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Israel strike in Gaza destroys building with AP, other media
(05-21-2021, 11:12 AM)BoomerFan Wrote: Asking people to not bring anti-Semitism up would seem to obscure facts, not bring more to light. Discussions aren't some zero sum game and the conversation doesn't have to be about either one thing or the other. Larger contexts can include both perspectives. For instance, you are able to post what you have, and I can add to conversation some evidence of how Israel is treated unfairly by some world organizations (which then creates more negative popular sentiment in a sort of feedback loop). And this is important contextually because world sentiment abroad actually still does get driven in part by real old fashion anti-Semitism to this day and you can see this in certain international organizations.

Example 1: The UN Human Rights Council spends more time looking at Israel than any other country. Say what you will about Israel, hopefully we can agree they are not the worst human rights offenders in the world and are nowhere close to North Korea, Eritrea, Sri Lanka, the Central African Republic, Iraq, and Nigeria (Boko Haram). These latter entities are only just now starting to get attention from the UNHRC, but still Israel gets way more time and denounciation:

"Thirty-one of the 802 [country-specific reports submitted to the Human Rights Council] between 2006 and 2015 concerned Israel/Palestine, by far the most for any one country."

"Since its inception in 2006, the UNHRC has released a total of 103 resolutions. Astonishingly, 56 have focused on criticizing Israel."

Example 2: UNESCO claiming the Tomb of the Patriarchs and the Temple Mount are not Jewish (I realize the sources aren't unbiased but the facts are verifiable):

"The United Nations’ animus toward Israel took a truly deplorable turn last week with the passage of a resolution implicitly denying the Jewish people’s historic connection to the holiest site in Judaism."

"That site is Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, so named for the two Jewish temples that stood on the site for almost nine centuries — the first built by King Solomon nearly 3,000 years ago, the second destroyed by the Roman legions under Titus in 70 A.D. One needn’t be a Bible scholar or a historian to know that the cultural, religious, and emotional bonds that link the Jews to Jerusalem are unparalleled. For millennia, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount have been central to Jewish self-awareness — and thus to Christianity as well, since the Temple figures prominently in the Gospels’ account of the life of Jesus."

"Alas, that didn’t stop the World Heritage Committee of UNESCO — the UN’s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization — from adopting an Orwellian resolution on the status of conservation in Jerusalem that pointedly ignored Judaism’s connection to the Temple Mount. By a 10-2 vote, with eight abstentions, the committee approved a document that not only accuses Israel of endangering the revered compound, but also refers to the site throughout solely by its Arabic name, Haram al-Sharif. This was no innocent oversight. An earlier draft of the resolution had even more aggressively airbrushed the Jewish ties from Jerusalem’s Old City. For example, it had identified the Western Wall by its Islamic name, while placing the far more familiar Jewish title in quotation marks."

How about China?   China is easily a far greater abuser of human rights, I suppose certain people only care about Muslims when it's the Jews "oppressing" them.

(05-21-2021, 11:50 AM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: A LOT of videos floating around today that are from Pro-Palestine protests in NYC yesterday.  

I have to be honest, if they're trying to get people to be sympathetic to their cause or to raise awareness some of them doing an absolute terrible job of it.  They're doing more harm than good, and if I were an actual Palestinian, living in Palestine then I'd be incensed that these people are representing me.

I thought about posting some of them here but I figured that wouldn't be totally fair or relevant to the thread.  I don't know who makes up all these groups and of course there's obvious examples of assholes across the debate.  But some of these vids are pretty shocking.

Examples of what I've seen:  Going up to diners who sitting outside eating, and spitting on them.  10 on 1 beatings.  Chasing people down with cars.  Hitting people with flags.  Pulling people out of the cars.  and on, and on, and on....

I'm sure many will disagree but these are many of the same issues I had with the BLM movement.  Even if there's loads of people there with the best intentions, who aren't causing problems, people like this can really derail your entire message.  It's no wonder some Americans become unsympathetic when they're met with these acts.  I think these organizations or the people who are apart of them really need to call this shit out and put a stop to it.  They're only hurting the cause.

I'm sure Dill will defend it because of "power imbalance".  You have to understand, they don't have power so throwing temper tantrums and beating up random people is the only way they can express their dismay.

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RE: Israel strike in Gaza destroys building with AP, other media - Sociopathicsteelerfan - 05-21-2021, 02:27 PM

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