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Transgender vets now have a VA clinic
It's a mental disorder. If a man thought he was a cow and wanted to screw a pig, you'd think he was crazy. Even just read comments in this thread. Why is this different or treated differently than schizophrenia and other disorders? Because it's a political football, and probably because someone got an epiphany that we don't need to treat this with drugs and therapy.

Liberals have this all wrong. They should be focusing on uinisex roles and identities. But where's the fun when there's no victim?

I've never thought about myself or what I do in terms of gender long enough to even understand how I feel about that. It's not normal. Yes, you're right I don't understand it. Because I've never woken-up and said "hmmm, I feel like I man I should probably shave....or wait, does that make me a woman?.....oh, woah is me, I'm confused"

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RE: Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - JustWinBaby - 11-06-2015, 04:00 AM

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