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The Fight Against Fascists (I Can't Believe This Exists)
(06-17-2021, 02:03 PM)Dill Wrote: Bengaloo, you offer more surprising statements for an "independent" who adheres to no party and is not a Trump supporter.

It looks like you are separating "attacks" on Trump from Trump's own behavior, as if there were no connection.  And you keep speaking as if the the election hasn't been audited, usually more than once, at least in the swing states.

But I'd be interested to know why every person of color you know switched to Trump and won't ever vote Democrat again. E.g., why doesn't it bother them that Trump abused his office to stay in power? To what degree do they buy into conspiracy theories like Q Anon or the Big Lie? Do they believe the MSM is all "fake news"? Do they want the FBI to come clean about Hunter Biden's laptop? What are their primary news sources?

As far as the "Biden agenda," one item near the top is repairing Trump damage to our relations with our allies, and supporting democracy rather than autocracy around the world; that means finally pushing back against Putin. End the nonsense with NK. Domestically he has already gotten a handle on the COVID epidemic. You don't remember him promising to do that? And to address infrastructure? Biden's agenda was not covered well on some networks, which on the other hand trumpeted Trump's "accomplishments" 24/7.

I probably offer more surprising statements because I will give credit where credit is due, and dont just follow the pack on either side. I read both right and left sided news and decide for myself. I look at whats in front of me and how policy is working out for people in real actual life instead of relying on someones opinion and being so eager to tote a party line. Given that I have family of color who live in places like Detroit, I can honestly say that they have had a raw deal. My family were mostly democrats for my entire life, but a lot of them are switching not because of what NPR , Huffpo, Fox, Breitfart, etc says, but because of what they see with their own eyes happening in their own communities, and they are looking at the politicians at this point. Detroit has been destroyed, and the politicians involved were Democrats the entire time. Their policies failed the black communities there big time, but they dont want to fix it, they want to do even more of what ruined it in the first place. So now, they are voting more republican because they want to see something different and give it a chance. Can you really blame them for wanting to try something else at this point? BLM isnt helping them. Just making them weaker and more divided.

A lot of the blacks in my family feel like they are and have been being used by the democrats for many years and they are sick of it. They are sick of being treated differently because of the color of their skin, which is the very definition of racism. They are capable of working, going to college, getting ID's, including voter ID's yet a bunch of white liberal democrats argue that they aren't. They dont need babied and more welfare and more abortion clinics and to be thought of like they just arent capable of doing things on their own. They dont want race to be talked about every day because it doesnt help racism, it fuels it. They dont believe in white privilege, or Critical Race Theory. They understand that you cant legislate morality, and that in life, some people like you and some dont, and it doesnt really matter if you're even a little bit emotionally strong. They dont want to defund the police either. They aren't wimps and they dont need a bunch of white liberals telling them whats best for them. They just want y'all to get out of their way and realize that the policies and ideas you support dont help them at all and if anything hurt them more. They want opportunity, not more handouts. A lot of them want a border wall and to get immigration under control because it affects them more than anyone, especially my family in Houston. Which is one reason they support Trump. Not too mention, before he ran for office Trump was very popular in the black community in general. Rappers rapped about him even. Black folks loved his show. He was the American dream. He was not considered racist until the main stream media started saying that because they didnt want him to be president. They know this and know how to think for themselves. While Trump was in office, black employment increased a good bit. Also, he actually did prison reform instead of just talking about it or making things worse like Kamala Harris did. They know this more than you do because they live it and not just read NPR and the other liberal rags. Real life experience vs a biased opinion journalists opinion. Thats what it comes down to. 

I expect to see a very large shift to the right in the coming years. More and more in the black an hispanic communities particularly. Its time for them to try something else. Trump got more black votes than any Republican ever this past year. That trend will continue and not just for Trump. That is my prediction, but I dont give a crap either way lol. I just want everyone to get along.

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RE: The Fight Against Fascists (I Can't Believe This Exists) - bengaloo - 06-17-2021, 04:43 PM

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