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I'm So Damn Tired of Hearing About Women's Sports and Their Pay
So today I was scrolling around the interwebs and came across an article about a WNBA game. Apparently there was some sort of clock malfunction during the game and the refs didn't handle it in the best way. That stinks, and I can see someone complaining about the mix-up.

Anyways, the article took a sharp left turn from there. One player complained that this would have never happened in a NBA game and from there the article went to exactly where you think it would in todays climate. There were references to pay and support.

This is where you lose me. You want to tell me that there's some good female athletes out there that work incredibly hard? I believe you. I know that. You want to tell me some of these sports and players mean a lot to certain people, especially young girls? I believe you. I know that. But sports that involve players getting paid (also known as professionals) are businesses. The amount of money they bring in directly contributes to the amount of money they can pay out. It's not at all different than any other product.

Yet we keep hearing that female athletes deserve more pay. That they deserve the same resources that the men do. Why? They don't make enough money to do that. In fact, a league like the WNBA is actually subsidized by the NBA. It doesn't even generate enough profit to break even. Even with their incredibly low salaries they still lose money.

I'm just not sure what people would like to happen. Where does this money come from? Why would any business pay out more than it takes in? And if this business can't or won't do that (again, why would they?) then who steps in and pays it for them? Charity organizations? The government? The tooth fairy?

It's really freaking simple. If WNBA players or the USWNT or whoever want to make more money then they need more people to support their product. The onus is them or on the consumer, not the leagues or the sports themselves.

Making all of this worse, is I can guarantee you that like 99% of people who get online and complain about this shit don't watch it either. Like, imagine complaining that a sport isn't popular enough when you yourself don't even watch said sport.

These leagues either need to figure out a way to better market their product, or more women themselves need to support it. The alternative is just accepting like a rational adult that the reason you make so little in comparison to a men's player is because a fraction of a fraction of a percent are paying for it.

PS If someone does want to bring up the USWNT that conversation is a lot more complex than the chick with the purple hair claims it is. I'm willing to go back and find the articles to support why they don't make so much more than the men.

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I'm So Damn Tired of Hearing About Women's Sports and Their Pay - Wes Mantooth - 05-15-2021, 02:13 PM

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