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The Fight Against Fascists (I Can't Believe This Exists)
(06-10-2021, 11:46 AM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: I'm at work so I'll try to get to the rest of your post here shortly. (I saw Dill's as well and will do the same) Perhaps I didn't do the best job in getting my point across, or perhaps we're just getting off track. 

My main point was that I don't think you can attach a group like this to a candidate or a recent platform.  While there may be some individuals in these groups that would vote over one candidate or another (lesser of two evils in their minds), I don't think their views (Antifa or Wolverine Watchman) sync up with either party.  These guys (Watchamn) are MAGA types as much as Antifa are Biden Bros (I just made this up to give a desciption).  They're each their own batshit crazy thing, that we should be very careful linking to a larger group.

As far as your post above, I'd be curious to hear what you think of this.  I'm linking the libertarian subreddit, and I pre-sorted it by top posts over the last year.  You don't have to click on any of the topics, unless you really want to, but just scroll down the page and tell me if they appear more conservative or liberal.   And if they appear to be neither, I can tell you from time seeing their topics one the main page, they HATE Donald Trump and they HATE cops.

Fwiw, I understand there's different types of "libertarians" but I think this could be interesting.  Also, I'm pretty sure the groups spoken about above, along with Annonymous and that Boogaloo BS all came from 4chan, which is some next level shit.  Same site that decided for fun if they could trick people into thinking the "ok symbol" is a white supremecy sign.  And what started as a joke, got some legs, and now who knows what it exactly is.

My heart swells seeing the headlines of those posts. Maybe I should be rooting for the Libertarians to rise up and take over the GOP.

Of course, Reddit is a disproportionately left wing social media site (I know many people think they all are left wing, but Reddit is beyond even that), so I wonder if those were just upvoted by leftists to get them to the top of the subreddit or, maybe, the reddit was taken over by leftists at some point. There was a recent situation where a subreddit called Tankiejerk was taken over by tankie moderators (tankies are authoritarian apologists for "left-wing" states like China and Soviet Russia. They identify as leftwing, but many leftists question their viability as leftists considering the amount of genocide they're willing to ignore/defend/deny). They did it with an anarchist subreddit about a year ago too.

But if these are the actual stances that libertarians hold, then there's hope for them yet! Big Grin

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RE: The Fight Against Fascists (I Can't Believe This Exists) - CJD - 06-10-2021, 12:03 PM

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