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Kamala Harris: Enjoy The Long Weekend
(06-09-2021, 10:45 AM)hollodero Wrote: So the thesis would be that if people just didn't dislike Trump so much Trump fans would not have stormed the Capitol.

That sounds highly illogical.

Unless, of course, you want to blame Biden voters in general. After all, if they hadn't voted for Biden in sufficient numbers no insurrection attempt would have felt necessary. But that sounds just as illogical.

Well, your call for sure. But as long as the only evidence/question you actually presented remains your impression that Biden should have gotten less votes because that's just your gut feeling, I see zero reason to take your impression into any account.

No, I think most of the blame is on the media honestly.  If you just look at their psycho rage and hate they spewed by the minute you can see how people would be up in arms.  When half the Country is constantly being called names and told they are pieces of sh!t and racist biggots just because of who they voted for and the policies they wanted to see implemented that is a huge problem.  

If there was actually any semblance of fair coverage things would be a lot less divided.  Trump may very well have not fought the media like he did if they were acting with any integrity instead of like psycho left wing nuts for 4.5 years.  Didn't some lady just say she dreams about killing white people?  Effed up stuff man.  

Sorry you cannot see any of that.  Trump bad orange racist.  grunt grunt.  Still waiting for someone to show me an actual racist quote from Trump that you don't have to read super deep into to maybe, kinda, sorta, possibly find a racist tinge.

You know what I can find, actual racist quotes from Dems toward Scott.

As far as the election, you are not listening to me.  I said, after I did my own research, there are a lot of things that happened and that do not add up that have never been answered.  It's pretty simple.  I never said it was stolen.  I said questions need to be answered that nobody seems to have the answers to.  Not saying anything more.  Interpret that however you want.

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RE: Kamala Harris: Enjoy The Long Weekend - Mickeypoo - 06-09-2021, 11:13 AM

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