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Kamala Harris Visits Border To Find "Root Causes"
The root causes for this type of immigration are very simple:

1.) They know they have a decent chance of getting into the country.
2.) They know they have a decent chance of staying in the country.
3.) There are programs in place that ensure that their life here will be better than it was in their native country.

If you have little chance of making into the US then less people would risk it. If you had little chance of staying in the US then less people would risk it. If you had no monetary guarantees your life would improve then less people would risk it.

Now as to why we saw an influx of recent immigration, well the root cause to that is very simple as well: The current adminstration.

I'll do some digging to find them, but there's a plethora of quotes that were given during the primaries and the debates where they were literally calling for people to come.

I'm going to paraphrase this quote but Biden said: "Illegal immigrants should surge to the border. All of those people who are seeking asylum deserve to be heard We are a country that says if you're fleeing opression you should come. That's who were are."

He also said he didn't think illegal immigrants should be deported unless they commited a major crime, and that we need to change the system.

I wish I could find the video (I just looked and couldn't) but there's one on youtube of a lot of DNC candidates using this as a platform. Now it's become a reality, regardless of if they were just trying to score political points against their opponents.

It is incredibly naive not to think that a lot of this rhetoric, and the painting of Trump as Anti-Immigration and themselves as more frendly to it, has caused what we're currently seeing.

For people that are for more immigration, all I ask is for them give me a number; How many more would you like to allow in? Then give me some semblance of plan on how to make that a legal process (Who gets in, do they follow the same path to citizenship as other legal immigrants, what criteria are we using to approve them, etc.)

Messages In This Thread
! - Nately120 - 06-30-2021, 05:38 PM
RE: Kamala Harris Visits Border To Find "Root Causes" - Wes Mantooth - 06-30-2021, 10:15 AM

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