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Transgender vets now have a VA clinic
(11-06-2015, 05:55 PM)Belsnickel Wrote: I recognize that there are those that do not "pass". I could show plenty of pictures of that being the case. I've said before I am in favor of unisex restrooms. I am just pointing out the ridiculousness of the hard stance that the "plumbing" should dictate the restroom they use. Can we leave it at that? I know you would not be posting any images with the intent to ridicule in that instance but it oftentimes feels to me like posting images of those that are not as seamless in their integration can be demeaning and mocking. Even if they do not know it.

Honestly, for me it is not about the words used, but the intent behind them. I could be inferring something from your posts that is not there, but it often feels to me like your language is chosen in a manner intended to be derisive. It can come across as if you are belittling these people. You may not see it as such, but I can tell you that every person I know that is trans would take umbrage with your claim in the other thread that their identification as a gender that does not match their biological sex is a choice. These people struggle with this. Their reluctance to come to terms with it, the pressure from outside sources, causes depression among the majority of people that identify as such. Suicide rates are extremely high among the trans population because of this.

When you know people intimately (not sexually, you get my drift) that deal with this like Pat and I both do, it becomes something you look at in a different light. You've seen the struggle, you've seen the turmoil they have had to deal with while they came to terms with it. I don't wish that kind of emotion on anyone. The best thing any of us can do when we see something like this that there is so much ignorance (and this is not to use ignorance in a judgmental way, just the lack of knowledge) out there in regards to it, the only thing we can do is attempt to educate. Sometimes, because we may be close to the situation, emotions can run high and cause some issues. But really we are just trying to advocate respect.

I don't have a problem with any of these people personally. I just don't want them in the restrooms with my children. As far as adults go.... I don't agree with it still for the same reasons. Safety and I don't feel we should be making women uncomfortable to appease such a small group. Unisex restrooms are fine. That way if anyone wants the communal restroom expierence then they can have at it ...

As far as your reactions and others ..... I get that you are trying to educate. I just do not believe in anything you are talking about .... I think we all make choices conscience or unconscience. I don't begin to pretend that I understand how the mind works or how mental illness comes into play. But I do know that they have a choice to fully commit to a gender anytime they wish. And until they commit they are just living a lifestyle. A lifestyle you can change at any time.

Now I know we don't agree on this point. But I am sure we can both respect each other's opinions. I know I simplify things at times but usually for me it's Occam's razor that makes the most sense.

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RE: Houston voters respond: bathroom usage by anatomy - StLucieBengal - 11-06-2015, 06:58 PM

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