.  As to your question, no one in her organization should be trying the case.  She's the boss and she's shown herself to be biased against the NRA.  Much like the McCluskey case in St. Louis the case should be moved to an organization that hasn't been tainted.

Quote:Okay? So you are admitting that if the Judge agrees with her you automatically disagree with the ruling?

Is that what I said?  Am I arguing with Fred now?  You made a statement that if a judge goes along with her recommendations then that proves no bias on her part.  Apart from this being a clear logical fallacy I merely pointed out that I'll remember your blind adherence to judicial authority the next time a ruling comes down that you don't like.

Quote:Interesting you are so adamant the system doesn't work when it's related to a group you are biased in favor of (which really isn't the organization but what they claim to be for). As someone who likes to champion the system often and prosecutors being tough on crime, it is very apparent that only applies if you agree with the people in the system.

Again, not what I said.  I said this particular AG and her office have demonstrated clear bias and should not be involved with the case.  That, btw, is the system working as intended.

Quote:You went as far as discussing how the Lt. who was improperly treated should have just complied and there wouldn't be an issue, even after "the system" found he was within his rights the whole time. You then decided that based on your own opinion the system was biased against the cops and it was all crap, because one time you knew a guy something something. I'll do it your way, if the NRA just didn't commit crimes the AG wouldn't have to charge them with crimes. 

This is an actual straw man, and a poorly constructed one at that.  Also, it does not speak to the issue of bias, which is the crux of my argument.

Quote:If we are being perfectly honest, the bias you have shown on this board probably should preclude you from your job.

LOL, in what way?  In the way that you automatically believed the initial reports that the officer in Ohio just gunned that girl down with no warning?  You quickly deleted it and I was not going to bring it up, but you want to make it personal then fine.

Quote:Do you hold yourself to this same standard of administering justice while stating publicly biases?

Give me an example of a bias I have expressed that would lead a reasonable person to conclude I can't execute my job without it interfering.

Quote:Of course not, because you believe you can separate your duty from your biases. Not sure why that is so hard to understand. If it was actually a problem I am sure your superior would have a review process to either agree or disagree, similar to such a process that can play out in court.

I can tell you this, if I was on record in the news as saying that Antifa was a terrorist organization then you damned well better believe I wouldn't be put in charge of an investigation into Antifa, for the exact reasons I've already stated.  As I've already stated, the appearance of impropriety is as bad as actual impropriety, especially where the criminal justice system is concerned.

Messages In This Thread
RE: New York attorney general seeks to dissolve NRA... - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 05-12-2021, 02:51 PM

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